Tom and Huck
Tom and Huck is an Adventure film that was released by Disney in 1995. It is based on Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The film followed Tom Sawyer and his best friend Huckleberry Finn, who witness the murder of the town doctor by Injun Joe. To make matters worse, Muff Potter, the town drunk is accused of the murder, but only Tom knows that he's innocent, but Huck does not want to reveal the truth, stating an oath that if either of them confessed about who really did it, then they would drop dead to the ground and rot. Made even worse when their attempt to prove Muff's innocence by trying to acquire a treasure map from Injun Joe proves most difficult, and the map is burned up after several failed attempts. At the trial of Muff Potter, Tom reveals Joe as the true murderer of Doc Robinson and not Muff Potter. As a result, Joe then threatens to kill Tom if he ever sees him again, now that he spilled everything.
While attending a festival with a group of children, Tom and his other friend, Becky Thatcher, go off to explore McDougal's cave where they meet up with Injun Joe in the process. They wind up getting lost, but Becky is able to escape so that she can go get help. While in the cave, Tom manages to find the treasure but he meets up with Injun Joe once again. Just when it seems that Joe is about to kill Tom, Huck shows up and is able to save Tom. As a result, during the final scrape, Injun Joe falls over into a chasm to his death. Both Tom and Huck are declared the heroes of the town where Tom is on the front page of the newspaper and Huck is adopted by Widow Douglas.
At the end, Tom and Huck begin contemplating about their future and their friendship.
- The Alcoholic: Muff Potter
- Big Damn Heroes: Huck gets one during the climax, to save Tom from Injun Joe.
- Big No: Injun Joe gives one when he sees Tom taunting him with the emptied treasure chest.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Sid, Tom's cousin
- Clear Their Name: This was Tom's intention to prove Muff's innocence.
- Cowardly Sidekick: Emmett, as seen during the part where he and Joe are in the old house, while Tom and Huck are trying to acquire the map from Injun Joe. The biggest pointer is that he thought that Joe's hat was a ghost, because it had been snagged by the hook and rope that Tom and Huck were using and gave it the impression that it was floating like a ghost.
- Disney Villain Death: Injun Joe, when he falls into the chasm in the climax of the film.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Both Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
- Hey, It's That Guy!:
- Tom Sawyer is Randy Taylor and Young Simba.
- Huck Finn is played by the late Brad Renfro.
- Muff Potter is Friar Tuck and Professor Keenbean.
- Tom's cousin, Sid, is Uh-huh, Gus Griswold, and Lloyd Nebulon.
- Not to mention Dennis' best friend Joey as Billy Newton, the little boy who witnesses Tom whitewashing the fence.
- The Hyena: Emmett, Injun Joe's crony.
- Mucking in the Mud: Both Tom and Huck cover themselves up with mud to disguise themselves in the first attempt to get the map from Injun Joe.
- Slap Slap Kiss/Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: This was the relationship between Tom and Becky.
- Sneeze of Doom: Tom accidentally sneezes while trying to take the map from a sleeping Injun Joe, waking him up.
- Spiders Are Scary: Tom puts a jar containing a tarantula on Sid's chest while he was in bed with a cloth in his mouth, as a threat to keep Sid from telling Aunt Polly that he was running away from home.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Huck gives one of these to Tom, after Tom confessed to the court about Injun Joe being the true murderer of Doc Robinson.