Lloyd in Space

Lloyd in Space was an animated television series, running from February 2001 to February 2004 for a total of 40 episodes in four seasons.
Living far in the future, shortly after the end of World War Nine, Lloyd Nebulon is a green-skinned alien (of the Verdigrean race) with strange ears and a single antenna sticking from his head. Lloyd lives in the Intrepidville Space Station along with his telekinetic and telepathic sister, Francine, and his mother, Commander Norah Li Nebulon, the Head of Intrepidville. Lloyd's friends are Eddie R. Horton (a ginger-haired American teenage human), Kurt Blobberts (an enormous purple blob with a single eyeball and simple intelligence, of a species known as the Blobullons), and Douglas McNoggin (a giant brain with arms, feet, eyes and a mouth, of a species known as the Cerebellians).
From the creators of Recess.
- Action Mom - Norah has her moments
- Best exemplified when the boys got into a tangle with some space pirates. She shows up and announces herself and the bad to the bone pirates freak out.
- Adorkable: Lloyd, Douglas, and Kurt
- An Aesop
- Alien Hair
- Aliens Speaking English
- Alpha Bitch: Brittany.
- Ambiguous Gender: Done in one episode with a new guy who is part of a species that doesn't pick a gender until they turn a certain age. After much persuading to turn him (or rather, it) to one gender (and then flipping it), it decides that it's not telling them which gender it picks, and that they'll just have to wait until it likes one of them. What causes problems with this is that his voice is unmistakably a male voice.
- Annoying Younger Sibling - Francine
- Badly-Battered Babysitter - Lloyd, but he does get even in "Babysitter Lloyd".
- Bittersweet Ending - Love Beam No 9
- Bizarre Alien Biology
- Brains and Brawn - Kurtlas
- The Cheerleader - Brittany
- Class Trip - The episode where Lloyd's class goes to "Wormhole National Park".
- Creepy Child - Francine
- Disappeared Dad: Lloyd's dad.
- Expy: Brittany acts like (and is voiced by the same girl as) Ashley A.
- Fantastic Racism - "The Big Feud"
- Fiery Redhead - Eddie
- Four Man Band
- The Hero - Lloyd
- The Lancer - Eddie
- The Big Guy - Kurt
- The Smart Guy - Douglas
- Freaky Friday Flip - Combined with an aversion of Voices Are Mental in "Lloyd Changes His Mind".
- Feud Episode - "The Big Feud".
- Gentle Giant - Kurt
- Green-Skinned Space Babe - Norah
- A Good Name for a Rock Band - In one episode, Boomer and the gang (minus Kurt) came up with a lot of names for possible bands.
Lloyd: Later, Boomer!
Boomer: (rubbing his chin) Later Boomer?
- Hey, It's That Voice! - many of the main voices from Recess can be heard throughout the show.
- Not to mention the big purple guy sounds like a certain starfish who is best friends with a certain sponge.
- Lou 2000, Station's rude, lazy and bad-mouthed backup system, voiced by John Dimaggio, who also voiced another rude, lazy and bad-mouthed robot in Futurama.
- Larry sounds like the leader of the Pale Kids, Mandark, and Ned.
- Dunkirque is Dan Castellaneta (Homer Simpson, The Genie, and Earthworm Jim).
- Douglas is Milhouse. His dad is Chaz Finster, while his mom is Miss Grotke.
- Ho Yay - Lloyd and Eddie.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters - A fat rich lady alien dislikes Eddie for teasing her pet.
- In Space
- Jerkass: The popular crowd.
- Eddie, sometimes.
- Francine as well.
- Eddie, sometimes.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Cindy's mean head. They do share the same heart, after all.
- Miniature Senior Citizens - somewhat played straight, no Blobullon senior citizens have been shown, but it is shown that Blobullons are born large when young but get smaller as they grow up, hence why kindergarten Kurt is like a giant, while present kurt looks like he's big boned, and kurts parents are shorter than most of the teenagers and adults in the series.
- Mama Bear- Nora
- Multiple Head Case: Cindy. Lloyd wants to take only the nice one to the dance.
- Oonerspism: "Wack to burk, everyone! I mean...back to work."
- Puberty Superpower - Inverted with Francine. Nora mentions several times her psychic powers will go away as she gets older.
- But played straight with Lloyd, though only temporary, and a case of Blessed with Suck.
- Production Posse: Almost every voice actor on Recess came back for the show. Courtland Mead, Justin Shenkarow, Eddie Deezen, April Winchell, Andi McAffee, and even more than that.
- Rebellious Princess - Boomer
- Rhymes on a Dime - Eddie's relatives have names that rhyme. Eddie never noticed it before.
- The Rival - Scott
- Robot Buddy - Station
- Screwed by the Network: The show, while wasn't as popular as Recess, was still well recieved, however due to the ending of the One Saturday Morning block, the show ended as well.
- Shout-Out - Station's eye is similar to HAL 9000
- Lloyd's dream on his 13th birthday in the first episode.
- Shrinking Violet
- The Slacker - Boomer
- Small Name, Big Ego - Eddie.
- Also Lloyd, in the episode where he turns thirteen and thinks that this not only makes him a miniature adult, but also that he doesn't have to do schoolwork and stuff like that.
- Superpowerful Genetics - Young Verdigrean girls like Francine have mind-reading and telekinesis powers.
- Token Human - Eddie is the token human character
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Cindy (both heads)
- Totally Radical - Boomer
- Tsundere - Brittany is Type A Tsundere for Lloyd, as revealed in "Love Beam #9".
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future
- Uncanny Family Resemblance - Eddie's relatives, in addition to having names that rhyme.
- Unusual Euphemism
- Valley Girl - Brittany and Megan
- Whole-Plot Reference - The "Kurtlas" episode is clearly based on the children's book Freakthe Mighty.
- You Mean "Xmas"