The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

A classic novel written by American novelist Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens).

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is about the young Tom Sawyer and his adventures growing up in the mid-western United States of the 1840s -- specifically, the mythical St. Petersburg, Missouri. The town is based on Twain's own Hannibal. A slice of Americana, Tom Sawyer is the precursor to the more recognized classic: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The book is in public domain, and the full text is available online at Project Gutenberg.

Tropes used in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer include:

So they inwardly resolved that so long as they remained in the business, their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing.

  • Puppy Love: Tom and Becky
  • Relax-O-Vision: "Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene."
  • The Savage Indian: Injun Joe
  • The Tooth Hurts: Tom has a toothache and Aunt Polly decides the tooth has to come out. She ties one end of a string to the tooth and the other end to a bedpost, then frightens Tom with a hot coal. When Tom jerks away, the string yanks out the tooth.
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