Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger/Characters
Special Police Dekaranger
Banban "Ban" Akaza / Deka Red | Actor: Ryuji Sainei
Newcomer of the Earth branch of SPD. Ban is a hyperactive, Hot-Blooded officer calling himself the 'fireball' of the team, which means he'd be the guy who'll charge headlong into battle and leave the thinking for later, which gets him at odds with Hoji. Despite his brashness, he's still a good guy at heart. Later gets promoted into the Fire Squad. Prefers fighting with dual guns.
- Anime Hair: Brushed down in Gokaiger.
- Character Development: Post-series, if he is to make appearances (such as in Magiranger vs Dekaranger and Gokaiger), Ban is usually less loud and hyperactive, acting more mature in general, though his impulsiveness sometimes still shows.
- Cowboy Cop
- Even the Guys Want Him: Tell that to Hoji and Tetsu.
- Gun Kata
- The Hero
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Keigo Atobe!
- Honor Before Reason
- Hot-Blooded
- Idiot Hero
- Image Song: Bang Bang
- Justice Will Prevail: It's his motto and Catch Phrase.
- Keet
- Large Ham
- Law of Chromatic Superiority
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Hoji's blue.
- Replacement Scrappy: In-universe; Hoji viewed and treated him as such after Ban replaced his commanding officer. They got better.
- Rookie Red Ranger
- Shout-Out: To Agatha Christie.
Houji "Hoji" Tomasu / Deka Blue | Actor: Tsuyoshi Hayashi
A cold, calculating cop who strives for perfection in most of things. He didn't take the addition of Ban very well since he replaced an officer he respected, but he soon came to warm up with him. Known for his sniping skill, Hoji is a reliable officer, even if he guns down anyone not a 'pro', like Ban or Umeko. He also has a nasty habit of saying Gratuitous English A LOT.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Boxing Lesson: Indulges himself in one when trying to prepare for an underground fighting ring.
- By-The-Book Cop
- Catch Phrase: Some, including "Don't call me 'partner'" or "Super Cool. Perfect!"
- Cold Sniper -> Friendly Sniper
- Defrosting Ice King
- Gratuitous English: So, so mu--oh my God, I'm so sorry!
- Heartbroken Badass: After the incident with Teresa, he's this.
- Image Song: Blue is the Sky
- The Lancer
- My Greatest Failure: Along with Jasmine; getting caught and caused his Sempai to get a career-breaking injury was one for him.
- Number Two: It's even on his suit.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Ban's red.
- Signature Move: Blue Finish
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Tsundere: To Ban
Senichi "Sen-chan" Enari / Deka Green | Actor: Yousuke Ito
An odd officer. Sen likes to do a headstand pose, which is his thinking pose. With that, he's usually able to solve lots of mysteries, making him one of the greatest brains in the team. He's usually calm, polite and overall a Nice Guy. Doing lots of atrocious things in front of him, however, will REALLY piss him off and he's ready to go batshit on the evildoer.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Yeah, go ahead, try doing nasty things on innocents in front of him. Just a Nice Guy, right? WRONG!
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Is a very competent officer despite having really weird habits and bordering Cloudcuckoolander.
- Cannot Spit It Out: To Umeko.
- Chick Magnet: Probably second only to Billy in terms of nerds who get lots of female attention
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Umeko, again. But the finale and the team-up with Magiranger suggest that they officially hook-up.
- The Heart
- Hey, It's That Guy!: His actor plays Kisuke Urahara in the Bleach musicals. Later on, he gets to play Magis, a DEAD Green Ranger
- Image Song: Railway to Happiness
- Putting on My Thinking Cap: Headstands
- Rule of Three
- Signature Move: Green Cut
- The Smart Guy: Outside battlefield, due to his Thinking Pose.
Marika "Jasmine" Reimon / Deka Yellow | Actress: Ayumi Kinoshita
Jasmine is an ESPer, which means she possesses psychic powers which she can use to read people's minds or trace past events from an item. Tall, beautiful and playful at times, she actually hides a painful past of her being unable to control her Psychic Powers, which made her read how people were annoyed with her and this made her attempt to get herself killed by an Alienizer, until Doggie Kruger saved her. She's really good friends with Umeko. Fans love her and adore her beauty and hotness.
- Action Girl
- Badass in Distress: Jasmine is by far the Dekaranger who has the highest count of getting tied up. First during a confrontation against the Alienizer who sucked Umeko's soul (though subverted that she uses her illusion to make that up), then in a flashback along with Hoji (his greatest failure moment), and lastly in Magiranger vs Dekaranger. Of course, if she ever breaks free, she can (and will) kick ass.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: She does this twice in the Magiranger VS Dekaranger crossover.
- Catch Phrase: Not often, but has the knack to say "Bye-nara!" (A portmanteau of "Good bye" and "Sayonara" (Japanese of 'good bye'))
- Dark and Troubled Past: She was suicidal and disillusioned on her inability to control her powers. Doggy saved her.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: She and Umeko sang the second ending theme.
- Four Is Death: Let's see. Her designated number is four, and she's the only one in the team with supernatural abilities. Logically, that makes her the most dangerous Dekaranger. She also attempted suicide beforehand.
- I Owe You My Life: Towards Doggy.
- Image Song: Hard Rain
- The Nicknamer
- Power Limiter: Her gloves.
- Psychic Powers
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Umeko's red.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Umeko.
- Shout-Out: To Raymond Chandler.
- The Smart Girl
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Dear Lord yes!.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Umeko's Tomboy.
Koume "Umeko" Koudou / Deka Pink | Actress: Mika Kikuchi
Second newest member of the SPD (the newest one is Ban). Umeko is a laid-back, ditzy girl who likes to spend her time bathing with her toy-ducks. Rather impulsive, she likes declaring herself the leader of the team (nobody takes it seriously). She's good friends with Jasmine, and as the finale shown, she ends up falling for Sen and is dating him.
- Action Girl
- Alliterative Name
- Butt Monkey
- The Chick
- The Ditz
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: She and Jasmine sang the second ending theme.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: 'Mekkyo!
- Image Song: I Believe Right Here Right Now
- Kawaiiko
- Master of Disguise: "Do you know that the specialty of SPD's Koume Kodou is changing clothes quickly?"
- Ms. Fanservice: Due to her Furo Scenes complete with Foot Focus!
- The Napoleon: Is a shorty and likes to declare herself 'leader'.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Jasmine's blue.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Jasmine.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Jasmine's Girly Girl.
Tekkan "Tetsu" Aira / Deka Break | Actor: Tomokazu Yoshida
- Barrier Warrior: Barrier Fist
- Big Damn Heroes: In the movie
- The Big Guy
- Catch Phrase: "Nonsense!"
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Elemental Punch: Some of his fist attacks are one.
- Blow You Away: Tornado Fist
- Playing with Fire: Fire Fist
- Shock and Awe: Thunder Fist and (Hyper) Electric Fist
- Finishing Move
- Sonic Hammer
- Highest Hammer
- Lightning Upper
- Plasma Fist
- Shining Fist (a tag-team attack with Magi Shine)
- Gratuitous English: Oh, yes.
- Nonsense!
- Image Song: With the Intention of Tetsu
- Improbable Power Fist: BraceThrottle, which also doubles as his Transformation Trinket.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Man in White
- Parental Abandonment
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: (Super) Lightning Fist'
- Sempai-Kohai: His relationship with Ban is this.
- Sixth Ranger: (Even though he appears seventh.)
- Super Strength: Super Power Fist
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Even more than Hoji, but he got better.
Nonsense - Tyke Bomb
- Wholesome Crossdresser: In two missions and the teamup with Magiranger.
- You Killed My Parents: Towards Genio.
Doggie "Boss" Kruger / Deka Master | Voice Actor: Tetsu Inada
- The Ace
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Holy Shit!
- Badass
- Blow You Away: Vega Tornado Slash
- Carpet of Virility: He has that white chest fur which we always a lot thanks to a plenty of Walking Shirtless Scene.
- Da Chief
- Disney Death: Near the finale.
- Does He Remind You Of Anyone: A Big Badass Wolf in charge of a squad. Hmmm.. And they have the same voice too.
- Finishing Move
- Vega Slash
- Vega Impulse
- Heroic Dog
- Katanas Are Just Better: D-Sword Vega
- Master Swordsman
- The Mentor
- Petting Zoo People
- Relationship Voice Actor: He and Umeko's actress voices Kurogane and Mokona respctively. And yes, those characters have the same relationship
- Team Dad
Cignian Swan Shiratori / Deka Swan | Actress: Mako Ishino
- Affirmative Action Girl
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Badass Labcoat
- Finishing Move: Swan Rainbow
- Hot Scientist
- Punny Name: Since shiratori is Japanese for swan, her name is essentially "Swan Swan".
- The proper word in Japanese for "swan" is hakuchou. Shiratori is pretty much the most literal way to read the kanji, which happens to be a legitimate surname.
- Signature Move: Swan Illusion
- Team Mom
- Wrench Wench
Lisa Teagle / Deka Bright | Actress: Mie Nanamori
- The Ace
- Affirmative Action Girl
- Da Chief
- Improbable Power Fist: Like Tetsu, Lisa has her own BraceThrottle, which also doubles as her Transformation Trinket.
- Lady of War
- Sexy Mentor
- Stern Teacher
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Woman in White
Mari Gold Utahime / Deka Gold | Actress: Chiharu Niiyama
- Bling Bling Bang
- Faux Action Girl: The one time in the whole movie she transforms, she gets beaten out of it right after the Face On.
- Guns Akimbo: Like Ban, Marie has her own set of dual guns called the D-Smasher.
- Punny Name Named after a flower. One of which she puts in the pocket of Ban's shirt at the beginning and end of the movie.
- Ship Tease: With Ban.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Time Stands Still: A power of hers that she conveniently forgets she has when facing the villains so the Dekarangers have something to do in their own movie.