< Todd in the Shadows
Todd in the Shadows/Trivia
- All There On Twitter: The details behind the "DL Incident" referenced in the "Like a G6" review were, as promised, later revealed on Twitter.
Todd: "So... much... blood..."
- This is called back in the "Grenade" review.
- A darker version of this happened around Christmas 2010 when his Twitter became a sort-of Apocalyptic Log for when he contracted MRSA. Obviously, he got better.
- Brought up in his "Top Six Worst Songs of 2010 (That I Didn't Already Cover)" video and after participating in a four-way review of The Last Airbender.
Todd: "That was worse than when I had MRSA."
- Colbert Bump: His appearance in the Atop the Fourth Wall Kiss episode. Todd even got his main page spot after it!
- And before being picked up on TGWTG, when his third episode ("Party in the USA") was featured in Transmission Awesome his viewcounts went "from absolutely no hits to hundreds".
- Is It Something You Eat?: One of Todd's reasons why he "won't" appear in crossovers any time soon:
* Let's see, there was this little conversation with one of the anime people
Them: i'm editing a video. Manga related
Me: [Todd] ahhhh
Me: i've heard of manga
Me: it's some kind of japanese thing
Them: yep!
Me: is it a food of some kind?
Them: ... close enough.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Todd in the Shadows is highly messed up and treats his colleagues poorly. Todd Nathanson is a sweetie.
- Old Shame: His first two reviews.
- One of Us: He is very aware of the fact that he has a TV Tropes page, and says he is beyond flattered to have one when several other TGWTG contributors don't. He frequently refers to TV Tropes on his Twitter page. Including one tweet where he claimed to have written for his own Fetish Fuel page, prior to Fetish Fuel's move. He's probably lying, though. Probably.
- He admitted in a commentary video that he doesn't visit the site all that often, but it is a good inspiration for a joke now and then, such as the "How I Met Your Mother" clip in his "O.M.G" review.
- Promoted Fanboy: Todd actually started his reviews with the goal of getting a small chance to join TGWTG.
- Rule 34—Creator Reactions: Shortly after joining the site, Todd mentioned in an interview for Transmission Awesome (Episode 48) that he was quite looking forward to seeing what kind of depraved fanart and fanfiction involving him might crop up. And in "S&M", Todd mentions that sadomachism itself isn't so weird considering he's seen porn of himself.
- Screwed by the Lawyers: Youtube's policies towards Warner Music properties forced Todd to put "Whatcha Say" on Dailymotion rather than YouTube.
Bite me, WMG.
- Screw Yourself: When asked on the forums what would happen if he traveled to a gender-swapped universe and met his female self, he stated that "Hot me-on-me action would be on the agenda, immediately."
- Shrinking Violet: Is this when it comes to interacting with fans.
- Talking to Themself: Todd occasionally gets into Twitter fights. With himself.
- What Could Have Been: According to the commentary for "O.M.G.", Todd originally planned to feature cameos from other TGWTG contributors and give them good reason to hate him, such as trying to convert The Distressed Watcher to Mormonism and convincing Linkara that One More Day was a good thing.
- In the commentary for "Whip My Hair", Todd mentions he wanted to use a shot where the Hannah Montana wig got stuck in the microphone after being thrown, but it wasn't good enough.
- Your Costume Needs Work: Unbelievably so.
Todd: I got identified as a Todd in the Shadows cosplayer today. Yep.
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