Titan Quest/Characters
A list of characters from Titan Quest. Note that multiclass characters won't be listed here. Still unfinished.
The Warrior
Fighter focused on battle skills, melee weapons and powerful attacks.
- Dual-Wielding: It decrease the attack a little, but can pull out some powerful attacks.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: A useful spinning attack.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Can blow his horn to stun and damage foes.
- Summon Magic: At the strongest level he/she can summon ghost soldiers for a while to help.
- Weapon of Choice: Has a skill which focuses on melee weapons like axes, swords and maces.
The Defender
A fighter specialized in defending himself and using shields.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Can turn into a colossus later on.
- Carry a Big Stick: Seems to be advantaged with clubs and maces.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Mighty Glacier: His purpouse.
- Shield-Bash: Has such an attack.
The Rogue
A sneaky, hard-hitting warrior prone to use stealth moves, poison and traps.
- Attack Its Weak Point: His basic attack skill involves randomly hitting an enemy in its weak point, dealing a lot of damage.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's still one of the good guys, though all the names of his possible multiclasses are sinister sounding.
- Flechette Storm: With daggers.
- Glass Cannon: Hurts a lot, but isn't very resistant by itself.
- Poisoned Weapons
The Hunter
A warrior from the wilderness, specialized in fighting beasts and archery.
- The Archer
- Barbarian Hero
- Blade on a Stick: His best weapon.
- Inescapable Net: Can throw one on his enemies.
The Pyromancer
Enchanter with powers over earth and fire.
- Convection, Schmonvection: Averted, one of the power ups for the fire shield makes it so hot that it softens the enemies' weapons and shields.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Part of his magic.
- Flaming Sword: Can charm his weapon with fire.
- Magma Man: The summonable Core Dweller.
- Mighty Glacier: Compared to the other sorcerers. Also the Core Dweller himself.
- Playing with Fire: From explosive fireballs to flaming shields to crevices filled with flames.
- Summon Magic: The Core Dweller.
The Theurgist
Enchanter with power over spirits and undead.
- Beam Spam: One of his staff-related skills.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He may be the darkest-sounding of the heroes, but he's not different from the others.
- Life Drain: One of his magical attacks.
- Necromancer
- Summon Magic: A Liche King and later the Ether Lord.
- Walking Wasteland: Thanks to one of his auras.
The Stormcaller
Enchanter with powers over storms and ice.
- An Ice Person: Half of his powers.
- Bolt of Divine Retribution: One of his most damaging attacks.
- Chain Lightning: One of the strongest powers.
- Harmless Freezing: Averted, freezing foes will harm them over time but also make them more resistant to melee weapons.
- Invincible Minor Minion: The Wisp can actually die or get hit by certain magics, but is too small and fast for any melee mook to hit.
- Shock and Awe: The other half of his powers.
- Summon Magic: The Wisp.
The Wanderer
Enchanter with powers over nature and poison.
- Green Thumb
- Healing Hands: The only class capable of healing.
- Poisonous Person: Has some poison-related spells.
- Summon Magic: Wolves and nymphs.
- Technicolor Toxin: Green.
The Seer
A new class from Immortal Throne, is essentially a mage with powers over dreams and mind, but is stronger than the average mage.
- Attack Reflector: Some of his passive skills can redirect some damage at the enemy.
- The Empath: Trance of Empathy, which sends back part of the damage when hit.
- Magic Knight: Technically an enchanter, his/her growth in strength makes her/him a good warrior as well.
- Psychic Powers
- Reality Warper: One of the high-level powers can do this.
- Summon Magic: A Nightmare.
Main Villains
A centaur leader who's been attacking the spartan camp.
- An Axe to Grind
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Flunky Boss: Will summon other centaurs (usually two archers and two spearmen) in battle. Will summon more if they're killed.
- Large and In Charge
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss
Queen of the Arachnos, she guards the sacred Olive branch in the groove outside Ambrossos.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: She's the queen of her race, and the strongest Arachnos met in Greece.
- Cool Sword
- Lightning Bruiser: Despite being the size of a truck, she can crawl around very fast.
- MacGuffin Guardian: You have to kill her in order to obtain the Olive Branch.
- Spider People
- Summon Magic: Will call forth some ethereal spiders to deal with you.
The Gorgon Queens
The three sisters Stheno, Euryale and Medusa. They're fought inside the Pythian caves.
- The Archer: Euryale and Medusa.
- Blade on a Stick: Stheno.
- Gonk
- Large and In Charge: They're far bigger than the other gorgons.
- Taken for Granite: Oddly, only Medusa can do this.
- Wolfpack Boss
The first Telkine, he's fought in the Minoan Labyrinth where he destroys the scrying pool connecting gods to mortals.
- Climax Boss
- Early-Bird Cameo: Appears in the opening movie where he smash the head of Zeus' statue and taunt the guard.
- Eldritch Abomination: He's however covered in robes and bandages.
- The Faceless: Only his eyes are shown.
- Flunky Boss: Will occasionally summon a pair of Limos demons to heal him with their powers.
- In the Hood
- Let's You and Him Fight: Can turn your summoned creature against you.
- Shock and Awe
The second Telkine who's been terrorizing Egypt. He's fought in Ramses' Tomb.
- Climax Boss: Despite this, he's not the last boss of Act II like Megalesios or Ormenos
- Combat Tentacles
- Eldritch Abomination
- Light Is Not Good: His strongest attack summon a giant pillar of light from above, which he use to fry you.
- Me's a Crowd: Can summon clones of himself.
- Offstage Villainy: You never actually see him doing the Rape, Pillage and Burn routine.
- Playing with Fire
The last Telkine, who stole the Sickle of Chronos and use it to free Typhon.
- BFS: The Sickle.
- Climax Boss
- Combat Tentacles
- Dishing Out Dirt: Can throw gigantic rocks at you.
- Eldritch Abomination: As he doesn't wear any clothes, his monstrous form is clearly visible.
- Shock and Awe
- Sinister Scythe: Which he use only to free Typhon.
The last of the Titans and scourge of the Gods, was sealed under Mount Wusao in China. The Telkines plans to release him. You'll have to fight and kill him on Olympus and later in Hades.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Well, he is a titan...
- Dem Bones: Say hello to Undead Titan Typhon!
- Eldritch Abomination
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Villainous example: if he hits one of the divine statues around him he'll gain a temporary power up. May god have mercy of you if he hits the Hades statue.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Four arms.
- Puzzle Boss: You have to keep him away from the statues or outright destroy them.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Is fred by Ormenos.
The guardian of the Styx river. Now that Hades has gone mad with power he has stopped ferrying souls.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Making a Splash
- One-Winged Angel: Transforms after being defeated once.
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: Limited arena and very powerful attacks for both melee and distance fight. Have fun.
The olympian god of the Underworld. In the Expansion, he's gone mad with power after Typhon's defeat, and now wants to take over the world.
- Big Bad: Of the Immortal Throne expansion.
- Everybody Hates Hades
- An Ice Person: His ghostly form mostly attacks with ice magic.
- Life Drain: His main form of magic.
- One-Winged Angel First he grows some tentacles, then he comes back as a wraith.
King of the Spartans. Tries to keep the monsters from destroying Greece.
- Badass
- Cool Helmet
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Well, duh...
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Unlike what you may think, Leonidas comes out as a calm, smart leader, willing to lend some of his soldiers to lesser villages to protect them from monsters.
Leader of the Order of Prometheus in Greece. He tells you about Megalesios' plan.
- Dude in Distress: The first time you meet him he's menaced by Alastor, Scourge of the Acheron.
- Took a Level in Badass: From a storyteller to leader of a secret cult protecting the world from the forces of evil.
A chinese warrior and member of the Order, she's met several times through the game.
- Action Girl
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against the Telkine who killed her family and burnt her village.
- Sinister Scimitar: Subverted: she uses a Dao, but she's one of the good guys.
- Slap Slap Kiss: At first she's sceptical and a little hostile towards the player, but she eventually grows over it and start to respect him/her.
Leader of the Order in Egypt. He tries to make another scrying pool using two precious artifacts.