The Wulf Archives
But Wulf is Wulf, and as the gods throw various evil schemes and razor-sharp beartraps into his path, he laughs lightly, skips around them, and falls into the next stake-lined pit of fate.—Wulf
The Wulf Archives is a Web Original erotic Sword and Sorcery story series about the adventures of Wulf the Freelance, a professional adventurer and wizard school drop out who is not above some thievery to make ends meet.
However, as much as he would prefer to have a relatively low profile, he finds himself a myriad of adventures that gets him an impressive number of exotic girlfriends while playing a major role in the epic conflicts of his world. There is also a strong element of Furry Fandom with various furry species present along with the usual dragons, elves, dwarves etc.
Created by writer Anthony Pryor, the series' purpose was to prove the other readers and writers of that you can have erotic stories that are well written. What he ended up with is an imaginatively fun fantasy series with considerable heart and humanity that proves his point beautifully.
(The above link is to a page with no sexual content on it. However, most other pages will be sexually explicit.)
- Action Girl: Many, starting with Ushandra the Guardswoman.
- Big Bad: Lady Thae'lynn N'Quy.
- Catfolk:
- Li Shu the Kaitain and the Lion woman pride who found Wulf in his Lion Man form
- Inverted with the stories with Wulf as Chuma, his studly Catman form every female seems to drool for.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Wulf rarely turns down his opportunities for sex, but he has noted that he has left a piece of his heart for each, albeit giving bigger portions for special women like Livia the Sorceress, Ushandra the Guardswoman and Li Shu the Kaitain warrior. In turn, nearly all his lovers are very fond of him and make no demands on him.
- Cliché: Vampires, in-universe:
"Why is it," I said, as we moved tentatively down a dusty corridor, "that vampires always seem to be attracted to old, run-down mansions?"
"They believe their own propaganda, I think," Livia replied.
- Cursed with Awesome: Wulf always complains that the Gods hate him. Says him, a man who has wild adventures and enjoys the pleasures of numerous gorgeous, exotic, powerful and passionate women who never mind sharing.
- As Wulf would be quick to remind you, "wild adventures" tend to involve their share of danger and death (or potentially worse). The main characters enjoy a degree of Plot Armor, of course, but the setting otherwise pulls few punches.
- Deadpan Snarker: Wulf, especially in the narration.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Theanna in Stormking.
- And a somewhat more literal example in the "ice-ghoul" (actually a faerie held captive by chains of magical ice) in "The Demon Crown".
- Depraved Bisexual: Lady Thae'lynn. Emphasis on "depraved."
- Ethical Slut: Wulf lives by the sexual motto: "I will not take which is not freely offered," and noted that he has killed a few rapists as well.
- Expy: The story world has plenty such as The White Empire being a version of The British Empire and The Veldtlands is a version of Africa.
- Extreme Omnisexual: Lady Thae'lynn. She's depraved even by Xeshite standards, and she'll even have sex with non-humanoid monsters.
- The Fair Folk: Wulf has strong opinions about elves.
People in the know will tell you never to trust an elf. Whatever he or she tells you is invariably only part of the truth, and their true motivation is probably a complex web of secrets, half-truths, hidden agendas, wheels within wheels within wheels, and so on.
...though elves remain serenely beautiful regardless of age (and don't they know it, too...), they grow more and more alien and unfamiliar as the years pass.
- Faux Action Girl: Herula
- Friends with Benefits: Although Wulf is dearly in love with Livia the Sorceress, Ushandra the Guardswoman and Li Shu the Kaitain warrior, the other women he has met are predominately this trope. For themselves, the vast majority understand and make no demands on him beyond open invitations to their beds if he comes around.
- Home by Christmas: Lord Heatham from Heart of the Lion wanted a quick campaign against the Sholanti. It was quick, all right -- for the Sholanti.
- Hot Amazon: The vast majority of Wulf's lovers, nearly all of whom kick butt with the best.
- Interspecies Romance: While Wulf has several lovers of various intelligent species, most notably Li Shu the Kaitain, acceptance of this trope depends on the culture there; the Sholanti have a taboo against relations with the Lion Men, while the Xeshites have an Anything That Moves attitude, if originally in a exploitative sense as slavers.
- Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!: The story has many furry species and cultures such as tiger, lion, wolf and ratpeople.
- Power of Love: This is what saves Li Shu when she is having her will magically dominated by a Wolven tamer, a mage who uses magically enhanced sex to bring females under his control. As she was about to succumb, her thoughts turn to Wulf and the love called forth with that thought caused the tamer's magic to backfire and put him under Li's control. He becomes her slave, but eventually Li releases him as he becomes one of her lovers instead.
- Only Sane Man: Played with. Wulf is quite aware just how crazy and dangerous his adventures are and quick to remind his readers of that fact...even as he lets himself get talked right into the next one, usually by a good-looking female.
- Our Elves Are Better: Wulf would beg to differ, and explains in detail why.
- Porn With Plot: The Wulf Archives were specifically created with this trope in mind. The author was repelled at how badly written most of the content in and wanted to show you can have sexually explicit stories that are well written. For instance, in "Heart of the Lion," the first major section is a wild Sword and Sorcery version of the famous Battle of Isandlwana where that version of the British fight their version of the Zulu nation with roughly equal firepower -- and the Zulu have cavalry as well.
- Private Eye Monologue: Wulf's first-person narration is one long and snarky one of these Played For Laughs.
- Properly Paranoid: Wulf:
I tend to be fatalistic when I have no other alternative.
- Screw You, Elves: As part of Wulf's opinions on elves in general:
As a rule, elves are both beautiful and graceful -- and they know it, too, which is my major problem with the manky little gits. The fact is that most elves are arrogant snots.
I've always wondered why elves, both light and dark, have such long lives, but continue to have so little sense. It puzzles me to this day.
- Shout-Out: Quite a few, such as "Did you see the sign in front of my house that said Dead Elf Storage?" and "Same thing we do every night..."
- Jae and Violent Bahb with their "enormous dreamweed blunts" and "crude Elvish hand-gestures."