< The Walking Dead (comics)

The Walking Dead (comics)/Characters

Grimes Family

Rick Grimes

  • An Arm and a Leg: His right hand as a Type III, courtesy of The Governor.
  • An Axe to Grind: His go to melee weapon is a small hatchet.
  • Anti-Hero: Evolves into a Type IV.
  • Badass
  • Bash Brothers: With Tyreese.
  • Hearing Voices: He hears Lori's voice in a telephone after she dies in the prison assault.
  • The Hero
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Several times:
    • Killing Dexter.
    • Killing Martinez.
    • Slaughtering the Hunters.
    • Leaving Jessie and Ron to die (this is the only one he expresses some reget over).
  • Invulnerable Knuckles: Oh so averted. Rick bashes Thomas Richards in the face so badly after it was discovered he killed Hershel's twin daughters that he breaks every bone in his right hand, rendering it useless.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: After the fall of the prison. He seems to be recovering some after the zombie herd that attacked Alexandria was defeated and the group came into contact with the Hilltop Colony.
  • Man Bites Man: At one point he rips out a bandit's throat with his teeth.
  • Papa Wolf
  • The Sheriff: In his pre-apocalypse life and eventually post as well.

Lori Grimes

Carl Grimes

Judith Grimes

Atlanta Camp Survivors








  • Life or Limb Decision: Subverted; he loses both.
  • Non-Action Guy
  • Wangst: In-Universe, this is how Dale and Andrea view his breakdown over Donna since they've both been through the same thing ( having loved ones killed in front off them) and he's got two kids to take care of.






Tyreese's Group




Hershel's Farm Survivors

Hershel Greene

  • As the Good Book Says...: Following Billy blaming him for Rachel and Suise's deaths by moving them to the prison, Hershel beats him, claiming that the Bible says they are supposed to "Honor they mother and father", and that he will go to hell if he talks back to him again.
  • Boom! Headshot!
  • Doesn't Like Guns
  • The Fundamentalist: Although he does loosen up with time, saying that if God's put them in a world where they have to sin to survive, then so be it.
  • Heroic BSOD: Several times. The last one leads to his death.
  • Not So Above It All: While he normally disapproves of cursing, make him mad enough and he'll start dropping f-bombs.
  • Trauma Conga Line: His ever decreasing number of children, culminating with Billy getting killed in front of him, and Hershel giving up all hope and will to live despite Maggie still being alive.

Maggie Greene

Billy Greene

Rachel Greene

Susie Greene

Lacey Greene

Arnold Greene

  • Red Shirt
  • Unstoppable Rage: "NOT MY FATHER! NOT MY FATHER!" Unfortunately, he gets so wrapped up in pummeling that zombie he doesn't notice the one coming up behind him.


  • Death by Racism: Refers to Dexter and Andrew as "a couple niggers" after a black woman saves his life. This likely leads to...
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: One of only two named characters so far to die entirely off-panel, and doesn't get a funeral scene, either. It's mentioned that no one liked him very much.


  • Horrible Judge of Character: First, she freed Thomas Richards after he was imprisoned for killing Hershel's twins, and was surprised when he tried to kill her. Then she sided with Dexter and Andrew when they tried to take over the prison.
  • The Scrappy: In-Universe and out; neither the fans nor the other characters liked her much after the above actions.
  • Too Dumb to Live

Prison Survivors



Thomas Richards


Woodbury Survivors

The Governor aka Philip Blake aka Brian Blake

Bruce Cooper



Doctor Stevens

Caesar Martinez


Abraham's Group

Abraham Ford

Eugene Porter

Rosita Espinosa

Alexandria Safe-Zone Survivors

Douglas Monroe

Regina Monroe

Spencer Monroe

  • Mistaken for Gay: Several of the women in the Safe-Zone think he is gay, and are surprised by his interest in Andrea.

Doctor Denise Cloyd





  • Pride: What leads him to try and start a conspiracy against Rick: he can't stand being reduced to a "dirt digger" while Rick and the other newcomers begin taking over leadership positions.


Jessie Anderson

Pete Anderson

Ron Anderson




  • The Atoner: He allowed two people to die on his construction crew rather than try to rescue them during zombie attacks, and realized that it was actually possible to do so after Abraham saved Holly. This led to him having a breakdown and letting Abraham taking over his job as head of construction.
  • Dirty Coward: When he ran the construction crews, he would have the crew gather into a phalanx formation to fight the undead. If anyone could not get into the formation, Tobin would leave them to die, which led to the deaths of two people, and nearly got Holly killed.
  • Eaten Alive
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Stayed at a breach in the wall so that Holly could run to get help to defend it, and got eaten in the process.
  • Mauve Shirt


Hilltop Colony Survivors

Paul "Jesus" Monroe

Other Survivors

Morgan Jones

Duane Jones


Gabriel Stokes

  • The Atoner: Was too scared to open the doors when his congregation tried to get into the church and had to listen as they were devoured.
  • Preacher Man


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