The Sex Star/Characters
Team 1
Priscilla George
Captain of Team 1.
- Butch Lesbian: Short hair, a bit on the sporty side, a lesbian... so yeah.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Heroes Want Redheads: Has certainly taken a shine to Angela.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
Team 1's dickgirl.
- Anything That Moves
- Biggus Dickus
- Hermaphrodite
- I'm a Man, I Can't Help It: Technically.
- Red Headed Heroine
Leigh Ann Allman
Texan girl. Taller and heavier than the other member of the team, though still feminine enough to be attractive.
- Action Girl
- American Accents: A thick Southern one.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: Almost to the point of being a Leeroy Jenkins.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gun Fu
- Hair of Gold
- Hunter-Trapper
- Improbable Aiming Skills
Air Force pilot who may or may not be Hispanic.
- Ace Pilot
- Action Girl
- She's Got Legs
Summer Olsen
Redhaired, bespectacled librarian.
- Asperger's Syndrome: She admits to suffering from it in Chapter 9.
- Berserk Button: Shannon's ignorance and stupidity. Also, people ending sentences with prepositions.
- Glasses Girl
- Grammar Nazi
- Hot Librarian
- Insufferable Genius / Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Due to the more negative aspects of Asperger's, such as brutal honesty, she can come off as a jerk, but her heart's usually in the right place.
Blond woman attached to Team 1. So far, hasn't contributed much.
Brunette cheerleader who knows Priscilla's sister. Has developed a friendship with Shannon.
- She's Got Legs
- Those Two Guys: Her and Shannon seem to fulfill this role, to at least a certain extent.
Virgin (at least, when she was first abducted). Known to be religious, but it's not known how religious.
- Virgin Tension: Played straight right up until the end of Chapter 1. Then she gets raped, and we're given something new to worry about... how well will she handle the trauma?
Team 2
Captain of Team 2. Tall and athletic, which makes her look younger than she actually is (she's actually the oldest of the abductees).
Professional thief and escape artist who keeps advocating an escape attempt.
Lorraine Ling
Asian woman who runs a dojo back on Earth.
- Action Girl
- All Asians Know Martial Arts
- Alliterative Name
- Neck Snap: She pulls this on a Mook in Chapter 13.
- She's Got Legs
Vicky Powers
Junior Vice President at a Mega Corp back on Earth. Is used to doing whatever it takes to get ahead. Is not used to feeling actual earth beneath her feet.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing / Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- City Mouse
- Evil Redhead
- Manipulative Bitch
- She's Got Legs
- Token Evil Teammate
Bespectacled college student with curly black hair. Went to the same school as Brandi, but didn't know her before the story started.
Team 2's dickgirl. More butch-looking than Angela, with brown hair cut in a pageboy style and a bit more of an athletic figure.
- Anything That Moves
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Has had a couple of these type of moments with Tina.
- Biggus Dickus: Though it's still within realistic human size parameters, so she doesn't take after her mother.
- Hermaphrodite
- She's Got Legs
Tina Lawson
Was an up-and-coming model before being abducted. There's some indication given in the text that she's the most beautiful of the abductees this time around.
- Bi the Way
- Good Bad Girl: She did some porn before switching to mainstream modeling.
- Green Eyes
- Hidden Depths: Possibly to an Action Girl extent... she seems quite competent in later chapters, and when Vicky needs bitchslapped she's the one to step up and do it. She's definitely not your typical I Broke a Nail kind of model.
- Official Couple: Her and Erin are leaning strongly toward that territory.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: More dark brown than black, but it still fits her pretty nicely.
- What Beautiful Eyes!: You would think her breasts are her most-often-commented-on feature. They're not.
Kim Staples
Was a Laker Girl before being abducted. Token black girl of the abductees.
The "Scooby Gang"
Melissa George
Priscilla's sister. Investigating her missing sibling from on Earth's surface got her sucked into the battle between Lynn and those involved in the conspiracy.
- Action Girl: Possibly. She has overtones of this.
- Boobs of Steel
- Determinator: Neither flying bullets nor Attempted Rape have swayed her from trying to find out what happened to her sister. Even when she realized the magnitude of the conspiracy, she didn't even pause to consider she might be in over her head.
- Hot Amazon
- Red Headed Heroine
- She's Got Legs
Nerdy classmate who offered to help Melissa with the investigation. Is considerably more enthusiastic about the sci-fi aspect of things than Melissa.
Lynn Vanion
Nominal leader of the Scooby Gang. Was abducted by the Sex Star herself many years ago, and since returning to Earth has been working as a reporter and using her press credentials to try and expose the conspiracy.
- Action Girl
- Anything That Moves
- Big Good
- Come with Me If You Want to Live: Her first line of dialogue.
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Scoop
- Really Gets Around
- She's Got Legs
- Shout-Out: Her last name is also the name of a character from The Elenium.
- Team Mom
Melissa's roommate (and cheerleading teammate). Probably the sluttiest character in the story.
- Anything That Moves
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- She's Got Legs: The two body-related tropes would stand to reason, since Melissa describes her as a "compulsive exerciser".
- Too Kinky to Torture: She's into pain, and loves being spanked.
Jenny and Janet
Identical twins who work security for Lynn. Both of them are dickgirls.
- Action Girl
- Alliteration: Their names do both start with the same letter, so they have aspects of this.
- Badass: Both of them, but especially Janet.
- Boobs of Steel
- Boom! Headshot!: How Janet takes out Henry.
- Career Killer: Janet was possibly one before hooking up with Lynn.
- Cold Sniper: Janet.
- Combat Medic: Jenny, who knows how to handle a gun and is no slouch hand-to-hand either, but is actually most useful when relying on her EMT skills to keep everyone else alive.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Both of them, but Janet's better with a gun than Jenny is.
- Twincest: Yes, they are involved with each other.
Stephanie Johnson
Erin's mom. Actually, technically her dad, but still...
- Embarrassing Nickname: In high school, after the other girls caught a glimpse of her junk in the locker room, they started calling her "Big Johnson".
- Gag Penis: The largest of any protagonist character, and the second largest of any humanoid character.
- Hot Amazon
- Mama Bear: She is definitely not taking Erin's abduction lying down.
- She's Got Legs
Scientist who is helping Lynn figure out exactly what the dickgirls are, with Stephanie and others serving as volunteer test subjects.
- Glasses Girl
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Scientist
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- She's Got Legs
- The Smart Guy: Not the only character to fulfill this role, but definitely one of the most intelligent of the protagonists.