The Sex Star

The Sex Star is a Web Serial Novel written by Pinata for Literotica starting in late August of 2011.

The story follows two plot arcs:

  • The "A Story" follows two groups of women -- known as Team 1 and Team 2 respectively -- who have been abducted by the titular space station, and are now being put through a Survivor-style competition, complete with challenges and voting off of team members, to determine which of them will be allowed to leave (the others have to remain aboard the station for the rest of their lives). This is the arc followed in the odd-numbered chapters.
  • The "B Story" follows a group of friends, relatives and other acquaintances of the women from the "A Story", who with the help of a reporter and her Ragtag Bunch of Misfits are trying to find and rescue their abducted loved ones and expose the conspiracy to cover up the Sex Star's existence. This is the arc followed in the even-numbered chapters.

Although the author promises "at least one sex scene each chapter", and often delivers a little more than that, the story is rather thick on plot, and now has about as many fights/action sequences as it does sex scenes (although the two are combined as often as possible).

There are currently 13 installments (of about a hundred planned) in the story, with Chapter 14 about a quarter of the way completed.[when?]

For those who are adding examples to the page, please remember our No Lewdness, No Prudishness policy; it's okay to trope the story, but try to keep the sex scenes as non-specific as possible so that this page looks like the Bondage Queen Kate page and not like "Masturbation Material.txt". This is also the reason why we aren't allowed to actually link to the story or any of its chapters.

Tropes used in The Sex Star include:
  • Ace Pilot: Danielle is specifically stated to be one in Chapter 1.
  • Action Girl: Team 1 has Danielle and Leigh Ann, Team 2 has Lena and Lorraine.
  • Alliteration: Sex Star. Also, Lorraine Ling has an Alliterative Name.
  • Adorkable: Amanda. Possibly Stacey and Summer as well.
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Chapter 10 might as well have been titled this.
  • Anything That Moves: The default setting for the dickgirls; also true of Brooke, Kayla and Lynn.
  • Arc Welding: Sets in as early as Chapter 2, and has now shifted to Continuity Porn.
  • Ascended Extra: Kayla was a salesgirl at a clothing store who was only barely important enough to give a name in Chapter 4... when she was reintroduced in Chapter 8, she was the focal point of the entire chapter. She's appeared in every even-numbered chapter since then.
  • Ascended Fangirl: Amanda is rather excited to be in a sci-fi story.
  • Asshole Victim: The guard that Erin raped at the end of Chapter 1, as well as guards who met the same fate at Team 1's hands in Chapter 5. Also applies to Gerda's commandos who were wounded or killed in Chapter 12. Word of God tells us that Gerda will be interrogated in Chapter 14, so the trope applies directly to her in a big way too.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Leigh Ann is dangerously close to being a Leeroy Jenkins at the moment.
  • Author Appeal: Well, duh. Despite the dense plot, it is still a porn story.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Janet and Shawn in Chapter 10. Doesn't work out too well for Shawn.
  • Badass: Janet. There's even some suggestion she might have been a Career Killer before joining up with Lynn.
  • Big Bad: The Commander, who designed and runs the station.
  • Biggus Dickus: All over the place.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Vicky. Though technically, she's not wearing any clothing.
  • Bi the Way: Melissa and Tina, and judging from how easy it was for Melissa to seduce her Amanda as well. Might be true of some of the other characters, although enough of them have had alternate-orientation sex under the influence of aphrodisiacs it's hard to tell.
  • Black and Gray Morality: Each time a team's members force guards to have sex with them, they earn points. Since the team with the highest score at the end of each round doesn't have to vote off a member, the protagonists find themselves committing acts of rape a lot.
  • Blood Knight: Gerda, to a certain extent.
  • Bond One-Liner: Joined with Call Back. At the end of Chapter 10, Kristy tells Melissa "I'm gonna make you my bitch". At the end of Chapter 12, after Melissa has busted a chair over the back of Kristy's head, she tells her unconscious tormentor, "Now you're my bitch."
  • Boobs of Steel: Leigh Ann, Jenny and Janet. All three other Action Girl characters are rather flat-chested. If Melissa and Priscilla further develop the steel in them, they'll count here though.
  • Bound and Gagged: The members of what the author thinks of as "The Scooby Gang" are bound, but not gagged at the end of Chapter 10, and are still in much the same situation at the beginning of Chapter 12 when we see them again.
  • Brain Bleach: As a general rule, when reading Pinata's work keep a bottle handy.
  • Brainy Brunette: Amanda, Stacey, Lisa and Dr. Wang.
  • Butch Lesbian: Priscilla.
  • Call Back: See also Grammar Nazi. When The Commander crosses paths with Summer again in Chapter 13, he remembers the sentence she had a problem with in Chapter 1, and rephrases it for her. Then winks.
  • Captain Ersatz: All of the protagonist characters -- that's each member of Team 1 and Team 2, all the members of "The Scooby Gang" and Laura and Kayla -- were inspired by Real Life women the author knows or has known. The first names weren't changed, but where last names are given only the last initial is the same... actual surnames have been changed to protect the identities of the real women who inspired the characters.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: In Chapter 4, we see the first death of a villain... it's not until Chapter 10 that the first protagonist character dies.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Shannon, in a Dumb Blonde kind of way.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Considering that it's already porn, the language in this story probably won't raise many eyebrows. But it is pretty rough language still.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: It involves a cheese grater. Being applied to a sensitive area.
  • Cold Sniper: Janet.
  • Come with Me If You Want to Live: Lynn's first line of dialogue.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Catherine.
  • Country Matters: Has occurred a couple of times. More than that if you count actual anatomical references as well as usage of the word as an insult.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: At the end of Chapter 4, the assassin trying to whack Melissa, Brooke and Amanda is run over by a van and folded in on herself like the gymnast in Final Destination 5.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Both Priscilla and Leigh Ann have this quality.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: First you have to plot against the Commander and his guards without the audio pickups of the station's state-of-the-next-generation's-art surveillance system catching wind of it, then you have to evade the actual cameras while implementing the plan. And that's not even taking into account the fact that different rooms of the Sex Star are dosed with aphrodisiac gas at random intervals every day, swept by guards with equal randomness, etc. Then there's the fact that prolonged exposure to those aphrodisiacs has a cumulative effect that turns you into a sex addict and makes you want to stay.
  • Fantastic Drug: None of the aphrodisiacs employed aboard the Sex Star are real drugs.
  • Gag Boobs: After joining up with the bad guys, Kristy has some modifications done. Among them are G-cup breasts.
    • She's got a bit of envy she's working through regarding Melissa being better-endowed than her, hence their rivalry.
  • Good Bad Girl: Melissa, Tina, Brooke and most of the dickgirls. Lynn as well, though it's not her choice... the aphrodisiacs that will never leave her body make her a sex addict.
  • Gorn: A couple of the death scenes, and Gerda's interrogation scene in Chapter 14, swing dangerously close to this territory.
  • Grammar Nazi: Summer.

The Commander: You're probably all wondering what you've been brought here for.
Summer: You're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition!

  • Gun Fu: Danielle is an Ace Pilot... shooting targets that aren't moving faster than the speed of sound is almost absurdly easy for her. Leigh Ann is from Texas, so obviously she kicks ass with a gun. Janet could take both of them down without them even knowing she's there.
  • Hermaphrodite: The dickgirls have functional genitalia from both genders. There's one on each team, several in Lynn's group, and by Danielle's estimation probably 75,000 to 100,000 aboard the Sex Star, as well as a few other "earthbound dickgirls" who are unaccounted for.
  • Hot Librarian: Summer.
  • Hot Scientist: Lisa. And an evil version in Dr. Wang.
  • Hot Scoop: Lynn.
  • Immodest Orgasm: The only kind Brooke knows how to have.
  • Inscrutable Oriental: Lorraine.
  • Jerkass: Vicky. Already covered under Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, but deserves another mention.
  • Loophole Abuse: Characters in Literotica stories have to be at least 18, but the original script required Jimmy to be 13 or 14. What to do? In a sci-fi story, it's a simple fix... say that aging is slowed aboard the Sex Star, and make him look 14 but actually be 51.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: It's suggested that The Commander went insane and became a mass rapist because he got rejected one time too many.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Either Vicky's a Survivor fan, or she's just really naturally good at playing Survivor. Either way, she's almost an Expy for Jerri Manthey.
  • Naughty Tentacles: Finally occurs -- after most readers had probably been waiting for it for a while -- in Chapter 13.
  • Neck Snap: In Chapter 13, Lorraine performs on of these on a Mook, cementing her status as the biggest Badass among the abductees.
    • She also crushes another mook's windpipe, just for good measure.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Played with in the case of the tentacle monster in Chapter 13, which can take multiple (possible indefinite, since its threshold is never reached) hits from the orgasm guns without being incapacitated.
  • Older Than They Look: Both Sarah and Jimmy, and presumably by extension everyone else aboard the Sex Star as well. Since Jimmy is developing, just developing more slowly, it's not a case of Immortality... presumably, the people aboard the station do die of natural causes eventually.
  • Porn with Plot: Basically the whole point.
  • Psychic Powers: Catherine has them.
  • Punny Name: Officer Cummings, Dr. Wang.
  • Rape as Drama
  • Rape and Revenge: See also Asshole Victim.
  • Rape Is Love: Or so the aphrodisiacs would have the abductees believe.
  • Really Gets Around: Brooke, even before the adventure started. Lynn, as a side effect of aphrodisiacs.
  • Reference Overdosed
  • Spank the Cutie: Has occurred a few times. Brooke likes having this done to her.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: As stated elsewhere, many of the women aboard the Sex Star are suffering from this. In fact, the standard practice when competition ends is to ask the winner whether she wants to stay or go... some women actually choose to stay.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Gerda tries to get the other girls to tell her where Janet is while spanking Brooke, but the harder she hits Brooke the more aroused Brooke gets.
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