Bondage Queen Kate
The desert planet Dune is renowned for its beauty, and is a popular vacation spot for space-faring humans in the distant future. It is also well known for something far more sinister… the world has become the haven for a branch of the intergalactic criminal organization called the "Ulfan", whose primary goal is to abduct beautiful young women to be forced into prostitution and sexual slavery. Taking advantage of the ease of remaining hidden in Dune’s vast stretches of inhospitable land, the syndicate has become firmly entrenched in every aspect of the planet’s infrastructure.
Lieutenant Kate Curtis is a rookie Federal Space Army Security Police officer fresh out of the academy. Upon reporting for duty at a space station near Dune, Kate is shocked to learn that her first assignment is to go undercover as a tourist vacationing alone on the planet. Her superiors hope that she will be able to draw out the Ulfan's agents so that they may be tricked into revealing the location of their secret base. Though nervous about accepting such a dangerous mission, Kate is determined to prove herself as an officer and bring the criminals to justice.
Almost immediately upon her arrival on the planet, agents of the Ulfan approach Kate under the guise of offering her a "sight-seeing" trip through the desert. Though their vehicle is tailed by the police, the savvy criminals manage to shake their pursuers. Alone and at the mercy of her captives, Kate focuses on keeping her true identity hidden, unaware that she is about to face "training" that has turned untold numbers of young women before her into willing, obedient slaves.
Bondage Queen Kate is a Hentai Anime directed by Takashi Asami. The two-part OVA series was developed by studio Swirl Recordings for its original release in 1995. It has been licensed for release in the United States by Kitty Media.
- Adjective Noun Fred
- All Men Are Perverts
- Auto Erotica
- Blondes Are Evil: Subverted really hard with Cathy.
- Buxom Is Better: The Ulfan prefer for their slaves to have large breasts, to the point where they will give drugs or plastic surgery to their less well-endowed captives to bring them "up to standard." Kate is understandably irritated to learn that her natural assets were the main reason she was chosen for the assignment.
- Dramatic Shattering: During the first sex scene between Kate and Brick, the view briefly cuts to a pane of glass cracking and then shattering to symbolize the loss of Kate's virginity.
- Fidelity Test: Cathy and Brick put Kate through one to determine whether she would call anyone but Brick her "master". She passes.
- The Glomp: Done in a freeze frame effect with Kate in the end between Kate and Brick's reunion.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted by Cathy who seems to have taken a bullet while getting Kate to safety but is revealed to have survived in The Stinger.
- How We Got Here: About 95% of the plot is Kate recounting how she ended up in the middle of a desert with no water and wearing just a skimpy latex outfit.
- Intentionally Awkward Title
- I Will Wait for You: Kate at the end of the series. She doesn't have to wait very long.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Brick is shown to genuinely care for Kate, and does everything he can to make her feel safe, comfortable, and happy. This is, of course, after kidnapping and raping her, but who's counting?
- Karmic Death: Jenkins is crushed by the Collapsing Lair (whose self-destruction he caused in the first place) before Brick can kill him. Though, of course, with a name like that...
- Male Gaze
- Naive Newcomer: Kate is a voluptuous, virginal nineteen year old whose first assignment with the Space Police is to infiltrate a group known for kidnapping and raping beautiful women before forcing them into bondage and sexual slavery. Needless to say, she is not prepared for what she's getting into.
- Plot With Porn: Way more plot than porn, in fact.
- The Power of Trust: Hilariously invoked by Brick when Kate questioned whether he would keep his promise that she would not be harmed.
"Of course. If you can't trust your rapist, who can you trust?"
- Princess Curls
- Property of Love: The role of Brick's "pet" fits Kate like a glove.
- Rape Is Love: Pretty much the entire premise of the series. All of the kidnapped slaves quickly come to love their captors through the power of BDSM.
- Redheaded Hero: Kate.
- Role Called
- Sex Slave: The Ulfan's primary motivation for kidnapping women is to force them into sexual slavery. It is implied that after their "training", most of the victims go along with the idea willingly.
- Shout-Out: The planet Dune is dominated by vast deserts, mostly inhabited by deadly creatures known as "sand worms." Now where have we heard that before?
- The Stinger: A rather benign example: it reveals that Brick, the Ulfan boss, Dick, Amy, and even Cathy all survived and found Kate again just a month after the Doune disaster.
- Stockholm Syndrome: Kate has got it bad.