The Secret Show

The Fluffy Bunny Show

Hello my cutesy wootsy squigly bunny friends, Sweet little granny here and welcome to The Fluffy Bunny show!
Sweet little Granny

Beloved of children for decades, The Fluffy Bunny Show

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The Secret Show (2006-2007) is either an incredibly silly cartoon or a ruthless parody of Tuxedo and Martini Spy Fiction. Probably both. Any trope that gets within a mile of this show tends to end up subverted or parodied. Like all good children's comedy shows it can raise a smile in adults too.

The show follows top U.Z.Z. agents Victor Volt and Anita Knight as they thwart the various threats to earth's security, supported by Da Chief whose name is Changed Daily, always to something embarrassing and/or silly, and U.Z.Z. chief scientist Professor Professor. The most common foe is Doctor Doctor's T.H.E.M. and its Expendaballs. Other foes are the Impostors, a race of (probably) worm-like aliens who have special suits that allow them to assume perfect disguises, The Reptogators who live 60 miles below the surface of the Earth, and are naturally stupid; they have terrible eye sight, so they track people down by the smell of dirty teeth. They only become intelligent by sucking out the brainwaves of other creatures (most are too stupid to know this however). The Floaty Heads, aliens with floating heads who, according to the website seem to want something different every time they show up.

The format of each 15 minute episode is fairly regular, start with Special Agent Ray clearing the time slot of The Fluffy Bunny show, run titles, have the briefing including Changed Daily's new name of the day, fight the often utterly ridiculous foe (with extra briefings as needed) and then a de-briefing.

Originally a British creation airing on the BBC, this is among Nicktoons' independently-funded acquisitions it made in the later part of the 2000 decade, along with Kappa Mikey, Skyland, Shuriken School, Edgar and Ellen, Ricky Sprocket, Three Delivery, Wayside, and Making Fiends.

Definitely not to be confused with The Great and Secret Show.

Tropes used in The Secret Show include:
  • Big Bad: Dr. Doctor
  • Big No: Professor Professor at the start of 'The Thing That Goes Ping'.
  • Butt Monkey: Victor seems to be a mild case of this until he gets that temporary lucky gene; it's cancelled out by the end of the episode when everyone gets it.
  • Biological Mashup: Combined with Cats Have Nine Lives when Victor and an evil cat are teleported back to U.Z.Z. base together; the cat gains a secret code from Victor's brain, but Victor gains eight lives... which he promptly loses, thanks to his aforementioned butt monkey status.
  • Catch Phrase: Oh so many, from Professor Professor's "Utterly untested und highly dangerous!" to The Impostor's "Fing Bahoo!" (No one knows what it means, but they say it a lot.)
    • "Victor. Are you still alive?"
      • "Yes, I'm still alive!"
  • Chekhov's Skill: Vegetarianism.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The red button on the chairs in the pilot.
  • Couch Gag: Ray's method of evicting Granny from the opening slot.
    • Once, Granny has a 'very special episode' involving collecting carrots for the bunnies. The following dialogue ensues, after the screen zooming out to show some U.Z.Z agents...

All Agents: BOR-ING!
Agent in Red: Anything else on?
Agent in Blue: Yeah. Let's watch... The Secret Show.

    • Subverted, BEAUTIFULLY, in an episode where Granny is sick, so her rarely-seen husband, Sweet Little Grandpa, runs the bunny show. When the agents show up to evict him, he...takes it poorly. Like, "headbutts an U.Z.Z. agent and holes up in a nearby house, shouting statements about freedom" poorly. It was maybe the funniest moment on the show.
    • Once, Granny was ejected while showing a replay of her debut episode. The replay featured her being evicted by a team of agents led by Changed Daily.
  • Cutting the Knot: Nearly every time a locked door & keypad appear, there is a request to enter a complicated and time-consuming code or input, to which the heroes usually respond by blowing up the keypad, which always inexplicably opens the door.
  • Different in Every Episode: The chief changes his name in each episode for security reasons.
  • Fail O'Suckyname: Changed Daily's several names.
  • Fun with Acronyms: It's UZZ against THEM.
  • Future Badass: Victor in 'Victor of the Future,' although the 'terrible future' aspect of the trope doesn't seem to be present.
  • Genre Savvy: Taking advantage of the fact Professor Professor usually phones him during dangerous situations, Victor once left his cell phone behind so the call would distract the enemies pursuing him and Anita. Unfortunately, because agents couldn't waste cell phones like that, Anita was the one to be rewarded for it.
    • In another episode, Doctor Doctor entered a contest to pick a world anthem. Victor theorised she planned to use the contest to hypnotize everyone in the world but nobody at UZZ took him seriously since the idea has been used in several cartoons. He was later revealed to be right.
  • I Ate What?: Anita eats an alien. Everyone else in the world (except Vegan vegetarians) ends up doing the same thing twice by episode's end.
  • Interspecies Romance: Dabbled with between Victor and an alien princess, in the episode where the Floaty-Head Aliens steal the solar-system, and again with U.Z.Z. agent Lucy Woo and an animatronic hamster.
  • Jerkass: You would think that Professor Professor would bother to test his experiments, rather than just wait for Victor to need them.
    • More than that. Professor Professor always seems intent on screwing around with people, even when it would really be inappropriate (like in the middle of a life or death situation).
      • And he's implied to be just as much of a jerkass in the future, if not moreso; the one that stows away to the present in 'Victor of the Future'; when asked by present Victor what defeated the Floatyheads back when this was happening for him, he plays a guessing game and leads Victor to throw potatoes at the thing.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Victor Volt figures out Doctor Doctor's plot to hypnotize the world with a song. He is ridiculed by his fellow agents, who tell him that only happens in cartoons.
    • "How did people escape before ventilation shafts?"
  • Lethal Chef: Victor's mother seems to be this by her lack of skill with cakes.
    • The Chef, literally.
  • Loophole Abuse: A clown became the World Leader by renaming himself after the ballot's instruction of where to put the "X" to get votes from confused voters.
  • MacGuffin: The aptly named Secret Thing.
  • Meaningful Name: Professor Professor, Doctor Doctor and double agent Kent B. Trusted. Also the World Leader's name seems to be World Leader.
  • Mooks: The Expendables.
  • Once an Episode: Evicting Sweet Little Granny from her time slot, Changed Daily's name and...

Prof. Professor: Victor! Are you still alive?
Victor (usually irritated): Yes, I'm still alive!

    • Although usually he's just barely still alive, or just about to "not be still alive anymore."
      • And when uttering the words "yes" and "no" turn U.Z.Z. agents into zombies, Victor just catches himself and angrily tells Professor Professor to never ask that again. (He obviously doesn't listen, though.)
    • Also, Changed Daily's exasperated sigh - "ohhhhhh," which occurs once an episode, usually to close it out.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: The U.Z.Z. emergency disguise kit consists of a pair of glasses with googly eyes, a huge nose and a moustache. Works perfectly every time.
  • Punny Name: Kent B. Trusted
  • Reverse the Polarity: Of the shrinky-shrinky ray to get biggy-biggy ray.
  • Running Gag: Oh so many. Changed Daily takes the fireplace he leans against everywhere. Plus The Secret Thing, a tiny mechanical spider and Granny's fluffy bunnies can be seen in the background of every episode.
  • Sorry I Left the BGM On: The Bermuda Trapezoid *Bumb bumb BUUUMB!*
    • Also: The Abyss *Wooooo oooo ooooooo*
  • Stupid Statement Dance Mix: A pair of aliens spying on U.Z.Z. base made one of these using some of Changed Daily's names.
  • Talking to Himself: At any given time, a character will be either voiced by Rob Rackstraw, or Kate Harbour. Regardless of gender.
  • The Un-Reveal: What is the Secret Thing? Also what is Changed Daily's real name (4 times in the space of 30 seconds in one episode)?
  • Weaksauce Weakness: The Impostors thrive in the cold, but are allergic to penguins, which (as we all know) also thrive in the cold. Also, their helmets vibrate to a high C note, making them shatter and forcing the creepy crawly aliens that actually control the suits to retreat to their base 90 miles below the surface of the Earth.
    • Which would explain why they live underground and try to freeze places where penguins are not a native species.
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