Wayside School (usually billed as just Wayside) is an Animated Adaptation of the novels from Louis Sachar, created by John Derevlany.
While a lot of the original setting and premise from the books is retained in the series (ie the 30 ft school, the students, and the cows), it also differs quite a bit from the original story. For instance, Todd is made a New Transfer Student to the school and stars as the main protagonist for the show with Mrs. Jewels already teaching at Wayside.
Originally premiering on Canada's Teletoon in 2007, it was later moved to Nickelodeon. The series had 25 episodes and an hour long Pilot Movie episode. Despite garnering relatively favorable reviews, the show was cancelled in 2008 and the first season was released later that year. The second season is still on waiting.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Maurecia towards Todd to show her love,
- Adult Child: Mrs. Jewls, who borders on this and Cloudcuckoolander. She's been known to play pinball in class.
- Almighty Janitor: Louis is the sanest and most competent member of Wayside's faculty, which was kind of the case in the books as well.
- Bizarrchitecture: Much much moreso than the books. While the Wayside School was simply an insanely tall skyscraper, in the series it looks like it was engineered by M. C. Escher. Concept Art Here
- Butt Monkey: Todd, to an extent.
- Catch Phrase: Dana's "Enough with the fun!!", usually right after her Signature Laugh.
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: She'll sometimes replace 'fun' with something else.
- Cloudcuckooland: The School.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Ms. Jewls, Principal Kidswatter, Myron. Basically, everyone except for Todd and maybe Louis.
- Companion Cube: Sammy the dead rat, normally Ms. Mush's companion, all of the kids tend to like and respect him.
- Drunk with Power: Myron in He Is It.
- Epic Fail: Myron is this personified. He can't even operate a light switch.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Todd
- The Lancer: Maurecia
- The Smart Guy: Dana
- The Big Guy: Myron
- Team Mom: Mrs. Jewls
- Funny Foreigner: Ms. Mush.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Michael Cera voiced Todd for the hour long The Movie Pilot, then he was replaced by one of the many voices of Arthur.
- Hypocritical Humor: Done twice in Daring Love. After Jenny jumps over Todd on her motorcycle, she tells a very concerned Maurecia that there's "No way I could've hit him", to which Maurecia then asks "Why anyone would hit Todd?" Cue flashbackmontage of Maurecia hitting Todd. Todd then comes over to complain, and Maurecia hits him again.
- Informed Ability: An episode involving a dance-off with another school involved Todd and Maurecia creating a move that simply involved Maurecia punching Todd. This is treated as the hottest thing since sliced bread and even gets the rival team a really high score when they steal the move and use it during the dance-off.
- Jerkass: Much of the characters, from Mrs. Jewls to Myron.
- Magic Skirt: Maurecia
- Meganekko: Dana
- Ms. Exposition: Dana always has The Official Wayside Rule Book on hand when any school rules or regulations need to be explained.
- Nerds: Myron, Dana, and the Three Erics.
- New Transfer Student: Todd.
- No Guy Wants to Be Chased
- Non-Human Sidekick: Sammy.
- Once an Episode: Todd being sent home.
- Not in every single episode, actually. But it's a running joke.
- Actually, the gag is Todd being sent home on the preschool bus instead of the regular bus.
- They stopped making it an Every Episode Ending after the first few episodes, only bringing it back a few times when it was plot-relevant.
- Mostly when Todd gets in trouble and Ms. Jewels must punish him.
- One Steve Limit: Averted, as it's a Three Eric Rule, no more and no less. Lampshaded and lampooned every way possible.
- Only Sane Man: Todd.
- Pointy-Haired Boss: Principal Kidswatter.
- Pragmatic Adaptation: While the show isn't a complete adaptation of Louis Sachar's books, it is a relatively impressive show in it's own right.
- Redheaded Hero: Todd
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Todd and Maurecia
- Springtime for Hitler: Maurecia, when she tries to get out of the "stupid smart class". The class was run by Miss Mush, who is Too Dumb to Fool.
- The Jimmy Hart Version: Almost every episode.
- Tomboy: Maurecia.
- Tsundere: Maurecia is Type B towards Todd.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Maurecia, who's changed from originally a Redheaded Hero to this.
- Also, admittedly Louis.
- Mrs. Jewls has pink hair.