
Skyland (full French title: Skyland, le nouveau monde, i.e. Skyland, the new world) is a Franco-Canadian CGI animated television series. The series lasted from November, 2005 to April, 2007. A total of 26 episodes in a single season.
It is the 23rd century; the Earth has shattered into billions of pieces which orbit around a central core. In this new world named Skyland, an evolved form of humans has appeared: Seijins, who are able to absorb energy from sunlight and use it to fuel special abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, mental control, astral projection, energy balls/blasts and little electricity rays.
The Skyland is ruled by the Sphere, an organisation which controls the fragmented world's water supplies and maintains its power thanks to Guardians, promising Seijin children who have been taken away from their families and given a special training. This dictatorship is fought by pirates.
2451: After the capture of their mother by the Sphere, Mahad and Lena (a young Seijin still learning to control her powers) are rescued by a group of pirates. They join the pirate rebellion, determined to free their mother and help bring the Sphere down.
Totally not inspired by Last Exile.
- Animesque
- Absent-Minded Professor: the Vector
- Action Girl: Dahlia, Lena
- After the End: The world is "shattered into billions of pieces" after all, even if the pieces are inhabitable.
- Almost Kiss: Mahad and Dahlia in "Eye of the Sorm"
- Badass Adorable: Lena, Chen some of the time
- Badass Normal: Mahad and Dahlia, again
- Bald of Evil: Diwan and Oslo
- Big Bad: Oslo
- Because Destiny Says So
- Brother-Sister Team: Mahad and Lena
- The Chosen One: not yet identified
- Cel Shading
- Cool Ship: the Hyperion
- Dark Action Girl: Diwan
- Deus Ex Machina: Lena
- Disappeared Dad: Marcus Farrell
- Evil Twin: Oslo is Darius's (though it would be more accurate to say that Darius is Oslo's good twin, considering that he appears only in one episode)
- Failure Is the Only Option: The unchanging premise of the show is that the kids are trying to get their mother out of prison. Thus they cannot actually succeed at this task until the end of the series.
- Fighting From the Inside: Dahlia in "Manipulations"
- Floating Continent: There is no solid ground anywhere. What holds the floating rocks up is never explained.
- The Future
- Giant Spider: Mogura
- God Mode Sue: Lena, mainly due to her Deus Ex Machina status.
- Heroic Willpower: Dahlia in "Manipulations"
- High Altitude Battle
- Idiot Hero: Mahad
- In a Single Bound
- Just in Time: "Eye of the Storm", "Manipulations"
- La RĂ©sistance
- Mecha-Mooks: the brigs
- Missing Mom and Action Mom: Mila
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Deciding that Mahad needs a lesson in responsibility, Cortes leaves him in charge for the day, then fakes an attack by a fleet of Sphere ships. Unfortunately, this means Mahad refuses to believe him when a Sphere patroller really is on the way.
- Not Important to This Episode Camp
- People Puppets: Dahlia in "Manipulations"
- Pirate Girl
- Pirates
- The Power of Love: Lena and her mother in "The Great Wall", "Babylonia"
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Mahad's boomerang
- Psychic Powers
- Reasonable Authority Figure (who nevertheless often wonders why he listens to kids): Cortes
- Rotoscoping
- Save the Villain: "Red Rock People", "Shadows of the Past", twice in "Kharzem Fortress: Part Two"
- Saving the Orphanage: "The Island of the Child King"
- Serkis Folk
- Single Biome Planet: Cloud Planet
- Shout-Out: the Mogura's name is a reference to a robot in the Godzilla films.
- Sky Pirate
- Will They or Won't They? (slightly)
- World in the Sky
- You're Not My Father: "Red Rock People"