The Secret Life of the Backyard Kids
The Secret Life of the Backyard Kids is probably the most famous Backyard Sports Fan Fic that doesn't have anything to do with sports. It was written by a girl known as rose64bud in deviantART, who started publishing it from November 2011 to June 2012.
TSLOTBK is different from most fanfictions written by teenage girls. There's Ho Yay but no slash, and no Mary Sue. It's late 2008, and Jorge Garcia had just outran Pablo Sanchez on all fours, but he doesn't know why. He finds out he has magic powers, and that the reason he outran Pablo was because he was so powerful. He uses his powers to defeat an Alpha Bitch Complete Monster, Tiffany Stevens, all the while, trying to live a normal life. What's more, Achmed starts a budding romance with Samantha Pearce, even though Tiffany is his girlfriend.
Also, in a (probable) life-threatening situation for Jorge, he transforms into a panther to protect himself, and gains Super Strength and Super Speed from the experience. He tries to live a normal life while his shell peeks out, and tries to keep his identity secret from his friends Dmitri, Achmed, Angela, Reese, and Tony. But Tiffany is always after him...
It's on deviantART here.
- Adaptational Badass: Jorge went from a Spoiled Brat Neat Freak to a Badass Spaniard who outran Pablo Sanchez on all fours.
- Alpha Bitch: Tiffany Stevens, to the Nth degree.
- Animorphism
- Anti-Hero: Jorge's starts out as a Type I, and is usually a Type II but on his bad days he's a Type III or, on his really bad days, type IV.[1]
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted by Tiffany, played straight by Jorge. Also, the above aversion lead to a string of events in story.
- Broken Bird / Troubled but Cute: Jorge, who's mother is dead, father pressures him to be perfect, and has powers he doesn't want.
- The Cheerleader: The first chapter describes Tiffany Stevens as one of these.
- Clingy Jealous Girl / Shallow Love Interest: Angela
- Combat Stilettos: Tiffany wears high heels in chapter six...until she snaps her fingers and turns into a cat.
- Cool Loser: Jorge is handsome, rich, and charismatic, so it's jarring that he's bullied by Tiffany Stevens and close friends with nerds Dmitri and Reese.
- Coy Girlish Flirt Pose: Invoked by Angela when she's trying to flirt with Jorge.
- Dark Action Girl: Tiffany.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Jorge, who dresses up like Zorro.
- Evil Redhead: Tiffany.
- Expy: Jorge is a male version of Sailor Moon crossed with Zorro.
- Fan Fic Chopsuey
- "Growing Muscles" Sequence: Jorge's graphic transformation into a panther caused his skinny physique to bulk up.
- Hair of Gold: Samantha Pearce.
- High School Hustler: Achmed, the most popular kid in school.
- I Just Want to Be Normal / Lonely Rich Kid: Jorge.
- Latin Lover / Chick Magnet / Kidanova: Jorge.
Why is everyone fall for Jorge?—sweetteen5
- Lean and Mean: Fan art shows Tiffany as this.
- Megane: Jorge and Dmitri. Jorge is described as wearing glasses in the first chapter, at least.
- Missing Mom: Jorge's mom died when he was little.
- Morning Routine: Chapter 4.
- Mr. Fanservice: All the guys except Pablo, Reese, and maybe Dmitri. Jorge is an Egregious case of this.
- Ordinary High School Student / Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Jorge, though he's in middle school.
- Pretty Boy: Jorge and Tony.
- Princely Young Man: Jorge. He even lampshades it in chapter seven, when he describes his transformation.
- Redheaded Stepchild: Not literally, but when Dmitri tells his mom Jorge threw him through a wall, she assumed he started it-yeah...
- Rich Bitch: Tiffany Stevens. Jorge is a subversion, what with him being a Good Is Not Nice Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
- Running on All Fours: In the first chapter, this is how Jorge finds out he has superpowers.
- Sharp-Dressed Man / Badass in a Nice Suit: Jorge was a Sharp-Dressed Man during Backyard Sports, so there's no doubt he'll be one here. He's also an Adaptational Badass, invoking the latter trope.
- Shopping Montage: Achmed invokes this with Sam.
- Shorttank: Sam, the plucky Tomboy who just moved to Brickfield.
- Six-Student Clique:
- The Head: Jorge
- The Muscle: Achmed
- The Quirk: Tony
- The Pretty One: Angela
- The Smart One: Dmitri
- The Wild One: Sam
- Song Fic
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Jorge. Angela even lampshades it!
- Transformation Sequence: Jorge gets a rather disturbing one.
- Woman in Black: Tiffany, in Chapter six.