< The Scrappy

The Scrappy/Western Animation

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987:
    • We have Vernon, a whiny load who pretty much existed to make April look better.
    • Also Burne, April's boss for being a massively unsympathetic Jerkass.
    • Lord Dregg is this to some, simply for replacing Shredder and Krang.
    • Carter from the same season, for being a blatant Canon Sue and outshining the turtles.
    • Howie, a character who was so hated, he was written out after just two episodes.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003:
    • While the Fast Forward season was maligned for many reasons, a substantial amount of the blame is still heaped upon Cody Jones, the descendent of Casey Jones and April O-Neil. While insofar as that he doesn't sound too bad on paper, in practice he was basically The Load added to the existing team dynamic of the turtles and Splinter that had been successful as it was for two decades of stories, with most of the Fast Forward episodes based around him being a near-useless raving turtles fanboy and his uncle conspiring against him just because of a corporate grudge. The really sad thing is that among the few things many fans consider good about this season was how it occasionally provided a sort of epilogue to beloved longtime characters and aspects of the series, but with a newly created and fairly uninteresting character's monopolizing of the plot, those bits were few and far-between.
  • Family Guy:
    • Brian turned into this for a large portion of the fanbase in later seasons, mainly because he would talk about his beliefs...a lot. In the most pretentious way possible. It finally reached its zenith in episodes like "Not All Dogs Go To Heaven" where his end-of-episode speeches could now automatically convert anyone who listened to him. Luckily the writers have finally started to realize how ridiculous this was getting and have since toned Brian down a bit.
    • Season 8 even had a Take That, Scrappy! to Brian in the form of a speech from Quagmire touching on all of the criticisms fans were making about Brian in the later seasons. Apparently even Seth MacFarlane realized that people were sick of his Author Avatar and wanted him knocked down a few pegs. Still doesn't wipe away the memory of Brian's suck from the previous seasons.
    • Due to the massive Flanderization, Peter and Lois may replace Brian as the show's resident scrappies, since they each become more of a Jerkass each episode.
    • Quagmire had reached these levels after his Reason You Suck Speech to Brian. The writers have attempted to correct Brian's ways, while Quagmire kept getting worse. It came to the point where Quagmire just ran over Brian after the loves of their lives dumped them for acting childish.
    • Another Scrappy who's even related to Brian is his cousin, Jasper. Calling him Camp Gay is too liberal; instead suffice it to say that he's a rude conglomeration of almost every offensive gay stereotype ever conceived. He became even worse when the writers decided to make him a key player in an episode advocating gay rights, in one of the most counter-effective attempts at activism ever on the show. This same problem occurred with Quagmire's transgender father way later on. Despite many people consider Jasper to be the homosexual equivalent of the Ethnic Scrappy (especially other gay people), Seth MacFarlane stated in an interview that Jasper was supposed to appeal the gay audience. To say that backfired is a understatement.
    • Other characters that were Killed Off for Real also qualify, such as Paddy Tanniger and The Vaudeville Duo. The reason they were killed off was because they're The Scrappy. (And yet, for some reason, those annoying weight-lifting guys live on!)
    • Another one is Carl, Chris's boss. He seems to exist solely for saying random things and adding nothing to the plot. And yet, they made him Yoda (instead of a more suitable character, like Joe or Meg) in their Star Wars episodes.
    • Herbert the Creepy Old Pedophile.
    • Consuela the maid. She keeps on being shoved into episodes and she's full of Unfortunate Implications.
  • While many fans of Captain N: The Game Master are unhappy with the personality and appearance changes made to the title character's supporting cast, they also tend to hate Game Boy, a mid-series addition to the team who rarely did anything useful. It didn't help that Gameboy was introduced in the most illogical way possible. Princess Lana's dad, who is trapped in another dimension, sends Gameboy to them via a warp portal that only opens once per decade. He thinks Gameboy will be able to help them in the war against Mother Brain...but by doing so, the king gives up his own chance to go through the portal, despite the fact that his return would have probably ENDED the war.
  • Superfriends:
    • The animated series originally had three Scrappies in the mascot/Sidekick characters of Marvin, Wendy and 'Wonderdog', two ordinary teenagers and their pet who dressed in superhero drag and whose roles in the series (especially Marvin's) were to do stupid but plot-enabling things. The characters were so annoying to even the pre-teens who were the primary audience of the show that they were replaced by the only marginally more acceptable "Wonder Twins", a pair of teenaged alien superheroes and their pet space monkey Gleek, who filled the "get captured by the Monster of the Week" and "cause trouble through abject stupidity" roles until the series finally dumped them too and redid the format into a more traditional superhero show.
    • In the "Power Hour" of Superfriends, there are three Scrappies: El Dorado, a one-Spanish-word-a-sentence hero with vaguely defined powers; Samurai - a one-Japanese-word-a-sentence fellow who had a horribly stereotyped personality; and Firestorm, who is considered a Scrappy thanks mainly to his Marty Stu status of always being the fellow to yank the Big Damn Heroes moment from everyone (especially from a badly Chickified Wonder Woman.
    • Aquaman had a really bad time of being a Damsel Scrappy. Also, most of the time, his powers are useless owing to the series' extreme Cast Speciation limiting him to aquatic abilities in a land-based series.
  • Buttons from Eon Kid has all the trappings of Scrappydom, being an annoying talking robot dog intended for comic relief, and does very little to help the heroes whatsoever.
  • Jackie Chan Adventures:
    • Jade Chan often acts before she thinks, is selectively deaf to the word 'no' and variants thereof, directly causes the problems in more than a few episodes that revolve around her, and she tends to steal the spotlight from the rest of the cast (in other words, she's ten). Though only when she's holding the Idiot Ball before passing it to another character. Still, she has her legion of fans and is arguably more popular than Jackie himself. From the second season onward, Jackie Chan Adventures pretty much became The Jade Show making her a Breakout Character to some and a Creator's Pet to others. She's rarely The Load however since she manages to either fix the problems she causes herself or turn them into advantages and if anything she's the only Guile Hero of the cast. Often she'll solve a problem with intelligence lacking in the other characters, save them when they do equally stupid things like running at the enemy without a plan and is also the only character who seems to bother using the Talismans. More than one episode will usually involve Jackie and the others attacking a demon with nothing but their fists only for Jade to show up with the Talismans in tow. Just as often however she'll unfortunately grab hold of the Idiot Ball and do something incredibly stupid then again the whole cast does it. Haters oddly find that her positive contributions are just shoehorning rather than genuinely good writing. Even children, the demographic she was aimed at, have gotten pretty annoyed at her obnoxious tendencies. The fact that she is ten doesn't do much to help her situation. Yet strangely no one seems to find Uncle annoying doing far worse.
    • Then again, she pales in comparison to Paco, who was basically all of Jade's trouble-causing tendencies, none of her plucky, awesome, or ingenious ones, had a few extra pints of annoying fanboy for good measure, and couldn't even hold a consistent accent. There's a reason the fandom prefers to ship Jade with a homicidal demonic bat.
  • Zuffy, the Small Annoying Creature from Defenders of the Earth.
  • The Transformers fandom has several different Scrappies to choose from, both humanoid and robot.
    • The most disliked of the robots appear to be Wheelie from the original series (though not the version in the comics) and Nightscream from Beast Machines.
    • Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime also has quite a hatedom to many G1 fans, mainly because he's the guy who got Optimus Prime Killed. Ultra Magnus also gets some of this treatment, but to a much lesser degree.
    • Those Puny Earthlings don't get off much easier, either...Sari of Animated, on the other hand, seems to have beaten the odds and been accepted by the fanbase (or at least a lot more than usual). And amazingly, she managed this even before we found out she turned out to be a robot.
    • Sentinel Prime is almost certainly deliberate. The writers created him to be an enormous Jerkass, who could not possibly be liked by the fandom, and whose every appearance would be marked by a horde of people demanding his swift and painful demise. They succeeded.
    • It took about 5 seconds of screen time for Transformers Prime viewers to pick the new show's scrappy. Miko. She seems to serve no other purpose but getting in the way, and being a general nuisance. Jack and Raf have both done something useful at this point in the show. Miko... not so much.
  • King of the Hill:
    • Lucky is seen as a Scrappy by a large segment of the show's fandom. A stereotypical "redneck" character, he contributes practically nothing to the plot except as a love intrest to Luanne which ALSO caused the ire of fans since it detracted from her desire to get away from being a stereotypical "hillbilly" like the rest of her family. About his only redeeming traits are that he genuinely cares for his friends and family and that he has an "honor code" (IE: He refuses to marry Luanne until he's graduated from high school).
    • Peggy Hill is seen as this due to her massive Flanderization in later seasons changing her from a somewhat smug yet intelligent woman who spoke decent if rudimentary Spanish to a Jerkass Small Name, Big Ego who couldn't speak a lick of Spanish if her life depended on it (yet she acted like she was fluent in the language). It also doesn't help she became so smug in later seasons that she even tried to mooch off of Hank's popularity as a (temporary) substitute teacher in order to win yet another substitute teacher's award.
  • Godzooky from Hanna-Barbera's Godzilla Power Hour.
    • And even Godzooky himself is nothing compared to the human characters in the series. Bland, one-dimensional characters whose only purposes are to either A.) Get attacked/captured by the Monster of the Week and/or B.) Summon Godzilla to solve all of their problems for them. Say what you will about Godzooky. At least he actually does something other than say "Oh, no! (Insert monster here) is destroying the city/attacking the Tagalong Kid! We must summon Godzilla!"
  • The webcomic Sluggy Freelance has Torg mention this once in quasi-TVTropeish terms, resulting in the without knowing the context completely brain-damaged-sounding sentence "Godzookie [sic] is the Scrappy-Doo of Godzilla."
  • The Simpsons':
    • In the Show Within a Show, The Itchy and Scratchy Show, Poochie is viewed as such by the characters in the show. Is it any wonder he becomes a victim of Shoo Out the New Guy?
    • Sideshow Mel is venturing into Scrappy territory. He's more nicer and relatively inoffensive compared to some Scrappys mentioned in this entry, but a lot of fans miss the days when a shot of the citizens of Springfield could be shown without Mel belting out some random comment. Plus there are times where he gets hammy even for him: "I shall make this into my SCREEEENNSSAAAVVVEEEERRRR!!!!"
    • Lisa is also falling into scrappy territory, for many of the same reasons for Brian Griffin's spot on this list. Unlike Brian, however, they often parody the reason Lisa is a Scrappy, such as having her set out for "extremely liberal" causes for no apparent reason other than because she felt like doing something that day. One joke had her set out to raise hell for causes about football only for Ned to tell her that the problems were never there and there's no reason to do so. She runs off crying. In fact, nearly every episode where Lisa gets political ends with her apologizing for her pushiness and saying she was wrong.
    • Helen Lovejoy for constantly criticizing everything and being a gossip machine.
    • Ned Flanders himself, everytime the Flanderization goes out of control.
    • Marge also to some, simply for being boring and not allowing to have fun. It might be insulting to point out here, but there are a lot of anti-fans to Marge.
    • Chief Wiggum: In the early days he was simply a bungling clumsy cop who was not even corrupt back then. Now, he's totally corrupt and incompetent and his behaviour became more a danger to people. Even though Springfield is supposed to be a Crapsack World that is Played for Laughs, Wiggum putting people in danger is not funny.
    • Dr. Marvin Monroe with his very raspy annoying voice; it even did damage to voice actor Harry Shearer's real voice (Shearer wanted Monroe removed). Even Matt Groening hated Monroe simply because his voice annoyed him.
    • Marge's old boyfriend Artie Ziff is this, a man who's high-IQ and success have given him a selfish sense of self-entitlement that makes him think the world owes him everything. The guy seriously gives nerds a bad name.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants:
    • Spongebob himself has become a scrappy in later seasons. With the onset of Flanderization, he is increasingly absolutely unlikable, his voice has become extremely annoying; he combines the Jerkass tendencies with his annoying voice, and ruins the lives of likeable characters like Squidward and Mrs. Puff. This is made even more unforgivable since Spongebob is the main character.
    • Pearl is incredibly annoying, loud... and generally disliked.
    • Perhaps one of the few characters that still has some basic redeeming aspects or a regular basis is Sandy Cheeks, who ironically started off as an arguable Scrappy due to her rather Mary Sue-ish character and lack of flaws. Since then she has arguably been Rescued from the Scrappy Heap by lampshading her excessive gifts and talents and evolving her into a hammy Small Name, Big Ego.
    • That is to say nothing of Mr. Krabs. He used to be a nice and well-liked character (perhaps one of the best the show had), but post Flanderization, many fans just only want to watch the show on the condition that Mr. Krabs suffers a truly horrible and agonizing fate for the all the things he had done. Recent episodes have seen his rivalry with Plankton devolve into making his life hell just for fun (even when Plankton was the good guy a few times), feeding poison or rotten food to his customers intentionally for the sake of an extra dollar, or extorting and abusing his employees. The fact that he gets away with these at least 80% of the time doesn't help. The episode "Plankton's Regular" made him cross the line, there he just doesn't allow Plankton to have one single customer.
      • His money fetish also became over the top as he sees money rather as a living thing or something, and sometimes takes the risk of chosing it above his own daughter or friends.
    • Patrick has been getting a lot of hate in his more recent appearances. He will have no role in the entire episode, show up and act as a Diabolus Ex Machina to screw over some other character, like Squidward. His Flanderization didn't help matters: he want from being the tolerable if not lovable The Ditz taken Up to Eleven into Too Dumb to Live territory. Coupled with this and a major upgrade to Jerkass (where even Spongebob gets annoyed with him more lately), you can't help but sympathize with why Squidward hates both him and Spongebob, his not-so under the radar Stalker with a Crush.
    • Thankfully, Spongebob, Patrick and Mr. Krabs have been recently Rescued from the Scrappy Heap thanks to the second movie, going back to their previous and likable characterizations.
  • Invader Zim: Gaz, Dib's selfish and abusive sister, who seems to exist solely to make his life hell and get away with it. Near the end of the series, she got worse, beating him up violently for trivial offenses and generally flanderizing. One of the unaired scripts even has her see Zim clearly dying from withdrawal of his PAK and almost leave him to die, and Zim has to lie to get her to even lift a finger. Her hatred probably isn't as big as the others on this page, but it's still understandable. Tellingly, the creator himself detested said characterization just as much as the fanbase, and took special effort in redeeming her by making her more of an Annoying Younger Sibling Jerk with a Heart of Gold in the comics and the Enter the Florpus movie.
  • Spyke in X-Men: Evolution was an example of the crew's attempts to bring in a brand new X-Men character for the series who would be the "epitome of cool." This failed so badly (with almost all of the fans being irritated by his "cool lingo" and overall skater persona) that he was Put on a Bus halfway through Season 3, having experienced further growth of his "spikes" to the point where he looked more like an armadillo than a kid, he ran away to live with the Morlocks in the underground sewer system. It didn't really help matters that he had basically the same powers as a relatively well-known Morlock from the comics, Marrow, although Word of God says this was a complete accident.

Yo Rogue, why don't you shed them gloves and give K-Girl a tiny tap?"

  • X-Men:
    • The animated series from The Nineties had Jubilee, who seemed to exist solely to give it a "teen" viewpoint.
    • Warlock from the Phalanx Covenant story arc. He was just an annoying voice attached to a silly alien belief structure that was reminiscent of nothing moreso than Rolf from Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy.
  • The Venture Brothers:
    • The Murderous Moppets, who the creators plan to keep on the show solely because they're so universally despised by the fans. The Moppets are hated by the characters themselves.
    • Dermott, too, has become something of a scrappy. He was almost universally hated by fans, and many have called for his non-return.
  • Despite having not done much of anything, good or bad, Julie from Ben 10 Alien Force has become the fandom's Scrappy surprisingly fast. She's the Scrappy because by many she's seen as a barrier in the path of the fan preferred Gwen/Ben, or for the Ho Yay Shipping fans, Kevin/Ben.
    • A lot of hate comes from the fact that many see her as unneeded/unwanted; had the show wanted a love interest so badly, they easily already had one in Kai Green, the Native American girl from the the first series and supposedly went on to marry Ben in the Ben-10,000 future.
    • Anodites aren't a very well received species due to what many feel are an incredibly confusing and pointless retcon, with the few representatives (Sunny and Verdona, though mostly Verdona for her admitted favoritism to Gwen and actually aggressively attacking her own grandson.) not being well-liked either.
  • Animaniacs:
    • It had the Hip Hippos. The Hip Hippos are a pair of very urbane well... Hippos speaking with rather obnoxious faux-Barcelona accents (does not help they tend to talk in nearly histrionic tones). Their main shtick is pretty much "Hippos live upperclass life, clueless zoologist tries to trick them into moving back to the wild". Only a few shorts that starred them were made before the production team realized how unpopular they were and relegated them to side characters.
    • The same thing happened to Katie Ka-Boom, though this may have had more to do with the writers realizing she lacked potential as a character. The few shorts featuring her are so formulaic that they're almost indistinguishable.
  • Inspector Gadget had Corporal Capeman, who was added in the second season as part of an attempt to make it more different from the first season, as well as an obviously shameless attempt to boost low ratings. He was an extremely idiotic superhero wanna-be that looked like a nerd (complete with oversized eyeglasses) and idolized Inspector Gadget (to which Gadget referred to Capeman as "Capman.") As a result, Gadget soon became Capeman's mentor. But Capeman, unfortunately, was stupider than Gadget, whom himself was also an idiot. Capeman didn't appear in all the episodes during this season though, which lead to some rather confusing continuity.
  • Danny Phantom:
    • Some fans see Danielle "Dani" Phantom as this, criticizing her for being essentially a canon Copy Cat Sue of the main character and lacking any personnality. The fact she inspired many fans in creating their own Copy Cat Sues doesn't really help. In practice however, she has quite a lot of fans (just check the pics about her on Deviantart) and is more of a Base Breaker.
    • Likewise, the one-shot villains of the much maligned season three of the series are met with general fan distaste. This is mostly due to the fact they have little depth to them, all want pretty much the same goals (WORLD DOMINATION!), and that the main differences between them are essentially their respective powers (IE: Undergrowth controls plants, Vortex controls the weather, etc.) Several fans hate Vortex in particular simply because his voice is so annoying.
  • Babu, from the cartoon version of I Dream of Jeannie, has no such moments. A man-boy of the first order, his magic ALWAYS causes disaster and in one particularly cringe-worthy episode, he runs away after getting chewed out by the other characters for messing things up. This isn't some sulk on a park bench, he literally grabs a teddy bear, raids the fridge and scampers off somewhere until the other characters apologise.
  • Daria is a rather interesting case. There are some characters who are almost universally hated, such as Sandi for her cruelty, self-centeredness, and being about as shallow as a kiddie pool, but due to Ship-to-Ship Combat, Tom wound up coming from being one of the most loved characters in the series to the most hated. But in more recent years, Tom has actually been given a much nicer treatment...since you can't swing a cat without hitting a couple Tom-Bashing fanfics or fanfics where Tom's existence is flat-out denied in favour of Daria x Jane or even weirder pairings like Daria x Mr. DeMartino. But it seems some of the hatred for characters like Tiffany (representing the popular ditzes) and Principal Li (For being an utter dictator when it comes to school) are almost continuing...even if not rather universal.
  • The Real Ghostbusters:
    • Why was Slimer on hated by every fan of the show? First of all, he's also a Creator's Pet, having gone from a single slapstick element in the first film to an obnoxiously common character in the series, after which his gross habits forced a cartoon that was otherwise based around clever writing, constantly into Refuge in Vulgarity. As low as his comedy was, though, what was even more irksome was his nearly never-ending tendency to do something obnoxious and make Peter snap at him, prompting an every bit as never-ending subplot about Peter allegedly demonstrating that The Complainer Is Always Wrong. When Peter "spares the rod" at the behest of the other Busters, Slimer also assumes the role of Karma Houdini, going right back to being obnoxious. Then, he proved himself even more of a Karma Houdini and Creator's Pet—the title's change to Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters as well as increased focus on him (in the attempt to appeal to younger audiences) was when it became unwatchable. Best not to mention the spin-off series called, simply, "Slimer." As indefensible as his transformation into Creator's Pet was, at least Slimer was made a little more useful to go along with his increased presence in the plot; whereas before he was just annoying comic relief.
    • On the other hand, a character who garnered substantial ire during the run of Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters was Janine, as she had gotten a Lighter and Softer redesign that changed her from a Deadpan Snarker into a perpetually-worried-sounding, stereotypical female. Fortunately, an Author's Saving Throw addressed the complaints.
  • Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers had a couple.
    • First was Buzzwang, a Kid Appeal Character android who desperately wanted to be a Ranger, but was just a clueless idiot and kept getting into stupid situations. At a GR marathon with story editor/writer Chris Rowley, he heckled the screen.

Rowley: Oh, Buzzwang. We wanted to kill him so badly.
Everyone else in the theater: So did we!

    • Another were the Kiwi Kids. Take Spridle from Speed Racer and multiply by three. It didn't help that Corrine Orr was using variants of her Spridle voice for all three, either.
  • In Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Pepper is starting to become this for some people. Being both useless and fangirling over Tony are the two main contributing factors. The fact that she cannot stop talking at any given point and her incredible knack for getting captured/into deep trouble in recent episodes is not helping her case. Her saving grace is her occasional ability to do something useful to help Tony, but the fewer of these moments she has, the more annoyed fandom gets by her. It doesn't help that she's competing with Whitney Stane, an Action Girl who constantly demonstrates that she genuinely cares about helping Tony. And it really doesn't that the version of Pepper in the Iron Man movie behaved more like that herself. Ironically enough, Pepper actually started as an Ensemble Darkhorse and the reason a lot of people gave the show a chance. How things did change.
  • Looney Tunes:
    • The series introduced a whole army of Scrappys in the late 1960s, when the original creative staff was dumped and Alex Lovy took over the studio. In a desperate attempt to stay in the game, Lovy created some new characters to supplant the classic line-up, and we were treated to such memorable characters as Cool Cat, Merlin the Magic Mouse, Chimp & Zee, Bunny & Claude, Quick Brown Fox & Rapid Rabbit, and a pair of World War I pilots who they didn't even bother to name. The new characters proved unimaginative, unfunny and unmemorable, and it was soon game over for the original Looney Tunes series. One 'Cool Cat' cartoon even went to the trouble to introduce 'Spooky', a seriously dull ghost character, with a mention in the opening titles. A case of hitching your wagon to a sinking ship there. By this point the few original characters still present in the shorts were considered Scrappies as well. Daffy and Speedy in particular due to personality changes and a questionable teamup of the two, though granted outside this era they are Ensemble Darkhorses more than anything else.
    • The attempted redesign of Elmer Fudd into a taller, much fatter version of himself was so badly-received that only four cartoons were ever made with the design.
    • The Looney Tunes Show is a Base Breaker between those who think the old characters have become Scrappys and those who think the existing Scrappys (i.e. Lola) have been rescued from the heap.
  • Dil and Kimi from Rugrats are seen as Scrappys by a large number of longtime fans.
  • Lila from Hey Arnold! is widely disliked for two reasons: a reasonable one (she's an "ever-so" irritating parody Purity Sue), and a... not-so-reasonable one (Die for Our Ship in regards to Arnold/Helga, even though she repeatedly states she doesn't "LIKE like" Arnold and isn't a real threat to the ship, regardless of what Helga might think). It doesn't help that she has a tendency to lead Arnold into thinking he may have a chance, only to crush his hopes when he asks if there's anything between them.
  • Futurama:
    • Mr. Wong. Sexist, stupid, and demeaning to everyone, he's earned a lot of haters who wished he died in Wild Green Yonder. And given that sexism and possessive behavior towards one's children are Chinese stereotypes, he might even qualify as an Ethnic Scrappy.
    • The "Susan" butt boil is quickly getting a lot of this for various reasons, such as it being an already outdated joke in an already topical-heavy episode, and for just having a really annoying voice.
    • Zoidberg seems to be the scrappy to the other characters as he is positively disliked or treated with apathy by everyone (bar Fry), but he's very popular amongst fans.
    • Cubert is also rather disliked. The thing is, the creators intended him to be unlikeable as a parody of a Creator's Pet, so... mission accomplished?
  • Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy:
    • Sarah certainly falls under this. She's an annoying brat of a child who pretty much does nothing but act bossy towards the other characters (Including her Morality Pet, Jimmy), is loud and obnoxious, and pretty much ABUSES Ed (Who, for the most part, is unbelievably nice/loyal to her... when he's not fearing her) both physically and emotionally while being a Karma Houdini (IE: "Ed, you have to do as I say no matter what, or I'll tell Mom!").
    • And, then there's Nazz, who is somewhat less of a Scrappy than Sarah and Jimmy, but has her haters. She has few humorous quirks other than being a Dumb Blonde, doesn't really do much, and is pretty much nothing more than eye candy for the male characters... which, of course, just angers the fans for "shipping reasons". Her hatedom especially seems to stem from one "To Sir with Ed", where she humiliates Eddy during a party she threw in his house while she was supposed to be babysitting him.
    • Kevin is also hated for being a massive Jerkass towards the Eds even when they don't do anything to him.
  • Shapey from Moral Orel. His lines consist mainly oh "Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" or "Nooooooooooooo!" in the most annoying voice possible.
  • Even though he was voiced by the great Harvey Korman, The Great Gazoo from The Flintstones has to warrant a mention.
  • Little Rock in Mighty Mightor. He was The Load and a Bratty Half-Pint: always recklessly getting into trouble and forcing the title character to have to waste time rescuing him. Even Mightor himself agrees:

"Oh no, it's Little Rock again!"

  • Blunk from WITCH is probably the most hated character. Essentially a combination of Slimer, Gollum, and a filthy, dumpster-diving bum, exactly how he fits into a magical girl show was never explained, nor was exactly whom he was intended to please. Also, while the show had many original characters added, most had bit parts; Blunk was essentially a Creator's Pet by the end of it.
  • South Park:
    • Wendy Testaburger is quite often seen as a Scrappy by certain groups of fans. Some loathe her due to her personality and characterization (that may range from simply Soapbox Sadie to outright Straw Feminist depending on how good or bad Matt and Trey want to portray her), some simply hate her for what she did to Ms. Ellen in one of the show's early displays of Kick the Dog, and some just hate her for being with Stan (then breaking up with him, then getting back with him). In later seasons, her character has been diluted somewhat and put Out of Focus. While this obviously eliminates some of her negative aspects, it means she isn't exactly an interesting character either.
    • A large portion of the fanbase view Mr. Garrison as the Scrappy. Especially for the entirely pointless sex-change.
    • Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo—first appearing in Season 1's Christmas Episode—was originally intended to be an Ensemble Darkhorse Breakout Character à la Slimer (although... see above for the results of that one), and was heavily marketed and designed to be quite Toyetic. However, his shrill annoying voice, general lack of personality, and role as a pointless gross-out prop led to unpopularity with fans. He has been entirely phased out of later seasons.
    • Towelie, not only in-universe, but in real life. The episode "A Million Little Fibers" didn't exactly help due to being boring.
    • Butters' parents are hated because they always ground him for no good reason.
    • Sergeant Harrison Yates is loathed intensely for 3 reasons:
      • 1. He's the Spotlight-Stealing Squad for Officer Barbrady.
      • 2. He's incredibly bigoted.
      • 3. He hates children, especially Kyle.
    • Nearly all of the adults except for Chef and Liane Cartman, Depending on the Writer. That includes both of Stan's parents, both of Kyle's parents, and Principal Victoria.
  • Most of the cast in Total Drama Island are love them or hate them characters (some to such a great extent that they become serious Base Breakers), but, aside from the villains that are intended to be unlikable (except Chris), the true scrappies are none other than near-Hive Minded and borderline Kawaiiko BFFFLs Katie and Sadie. They do nothing except agree with each other all the time, constantly squeeing, fawn over eye candy whether it's Justin, Trent, or Alejandro, occasionally getting into arguments which end with them getting back together, causing their team to lose twice, each with one getting voted off, and... nothing else. It's no wonder why they are not in the second or third seasons. However, the hatred of them has gone down (read: no one actually talks about them anymore) due to them being seriously Out of Focus.
    • Season 4's Scott isn't well liked for eliminating at least two fan favorites, blackmailing another and then eliminating them after they're no longer useful, and being overall smug and arrogant. On top of that, he's a Team Killer.
  • If you talk to any fan of Disney's One Hundred and One Dalmatians: The Series, one character they will all agree on hating is Lieutenant Pug. He is a villain that the pups are capable of physically speaking with, acting like that certain hated teacher. This has the potential for comedy, but because Lt. Pug is handled so poorly, he doesn't push the viewers' right buttons and everyone basically hates him for the wrong reasons—his loud voice and pushy mannerisms make him seem like a military school commander mixed with the most annoying trolls people meet on an Internet message board. He is just not likable, he is not funny, hell he's not even appealing at all. When you factor in he just doesn't add anything to the show that makes viewers hate him more.
  • Irving from Phineas and Ferb is something of an example of This Loser Is You, which is probably why a large portion of the fanbase dislikes him. He got rescued as of recently, though.
  • The New Adventures of Batman had Bat-Mite.
    • This was sent up in Batman the Brave And The Bold by having Batman be constantly annoyed by him. Brave and the Bold also rescued him from the heap by turning him into a Fourth Wall Observer who goes to comic conventions and references the existence of multiple Batman cartoons.
    • In the series finale, Bat-Mite is messing with the show in an attempt to get it cancelled. He deliberately adds in an annoying character the fans will hate. At first it appears to be Ace the Bat-Hound, but it turns out to be his nephew Punchy, an obvious Scrappy Expy.
  • During Season 3 of Drawn Together, in a parody of the Hostel, they show a gag of Scrappy being tortured, his intestines being ripped out and put on a scale, much to the delight of many fans who hated said character.
  • Gizmo, of Teen Titans was perhaps the most commonly-appearing villain in the series, behind Slade. However, he also happened to be a whiny, self-superior Bratty Half-Pint with an annoying voice and nothing resembling Character Development. Even his own teammates don't like him.
  • Codename: Kids Next Door: While it has plenty of characters who are either loved or hated, you'll find very few fans who like Lizzie Devine (especially shippers). She has become less of a Scrappy as of late, though.
    • Tommy is something of an Invoked Trope, due to being an Annoying Younger Sibling. He's more of an Ensemble Darkhorse in the fandom, due to many finding his antics funny, especially as his superhero alias, "The Tommy".
    • Fanny/Numbuh 86 was this at first, but she became more of a Base Breaker after her Character Development.
    • Cree Lincoln is hated by the vast mayority of the fandom, and for very good reasons: She's a treacherous, cruel bitch who treats her heroic little sister Numbuh 5 like crap, even trying to kill her numerous times with no remorse. This is in a series when even the worst villains show love and respect for their heroic members of their families. And yet we're supposed to believe she still loves her sister and wants to reconcile with her, making her the show's prime example of Unintentionally Unsympathetic. Her cruel treatment towards Numbuh 2 is another source of hatred, to the point many fans felt she crossed the Moral Event Horizon (In case she didn't cross it already with the aforementioned murder attempts on her sister) in "K.I.S.S.", when she fell for Teen!Numbuh 2 but cruelly rejected him after snapping back to his kid self, calling him a "fat slob" in disgust. Let's just say that if not for her Badass Evil Is Sexy qualities, she would be undoubtedly the most hated character in the series (and she's still a Base Breaker at best)
    • Mushi has gained a lot of hatred due to being a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing who proves to be an evil brat towards her older sister Numbuh 3. She's not nearly as hated as Cree, though, since she is just a kid and it's implied her motivation stems for her being The Unfavourite in her Dysfunctional Family, giving her something of a reason.
    • The worst scrappy of them all, though, is Number 363, for being an annoying kid who treats everyone like crap, especially Numbuh One. The fact he's the brother of the much more popular Numbuh 362 only rubs salt into the wound. He's perhaps the only character in the series to not have any fans whatsoever (yes, even Lizzie has more fans than him), and rightfully so. About the only good thing about him is that he's clearly meant to be hated.
  • Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends:
    • Bloo earned his hatedom from a portion of the fandom due to him being Flanderized into a Jerkass.
    • By far the most hated character to ever enter the show was Bendy. He pretty much fools Herriman and Franky into believing and loving him while he does terrible things around the house and ends up getting Bloo screwed over for it. Bloo, being not very bright, decides to trap Bendy in a situation where they would have to acknowledge that Bendy was guilty of something wrong only to end up screwing himself into destroying most of the house while "Bendy took a cookie." Most fans see this as a bit ridiculous after Bendy gets away with everything.
  • Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated:
    • Even though Scrappy-Doo himself hasn't been introduced, we already have a contender in Fred's dad. He's the mayor of Crystal Cove, and is determined to keep it a tourist attraction. So when there are several attacks from monsters on several citizens, including one which fell off a CLIFF and almost DIED, all he cares about is 'getting the thing on film'. And he hates it when the gang solves the mysteries. Fans are waiting for him to become a REAL victim so he can escape being a Karma Houdini.
    • He's even worse than all that: he turns out to be the first season's Big Bad and not really Fred's father at all. He actually took Fred away from his real parents when Fred was a baby and kept the truth hidden from him in all the years he raised him as his own. So it seems his status among fans was the intent because he is a despicable person.
    • Some argue that Velma is this, taking a level in jerkass, becoming a Clingy Jealous Girl to Shaggy and rather mean to the series namesake because he allegedly stole Shaggy's attention. More recent episodes reined her in a little, but not enough for some detractors.
    • The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo had an Ethnic Scrappy in the form of Flim-Flam. What's worse, Scrappy himself was there too, but he was Rescued from the Scrappy Heap and was now more better then ever. The result is that Flim-Flam became more hated then Scrappy.
  • Think Scrappy's bad in the old series? Say hello to Scooby-Dumb, Scooby-Doo's inbreed, hillbilly cousin. Feel your brain dying yet? This was a character who contributed even less than Scrappy (let that sink in for a while). He was literally Too Stupid to Live...or even hide. Scooby-Doo would literally have to drag him over to fairly obvious hiding spots and lead him away from danger on chases. He'd also get into moronic antics that made Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, and Scrappy all look intelligent by comparison. Hell, he makes Jar Jar Binks look like a dignified and sophisticated paragon of comedy.
  • Then there was Yabba Doo, whose cartoons completely took Shaggy and Scooby out of the equation and the only member of the cast he left us with? ... Scrappy!
  • D.W. Reed from Arthur. Bratty Half-Pint? Check. Acts like she's smarter than the rest of the cast when she's not? Check. Karma Houdini? Double check. Though she was arguably made to match the stereotype of the annoying little sister, she conformed to it entirely too well.
  • Thundercats
    • The unforgivably awful Snarf. Has there ever been a more aggravating "cute" character in a cartoon?
    • Snarf's young nephew Snarfer, who is, if anything, even more annoying.
    • Lion-O in the blooper reel (NSFW) says what most of us are thinking:

Snarf: You--you've got to snap out of it, Lion-O! Call the Thundercats before-
Lion-O: Shut up, you fuck.

    • There might just be a reason that Snarf in ThunderCats (2011) is retooled into a pet, who doesn't talk.
  • Tiny Toon Adventures:
  • Here's a clever In-Universe example: In the Cow and Chicken episode "Squirt the Daisies", in one of the virtual reality games that Chicken plays when the Red Guy invites him over to play some, he finds a turtle who constantly tells him the object of the game to be so annoying that he reacts, "How's about, 'Kick da turtle! Kick da turtle!'"
  • My Little Pony:
    • Molly and Danny from the original series aren't exceptionally liked by the fanbase, seen as Annoying Younger Siblings to Megan who weren't needed since Megan was good enough.
    • Megan herself is quite disliked by fans, especially post-G1 fans. They consider her unnecessary, that the series should be about Ponies and not have humans in it. It doesn't help that the series changed her into a borderline Mary Sue.
    • Friendship is Magic has Angel the bunny, who is generally despised by the fandom for being an ungrateful and abusive Jerkass to the generally sweet Fluttershy. Most fans forgave him after episode 48 though, in which he became a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
    • Plus, if you pay close attention to even earlier episodes it's more a case of Depending on the Writer.
    • The stuck up, lying, Rich Bitch and Alpha Bitch Diamond Tiara is GREATLY hated within the fandom. Especially in Ponyville Confidential where she forces the Cutie Mark Crusaders to continue their gossip column with no regard for their feelings or the feelings of the REST of the city. Many, many people wanted her dead.
      • And that pales into insignificance after Diamond Tiara's behavior in "Flight to the Finish", where she deliberately mocked a handicapped child about their disability in public—and not just as random bullying or as a thoughtless comment but as a cold-blooded, calculated psychological warfare campaign because Diamond Tiara wanted to win a contest. At this point you could find fans who'd say 'Look, Lord Tirek might be an immortal scion of pure evil who wants to suck out the souls of everypony in Equestria and reduce them to powerless slaves, but at least he's not Diamond Tiara'.
        • ... and the show writers continue on their mission to take on impossible challenges and somehow surmount them by making the season 5 episode "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" a Diamond Tiara redemption arc. So far, fan reaction seems to actually be positive. It says something that an episode based around the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally getting their cutie marks had that being only the second most surprising thing going on.
    • The biggest Scrappy has to be Gilda the griffon, who was a jerk to everypony in town, especially Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, except for Rainbow Dash (Though she is seen as a Jerkass Woobie / Draco in Leather Pants by some people).
      • Season 5's "The Lost Treasure of Griffinstone" is yet another example of rescuing from the Scrappy heap.
  • Nanette Namoir from Angela Anaconda is an invoked example - Angela never misses an opportunity to point out how much she hates Nanette, and in practically every episode, there's an extended Imagine Spot where Nanette gets elaborately humiliated. And in an active defiance of Designated Villain, Angela's hatred is completely and utterly justified - Nanette is a manipulative, selfish, 'fake-French' and downright nasty Rich Bitch who happily goes out of her way to make Angela's life worse. Nanette's Girl Posse, January and Karlene, also get this treatment to a much lesser extent, since they just follow whoever's popular rather than being outright malevolent like Nanette.
  • Johnny Test. Even genuine fans of the show tend to hate the main character for being a bratty, unpleasant Designated Hero with some elements of Marty Stu. Who honestly thought making the Annoying Younger Sibling the hero was a good idea?
  • From DuckTales (1987) it can be argued that Webby is a Scrappy, being essentially the annoying female edition of the duck triplets. Possibly classes as Annoying Younger Sibling, although it's more Annoying Younger Sister than anything.
  • Ever since Maria Hill from The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes became director of SHIELD, she never seems to shut up about making the Avengers register as official crimefighters. No matter how many times they've saved the world, she always reminds them that until they give up their vigilante ways, she'll still consider them criminals. She even once ordered her agents to shoot the Avengers if they wouldn't comply. (Never mind the fact the Avengers had to stop HYDRA from getting the Cosmic Cube that night...) Contrast with SHIELD's previous director, Nick Fury, who let the Avengers stop any crime necessary, unless he already deemed SHIELD the most appropiate group to tackle it.
  • Daffy Duck from The Looney Tunes Show, while at first a Base Breaker, is rapidly becoming this. He's a Jerkass of the highest order, a one-man Spotlight-Stealing Squad, there is virtually nothing redeeming about him, makes Porky Pig's life a living hell, and pretty much exists to make Bugs look better. Worse, the show goes out of its way to avoid giving him Character Development.
  • American Dad has Reginald the Koala. He's obnoxious and he's written like a bad fan-character. It's hard to find anyone who is actually a fan of the character, yet the writers haven't taken the hint. He also got a completely pointless Story Arc (in a show that generally avoids these) where he tried to hook up with Hayley, which fans thought was a complete waste of time.
    • Roger, a breakout character he may be (replacing Klaus who got Demoted to Extra) but many a fan found his antics grating and even worse then Peter Griffin's in later seasons. The writers showhorning that rudeness is part of his species didn't help matters (yeah rude is one thing, but the guy commits acts of murder and revenge for petty reasons). Stan has also drifted into this from time to time due to how Lawful Stupid he can be, the lengths he's willing to take just to prove a point and how fast he can turncoat on some things.
  • William Dunbar from Code Lyoko tends to suffer this from many fans of the series; aside of the obvious reason, he has been criticized by fans as an unnecessary character who only created more tension in Ulrich's and Yumi's relationship that made it even less likely to be solved than it already was (whereas you would have expected the opposite), being an annoying Stalker with a Crush and getting a large Character Development through the show that would have been far better used on the protagonists, or even Sissi. Season 3 and 4 had him partially Rescued from the Scrappy Heap by making him The Dragon to XANA and giving him a Tear Jerker moment in the finale, but he is still a largely despicted character.
  • Ultimate Spider-Man has five protagonists, and at least three of them annoy viewers: White Tiger because of her constant nagging, Nova because of his cockiness, and even Spidey has haters, because his sense of humor seems closer to Deadpool's than that of the comic Spidey.
  • Young Justice: Lagoon Boy. First off he's a Replacement Scrappy for Face Heel Turn Aqualad. Secondly, he's Megan's new boyfriend. Third, he's incredibly annoying and an incredibly flat character. Fourth his powers suck.
  • Possibly the dumbest idea Stan Lee ever had was H.E.R.B.I.E. the Robot from the 1978 Fantastic Four cartoon, a character that is often believed to be the reason the cartoon was a failure. Exactly why this character was used to replace the Human Torch is a mystery; while they couldn't the Torch because, at the time, the character had been optioned separately for use in a solo movie (which was never made)[1] but there were plenty of established Marvel characters associated with the team (like Medusa, Crystal, She-Hulk, and even Luke Cage) that might have been better. Herbie was annoying, a snarky Funny Robot who wasn't funny at all, with a squeaky, high-pitched voice that likely got on most viewer's nerves after only a few episodes.
    • The comic books series actually made light of this in the issue where Herbie was introduced into "mainstream" Marvel. The cartoon was stated to be an in-universe show detailing the team's exploits, and the members had to sign release forms for their likenesses to be used. The Torch wasn't there - likely fighting evildoers as heroes do - so they needed a replacement character.
  1. The Urban Legend about the Torch being replaced out of fears that children might try to emulate him and set themselves on fire is just that, an urban legend.
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