< The Saga of the Noble Dead
The Saga of the Noble Dead/Characters
- Action Girl
- Anti-Anti-Christ
- Berserk Button: Don't bring up supersition in her presence- she was on the recieving end of too much of it. Also, her dhampir nature makes the presence of a vampire a major Berserk Button.
- Broken Bird
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Dhampyr
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kuudere / Tsundere: Magiere's attitude is usually cool and businesslike. Anger is the most common emotion she does show. But she also has a softer side, though very few have seen it.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Her dhampir nature.
- Uncanny Valley: Her appearance in general is just a little...off.
- Vampire Hunter: What she pretends to be, and later becomes for real.
- Career Killers: He used to be an assassin, and still has the tools.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half-elven, to be specific.
- Lovable Rogue: How he portrays himself, though he's rather more complicated beneath the surface.
- Parental Abandonment: His Disappeared Dad was killed by Lord Darmouth. His Missing Mom survived, but was taken captive by her own people.
- Troubled but Cute
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, white-blond.
- Angry Guard Dog: Don't threaten Magiere or Leesil in front of him. It won't be pretty.
- Canine Companion
- Dogs Are Dumb: Thoroughly averted. Chap is one of the smartest characters in the series.
- Fay In Canine Form
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- The Voiceless: Chap understands Elvish and bits of some other languages, but his dog's vocal chords keep him from actually speaking.
Wynn Hygeorht
- The Chick
- The Heart: She even calls herself Magiere's conscience
- Light'Em Up: In the second arc, Wynn's primary weapon against the undead is a magic staff that generates sunlight.
- Moment Killer: Her interrupting Magiere and Leesil in romantic moments is something of a Running Gag.
- Power Incontinence: Her mantic sight, the ability to see magical energy, is very hard to control.
- The Quiet One: At first. She starts talking more later on.
- The Smart Guy
- Squishy Wizard
Welstiel Masing
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Magic: His "ring of nothing", which shields him from all magical enquiry preventing people from discovering that he's a vampire
- Anti-Villain: Subverted. He looks like this at first, until it becomes apparent the depths he's willing to sink to in order to achieve his goals.
- Evil Mentor
- Evil Sorcerer: Specializing in artifice
- I Am Your Father: Almost. He's actually Magiere's half-brother
- Magic Knight: Not as much as Chane
- Magnificent Bastard
- Mysterious Protector: Subverted. He's only helping Magiere to advance his own agenda
- Older Than They Look: Variation. His grey hair makes him look middle-aged. Physically, he's somewhat younger than that but because he's a vampire, he's actually quite a bit older than he looks.
- Treacherous Advisor
Chane Andraso
- Abusive Parents
- Blood Knight
- Complete Monster: Very much so, in the first arc. He's not as dangerous to the world as a whole as some of the other villains, but is easily one of the most personally bloodthirsty.
- Retired Monster: In the second arc, owing to trying to make a good impression on Wynn. He's not actually any less evil, though, just less blatant about it.
- The Dragon: At first to his sire, Toret, and after his death to Welstiel
- Heel Realization: Admits that he's a monster at the end of the first arc. As noted in Retired Monster above, though, it doesn't make him any less evil in a meaningful sense, just less blatant and feral about it.
- Karma Houdini: So far, he's had remarkably little punishment to fit his crimes- but on the other hand, the series is far from over...
- Living Lie Detector: One of his vampiric powers, which first begins manifesting in Child of a Dead God.
- Magic Knight
- Morality Pet: Wynn is the only thing he cares about enough to try and control his feral vampire nature.
- Psycho for Hire
- Scars Are Forever: Though vampires can normally heal any wound, the scars on Chane's back and neck will last forever.
- The Sociopath: Borderline case. His relationship with Wynn shows he's capable of at least some empathy- he just normally doesn't bother. YMMV on whether this makes him more or less of a Complete Monster.
- Token Evil Teammate: In the second arc.
- Vader Breath: He survived a beheading thanks to Welstiel's magic, but it permanently damaged his voice.
- Black Cloak
- Complete Monster
- Eyeless Face: He wears a leather mask over his eyes, and is apparently blind. The host of spirits that swarm about him act as his eyes.
- Evil Old Folks
- Evil Sorcerer
- Necromancer
- Nightmare Fuel
Lord Darmouth
- Asskicking Equals Authority: How he and his ancestors won their throne.
- Complete Monster
- Evil Overlord
Most Aged Father
- Animals Hate Him: Majay-hi avoid him, unnerved by the way he has unnaturally extended his lifespan
- The Chessmaster
- Evil Old Folks
- Freudian Excuse: His being present at the creation of the first undead might explain his paranoid attitude.
- The Man Behind the Curtain: Despite his fearsome reputation, he's a withered old elf who's barely moved in centuries.
- Meaningful Name
- Meaningful Rename: His original name was Sorkhafare. He abandoned it when he became the leader of the an'Croan elves.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Villain with Good Publicity: At least among the Elves.
- And I Must Scream: his final fate
- Black Cloak
- Deal with the Devil: He bargained with il'Samar for eternal life and youth. He got one, but not the other.
- Enemy to All Living Things: Even moreso than most undead.
- Evil Sorcerer
- Hidden Agenda Villain
- Intangible Man
- Religion of Evil: In life, he was the high priest of one.
- Touch of Death
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster
- Eldritch Abomination: or possibly God of Evil- it's unclear at this point.
- I Have Many Names: il'Samar, the Night Voice, the Ancient Enemy, the Nightfaller, Beloved, and presumably many more. It's called "The Enemy of Many Names" for a reason.
- The Man Behind the Man: It was manipulating Ubad, Welstiel, and Sau'ilahk.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: It usually appears as a giant snake.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
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