< The Princess and the Frog

The Princess and the Frog/Funny

  • All the time Naveen shamelessly boasts about his looks, his potential wealth, his charmingness... and he's a frog. It's like he's totally forgotten he's green and six inches tall.
  • Tiana, Naveen, and Ray vs. the three frog hunters.
    • For this troper, it's especially funny to watch that scene with her mother's fiancĂ©e (who's a native Louisianian). The fact that he guffaws all throughout the slapstick is kinda like watching him laugh at his own childhood.
  • Louis' flashback to when he first tried to play in a jazz band. Cue Louis escaping gunfire.

Charlotte: (hitches up her bustline) Back into the fray!

  • And right before that last one while she's putting on masquera:

Charlotte: You know, I was startin' to think that wishin' on stars was for...babies...and...CRAAAZY people.

  • And, a few minutes before that when turning down the advances of a man attending the ball:

Charlotte: Travis. When a woman say 'later', she really means 'Not ever.' Now run along. There are plenty of young fillies dying for you to waltz them into a stupor.

    • Come to think of it, the superfast way Charlotte reapplies her makeup upon seeing "Naveen" and hurries down the stairs is pretty funny as well.
  • To viewers from Louisiana the scene where Naveen says he is from a land far away which Ray interprets as meaning Shreveport is beyond hilarious.
  • Even after seeing it over and over in the ads, it's still hilarious:

Naveen: I am Prince Naveen...
Naveen is squished by a book.
Naveen: ...of Maldonia.

    • He introduces himself the same way to Charlotte near the end of the movie, with almost the exact same results.

Naveen: I am the real Prince Naveen...
Naveen is squished by a book.
Naveen: ...of Maldonia.
Charlotte: Did you say "prince"?

  • When Dr. Facilier's talisman is broken, his "Friends" soon show up to claim their due. He tries to charm his way out one more time, greeting them with a cheerful "FRIEEEEEEENDS!" and a big wide scared out of his mind grin.
  • "Well, yes, yes, you know WHAT? The egg is on YOUR face! Because I do not HAVE any riches! I am COMPLETELY BROKE! Ahaha-! Oh no."
  • You see, your head, it is in the tuba.
  • Naveen and Tiana (as frogs) landing on the drum set at the party, causing the drummer to accidentally perform a kick ass solo.
  • During the "When I'm human" song, Louis repeatedly bangs the poor turtle to his head as if he was a hat.
  • Even Better:

Naveen:(seductively, as a frog) Come, we pucker! (his throat suddenly inflates and he lets out a loud croak)... (still seductive) That's new.

  • The rare scenes in which Reluctant Monster Louis overcomes his timidity acts upon his predatory "alligator" instinct, the first time clearing a crowd by scaring everyone during Mardi Gras and second time to persuade the realtors to sell Tiana the building.
  • Naveen's moth bow-tie. No cuter frog has ever existed.

Bow-tie Moth: Well I thought it was a nice touch.

  • And do not forget this:

Naveen: Well, waitress, it looks like we are going to be here for a while. We might as well get... comfortable.
Tiana: *slap* Get your slimy hands away from me!
Naveen: It is not slime! It. Is. MUCUS!

  • When we first meet Mama Odie, after seeing her "eccentricity"

Mama Odie falls asleep and Louis stares at her
Louis: Are you sure this is the right Voodoo lady, who lives in a boat in a tree in the bayou?
Ray: Pretty sure.
Louis: *concerned Aside Glance*

  • The end of Dig A Little Deeper

Mama Odie: Do ya un'astand what ya need no', child?
Tiana: Yes, I do, Mama Odie! I need to dig a little deeper and work even harder to get my restaurant.

Mama Odie: *groans and Face Palms*

Ray: Okay, everybody now. One more time! *singing* Don't matter what ya look like, don't matter what - ain't nobody gonna sing wit' Raaay, okay.

  • Anytime Louis gets a thorn from the pricker bushes.


    • Including Ray's "-_-" Aside Glance.
      • Also, Ray going to pull a thorn out of Louis, causing him to scream in pain... "I ain't touched it yet."
  • Before Disguised!Lawrence and Charlotte's wedding, an aggravated Faciler throwing one of his cards at Lawrence.
  • Big Daddy's reaction to having a beignet he was about to eat snatched out of his hand by Charlotte. It's so quick that this troper almost missed it the first time, but the blank mutter of "Whu' jus' happened?" really sold it.
  • NOBODY has put down Naveen's proposal yet?? Even though that should count as heartwarming, it's just too hilarious to see him overdo it and just fall short of screwing up. Take a look.
  • Charlotte yelling "Cheese and crackers!" when disguised Lawrence runs away with Naveen the frog after Naveen stops the wedding kiss from happening.
  • The old firefly granny with the walker and a Clapper function on her bulb.
  • "What a coincidence Lawrence, I have been avoiding you everywhere!"
  • "No more Mr Push-over. Now who wants a puppy?"
  • When Louis performs a variation of mouth to mouth on Ray, using a reed. It works, but Ray comments "Your breath done near killed me to death."
  • Louis having a fanboy spazz on the paddleboat at the chance to finally "play with the big boys."
  • "Hush up and look at the gumbo."
  • The way Naveen puckers up for Charlotte's kiss, compared to the beginning.
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