The Neo Domino Purge

The Neo-Domino Purge is a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's fanfic that follows an alternate continuity from episode 8 of the anime onwards. Desperate to uncover the Signers lurking on both sides of the Neo-Domino/Satellite divide, Rex Godwin creates a conflict between the two under the pretense of their way of life being threatened. Essentially the fanfic boils down to taking the Trauma Conga Line already set up in 5D's and turning it up to eleven. The fanfic is written by Cuteyami apparently with someone else working on the story and duel planning. It can be found here

The story itself has developed its own Alternative Continuity, which continues from the end of the first Season, taking place immediately after the Security Arc.

  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Surprisingly, Jack actually becomes the victim of this.
  • Heroic BSOD: Jack suffers one in Chapter 16 after he is arrested for killing Ushio and suspected of killing Takasu.
    • Yusei shuts down early on following Takasu's death.
  • Hidden Eyes
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Jack.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Yusei all but says the very words to justify his killing Judge
  • I Will Protect Her: Rua hammers home just how far he'll go to protect Ruka in both versions during his duel with Jeager.
  • Inspector Javert: Ushio to Jack
  • It's All My Fault: Ruka feels this about the Spirit World's eroding state.
  • It's Always Sunny At Funerals: Judge's funeral.
  • Janitor Impersonation Infiltration: When she gets separated from Yusei and Rally during the Security raid, Carly disguises herself as a janitor named Jeff.
  • Kick the Dog: Kiryu was about to stamp on Yusei's neck after their duel, just to kill him personally.
  • Killed Off for Real: Takasu and Judge.
  • La Résistance: Rally, Crow and the others try this out. It doesn't go well.
  • Laughing Mad: Juri by the end of the first Season. So much so, he's been compared to Kiryuu from the original source.
    • Kiryu himself doesn't disappoint and combines it with a Slasher Smile.
  • Lonely Funeral: Juri, Bommer, Godwin and Yusei are the only people to show up at any point during Judge's funeral.
  • Meaningful Name: Judge and his son Juri. Also any of them from the original source.
  • Military Brat: Juri.
  • Mind Rape: Frank pulls this on Uryu
  • Mythology Gag: When Jeager breaks into the twins' home, he is quick to head into their kitchen after some cup ramen.
    • In the Team Satisfaction flashback, Kiryu calls Yusei 'Daddy Fudo' while he's looking after one of the younger orphans - a Fan Nickname for Yusei's father.
  • Nakama: It's 5D's, need I say more?
  • Neck Lift: Judge lifts Yusei single-handedly not by his neck, but by his hair.
  • Neck Snap: Kiryu attempts doing this to Yusei after their duel, he's stopped by Crow charging in to the rescue.
  • Nietzsche Wannabe: Frank, even more than the original. Judge also has shades of it.
  • No One Could Survive That: Divine thinks this after he shoves Rua out of a window ala Carly in the canon.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Averted with the Detention Centre break-out.
    • The mindset, however, is in place during the Security arc.
  • Nuke'Em: Judge's plan. Only he doesn't get to carry it out.
  • One Sided Battle: Any time Neo-Domino rides on Satellite. Also, as mentioned above, Rua vs. Aki.
  • Original Character: Judge Casey, Juri, Naoko, Tsukasa, Eiji and Haruto.
  • Post-Episode Preview: Done in the style of the anime's own.
  • Psycho Psychologist: Frank.
  • The Purge
  • Race Against the Clock: Yusei, Carly and Rally have until sunrise to save Jack, else he's executed. The same probably applies for Divine.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The Security infiltrators could count; they're made of an escaped prisoner who's jumped sides twice, an unstable psychic, a clumsy reporter, an 11-year old girl from the Tops (and then her brother who was supposed to have been kidnapped), a boy from Satellite of similar age and a thief who's just been arrested, then helped out just to tag along.
  • Ramp Jump: Jack, Crow and even Ushio have pulled these off in the beginning of Arc 3 through Ramprovisation.
  • Rescue Arc: The third arc
  • Rooftop Confrontation: Yusei and Takasu's duel takes place on the roof of the Detention Centre
  • Schedule Slip: There have been instances of 3/4 months passing without an update.
  • Screw Destiny: Jack's argument to Kinomiya's claims that he'll inevitably become a shadow of his former self and corrupted.

Jack: I don't give a fuck what your version of destiny says; I'll pave the way for my own life!

Path Two provides examples of

  • A Friend in Need: Yusei in Chapter 27.
  • Berserk Button: Mukuro unintentionally learns not to casually wish Jack's friends dead when Jack retaliates with some Unstoppable Rage. It doesn't really help the fact that Jack has been blaming himself over the Highway incident.
    • Jeager learns Rua has one when he inadvertantly leads Rua to believe he's kidnapped Ruka.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Rua, much more than the original version of the fic.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Kazama rides out of the collapsing Highway to save Yusei, who's laying unconscious as the road breaks up around him.
    • Within the same chapter, Jack manages a Ramp Jump to get from the Highway lane he's riding in to the one Crow's in. It involves jumping over Yusei.
  • Bridal Carry / Pietà Plagiarism: Kazama carries a gravely injured Yusei to the hospital in this style.
  • Curse Cut Short: Jeager does this to Rua before their duel.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Cards from Season 3, and even the Ark Cradle episodes, appear in early chapters of the Dark Signer arc.
    • Minor characters from the latter half of the series, namely Kazama and Tetsuzo, make appearances just as early.
  • For Science!: The senators vote to continue the purge with the sole motive of trying to increase the levels of momentum.
  • Foreshadowing: The end of Chapter 28 is filled with hints at Misty's secret status as a Dark Signer, including the hotel name, Grace Crépuscule, which acts as an attempt of Bilingual Bonus.
  • Interrupted Suicide: How Naoko and Divine met.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Rua was already in Big Brother Instinct mode before Jeager showed up at the Tops. As soon as he implies he and Godwin have Ruka, Rua launches straight into this.
  • Lower Deck Episode: On the Satellite side, Chapter 27 focuses heavily on Taka, Blitz, Nerve and Tetsuzo.
  • The Mole: Julian in the Arcadia Movement. Divine is immediately suspicious.
  • Original Character: A few more are thrown in than the original version.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Crow in Chapter 27.
  • The Power of Friendship
  • Rooftop Confrontation: Rua and Jeager's duel takes place in the roofrop garden of the Tops.
  • Schedule Slip: The fic was originally supposed to be posted with the first chapter of the first version's Season 2 in November 2010. The fic appeared at the end of January 2011, but the first chapter wasn't posted until March.
    • The two chapters with the Rua/Jeager and Jack/Kinomiya duels were supposed to be posted simultaneously with the original's versions. Neither happened.
  • Shout-Out: Blitz names a track from the Tsubasa Chronicles soundtrack - "Hear Our Prayer" - which helped to set the mood earlier on in the chapter on the Satellite front.
  • Taking the Bullet: Carly takes Divine's hinotama for Jack.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Ruka in her duel with Aki.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.