
Man is only separated from heaven by that which he will not ramp.

A character operating a vehicle is in a tight spot; there's something blocking the path, someplace too high and/or far to reach, etc. What to do? Look for something that would be remotely be used as a ramp, or just build one, to perform a Ramp Jump.

A Sub-Trope of Theme Park Landscape. Not to be confused with Use Your Head, which covers improvised ramming.

Examples of Ramprovisation include:

Anime and Manga

Fan Fics

  • In Kenya Starflight's "Star Wars characters are trapped on Earth" story Eye of the Storm, Darth Vader takes over during a car chase with stormtroopers and uses the Force to pull an under-repair sign across the roadway and use it to ramp over a train, using the Force once more to keep the car stable. It still doesn't handle the landing well, though.



  • Chapter one of Feed ends this way. George uses a hill as an improvised ramp.
  • Matthew Reilly's books do it every so often. Avoid torpedoes, drive a truck into a fighter plane... He also figured out that the only way to make this trope more awesome is to blow up the improvised ramp behind the vehicle.

Live Action TV

Video Games

  • In Midtown Madness 2, you can jump from one embankment of the Thames to the other by use of strategically placed ramps in the Tower of London, and a (convenient) boat in the middle of the river.
  • Used for many Insane Stunt bonuses in Grand Theft Auto, as far back as GTA 2.
  • Appears frequently in Total Overdose. Ram's first mission doesn't exactly require one, but strongly encourages it to flee the top of a parking garage.
  • Just Cause 2: There are absolutely dozens of conveniently placed piles of building materials, collapsed road signs and so on spread around for ramping.

Web Comics

Western Animation

  • Jonny Quest episode "Mystery Of the Lizard Men: while escaping enemy agents in the Sargasso Sea, Race Bannon and his pursuers both use an overturned boat as a ramp to jump their boats high in the air. The 2nd time, Race uses it to turn his hydrofoil into a deadly weapon. Watch it here, at 2:10-2:20 and 4:25-4:30.
  • Gwen in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien makes her own ramp out of Anodite magic.
  • Cars: Lightning McQueen uses a wrecked competitor during a race.
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