The Lionhearts
A cartoon created by Metro Goldwyn Mayer for syndication in 1998. It starred an animated version of MGM's lion mascot, Leo (voiced by William H. Macy), with a wife named Lana, and kids named Kate, Spencer and Judy. The show lasted for 13 episodes.
See some more info here. The whole series can be seen on Hulu.
Tropes used in The Lionhearts include:
- Action Mom: As a former circus performer, Lana is very athletic. The first episode alone has her swinging on a trapeze just to capture a spider.
- Awkward Father-Son Bonding Activity: Part of the plot to the first episode involves Leo trying to find something that he and Spencer can do together, resulting in many of these.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: Lana and Judy.
- A Boy, a Girl, and a Baby Family
- Dom Com
- Dreadful Musician: Double-subverted. Spencer can play guitar very well, but he can't sing.
- Family Theme Naming: The other four family members (besides Leo) are named after movie stars.
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Spencer and Kate.
- Furry Confusion: In the first episode, Kate is shown to be a horseback rider.
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Unlike the rest of the family, Leo wears only a sweater.
- Hot Mom: Lana.
- Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!: Literally. The Lionheart family seem to be the only furries in an otherwise all-human world.
- In the first episode, Kate's riding club otherwise consists of humans.
- Thematic Theme Tune: "Roar".
- Through a Face Full of Fur: Lana, when one of Kate's friends mentions Lana being a former circus star.
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