< The Legend of Zelda < WMG

The Legend of Zelda/WMG/Additional WMG

This page is for additional WMG entries relating to The Legend of Zelda franchise. No specific restrictions govern this thread, apart from the usual formalities and courtesies of the wiki and WMG entries.

Page one of this entry can be found at The Legend of Zelda

Commencing with more Wild Mass Guessing

Tetra was a lousy Queen and nobody wanted to live under her rule.

Why else should Hyrule be still that underpopulated after 100 years? I mean, approximately 5 people per location is not exactly much...

  • Tetra did not want to be princess...
  • Why put in craploads of NPCs that have no purpose except to show how populated the city is, like Castle Town in TP? For one, I doubt the DS would support the memory. Therefore, I propose that Nintendo only put in NPCs that were going to actually matter in the game, either in side-quests or the plot itself.

WW Hyrule flooded because of the moonfall in Termina.

Since Link may not have been there (see this troper's wishful mass guess on the MM page as to why it's a may and not a definitely) to awaken the giants, stop Skull Kid, and prevent the moon from falling, the moon leaves a huge crater with large fissures across Termina, forcing a rift through the area that Link fell through early in the game. Much of the ocean around Termina drained into the rift, and filled Hyrule with the water that the goddesses supposedly sent to purge the land of Ganon's influence. The moonfall caused the mountains to rise as the water came through, so the goddesses may have done at least that to keep the primary landmarks of Hyrule intact. If the goddesses did cause the flood, in this way and indirectly, see also "the goddesses are jerkasses" above.

  • Alternatively, destroying the moon simply caused massive tidal issues.
    • One flaw. Alternate Timeline. There's a WMG further up that discusses the question of Termina's condition in the Adult Timeline.
    • Alternative to the alternative: The moon falling out of orbit caused massive tidal issues.
  • Or how about this one: Hyrule is flat, and Termina is on the opposite side (explaining how Link could "fall" through the plane and end up on the other side), but they have a single ocean which wraps around the side of the flat plane. Previously, the gravity of Termina's moon exerted tidal forces that kept most of the ocean on the Termina side (which is why Termina had more watery areas than Hyrule - the Great Bay and the Southern Swamp). Once the moon was destroyed, the water washed back, flooding Hyrule.
    • This would imply that the Hyrule/Termina plane has two moons, one that was always in a fixed position over Termina, and another that rotates around the entire plane. But then why would we not see a second moon traveling overhead in Termina?
    • Of course, since Hyrule's moon is never seen during the day, one reasonable explanation is that while Hyrule/Termina rotates, the sun and moon are in fixed positions on opposite sides of the plane. Once we're talking about flat planets, pretty much all we know about astronomy can be thrown out the window. I Need a Freaking Drink.

The Great Fairy's Mask is the altworld version of the great fairy [soul?] that was in the doll the Fairy Queen smashed in WW.

This is, of course, assuming that all of the masks have souls in and the doll the Great Fairy sacrificed for Link's upgrade was once a Great Fairy.

Koholint Island is an Alternate Universe created by the Wind Fish.

Created by him dreaming. Yes, really.

That game really exists. Nintendo, being the crazy bastards they are, showed us what looked to be an awesome game and then gave us something else (which was good, but not what we were promised). They then gave us a few more games in hopes of making us forget about the broken promise, but were secretly working on it. This is the same reason they named the "Revolution" (awesome) the "Wii" (WTF), they purposly make asses of themselves to make their eventual victory sweeter (They are Nintendo, we cannot beat them).

  • If you're talking about that Spaceworld demo that showed Link and Ganondorf fighting and was the cause of the whole Wind Waker Backlash: Personally, I found that Demo's graphics to be disgustingly ugly. Link looked like Tidus from Final Fantasy X and Ganondorf looked just retarded. I was actually glad that The Wind Waker looked different from that. Also, Twilight Princess looks a whole lot better as well.
    • Regarding the trailer. Anyone else notice that Link had the * EFF!* ing Hero's Shield from Majora's Mask? This troper was like "WTF?" when he noticed it.
    • It looks like a remake if anything. It's about as much of a game as Meowth's Party, which was a tech demo.

In Link's Awakening, the disembodied voice after beating a dungeon is the Wind Fish itself

After you beat a dungeon and acquire an instrument, you play the instrument, causing the Wind Fish to stir in its sleep and mutter about something it sees in its dream, such as "...SWAMP... ...A path opens in the blooms..." Or perhaps it desires to be awoken and its drifting conciousness is trying to guide you to your next destination.

Spirit Tracks is an allegory for Zelda becoming a woman

Princess Zelda - or the girl Princess Zelda represents - wants to become intimate with Link/the boy Link represents. However, the two must go through the traditional process of courtship to do so. Zelda must come to terms with her maturity and her new status as a sexual being (reclaiming her body), fighting back against her own immaturity (Cole) yet warding off her own primal urges (Malladus), eventually seeking aid from a mature, middle ground (Byrne).

Link, meanwhile, does all the hard work, as is the chivalrous way to go, seeking the advice of his friends and elders and Zelda's guardians (the Lokomos) while pampering Zelda with gifts and the like (the items). Together, they must go on a set path (the Spirit Tracks) from one stage of their relationship to the next. Before they finish their formal quest, Zelda can only interact through a suit of armor (always wear protection, kids!). But when they finally finish their arduous process, love will bloom at last.

This is to say nothing about the numerous imagery of building a tower and trains going into dark tunnels.

    • So you're trying to tell us, that the Phantom is a Kondome?... What.
    • Well, perhaps it's more of a giant chastity belt.
  • Well, what do the three different endings mean?

The DS games are going to be a Quadrilogy

One person on Gamefaqs pointed this out. Bellum is War (due to his name being Latin for War), and Malladus is Pestilence (due to it being similar to Malady), leaving the next game to be Famine (perhaps a drought hits Hyrule, and spreads, and Famine happens to be a wizard turned genie, and Link gets a Flying Carpet that gets more powerful as he goes to more temples, letting him fly higher and for longer?). Then the fourth game ties them all together, and they are Ganonjacked by Death.

An alternate version would place Bellum as Pestilence (as he drains the life out of everyone, like an illness), which would mean the Bellum comes from somewhere other than Latin (perhaps a part of the brain, to indicate that his one was formed in Oshus' head as an illness that, by sucking his power, could eventually get into the real world) and Malladus as War (due to his obviously violent nature). Then it would continue to Famine and Death after that.

  • Here's a thought. You know another word for Death? "Demise". Maybe Bellum, Malladus and the missing Famine one were originally his Co-Dragons.

You just never hear it. Lots of text in-game makes no sense unless Link was responding to something someone said, or had said something.

  • Suggested (possibly) by AoL (Was it translated right?) and TP (Is the Hero's Shade really OoT/MM Link?), as the examples in (these) suggest he can talk. Furthermore, the cartoon (*shudder*) and the CD-I games have him talking.
  • This has been suggested by a different troper before. *To lazy to look up the WMG* Only that he/she suggested that the dark forces absorb Link's dialouge boxes, in order to prevent him from giving the player information.

Fado in Ocarina of Time is not a Kokiri

Most Kokiri have orange hair. Link, a Hylian, has blonde hair. Saria has green hair, but she is the Sage of Forest, thereby setting her apart. The only "pure" Kokiri who doesn't have orange hair is Fado. It is possible, therefore, that she is not a Kokiri. This is further supported by her role in the Biggoron's Sword sidequest.

    • But the other Fado does also have blonde her and is outright stated to have been the last Kokiri...
      • But WW Fado was also a Sage.
    • How is she still a kid though? A ghost?
      • She's still the wind sage.

They look like 10 year old kids because of the art style, but think about it. At the beginning of the game, Link's Granny says he's the same age as the Legendary Hero. But Wind Waker takes place in the adult timeline where Link did his best work at the age of 17. Also, His age in the game is never actually given (at least not in game).

Freud Was Right about this whole series

  • Let's take a look at the plotline of the more recent main-series games. You start out with a kinda-wimpy sword, you explore three caves (!) to get a better (and occasionally bigger) sword, sometimes there's a complicated sidequest to get an even bigger and stronger sword than that, you go and explore more caves with your bigger swords, your final battle is with a tall, dark-skinned, extremely masculine Badass who either has the biggest sword in the game, or in The Wind Waker, two swords, in order to "save" and thus obtain the most desirable woman in the game. In a Freudian sense, it's about Link overcoming his insecurity about his effeminate appearance by proving that he's at least as much of a "man" as his more masculine rival Ganondorf by "exploring caves" with his "sword".

The games are All Just a Dream

  • Specifically, Link's dreams. Link is a nerdy high school student who dreams in Medieval European Fantasy. In his sleep, he transforms from a nerd into the Hero of Time, football team captain Ganondorf becomes the King of Evil, the rest of the jocks become Moblins/Bulblins for being bullies, and Ganondorf's cheerleader girlfriend (after whom Link lusts) is "Princess" Zelda. Link hears rumors that Ganondorf is an abusive boyfriend to Zelda, which is reflected in the pig transformation. The other characters are based off of Link's friends, classmates, and family.
    • Wind Waker took place when Zelda hit puberty and became hysterical, which destoried his Princess Classic view of her. Twilight Princess was when she finally found her balance again, but another female friend (Midna) temporaly became a bitch because of familary problems. Spirit Tracks is him asking Zelda out and her putting him down for still being a nerd after all those years, he should finally decide what he wants to do in his life.
    • Let's take this a bit farther and plot Link's life from Ocarina of Time up to Spirit Tracks.
      • Ocarina of Time is dreamed when he's just a kid, entering puberty and middle school. Ganondorf is a few years older than he and Zelda are, and he's a big man on campus. Saria is Link's childhood friend, but she's about to move away. Nabooru is an older woman who keeps flirting with Link, so Link is confused. He's a big fan of high fantasy, heroic fantasy, whatever.
      • Majora's Mask is a follow-up, Link dealing with other issues that he didn't consider while lusting over Zelda. Note how the Master Sword, a symbol of his undying hatred for Ganondorf, is nowhere to be found. Some of it may be inspired by him doing required community service hours for a church, school, or youth group event. The falling moon symbolizes his fear of the world he enters after the event. Hey, it may even be the transition to high school! Termina is a separate world from Hyrule because Link is, for the moment, not concerned with the Ganondorf/Zelda thing that defines Hyrule.
      • The Wind Waker takes place a few years later, probably during Link's freshman year in high school, after Link's sister Aryll starts hanging around with an older man, and a jock at that. Turns out this jock is a prankster who plays a mean trick on the girl. Aryll actually isn't that much younger than her older brother, but he still considers himself her protector, and she is thus rendered a helpless child in his dreams. He dreams about beating the jock (a jumper for the track team, perhaps, given that he is a bird in-dream), and oh look, there's my old Master Sword, Ganondorf is taking Zelda to his senior prom, let's beat up that damn football player who is somehow still dating (and according to rumors, abusing) Zelda! Ganondorf soon graduates from high school, hence Link thinks he'll never need the Master Sword again and leaves it in Ganondorf's head. All taking place in Link's newest obsession, pirates and sea travel!
      • Link's thoughts on Ganondorf and Zelda during junior year: "SHE'S STILL GOING OUT WITH HIM?! How the fuck does that work? He graduated, he's enrolled at the local community college, surely he'd want a girl his own age by now, and not to stick around with a younger woman in high school?" This spirals him down into relatively low spirits, leading to his dreams being less colorful than before, but he's still not that depressed. He finds some solace in his kinda-gothic-but-still-fucking-awesome friend Midna. Midna has an older brother, Zant, who attends the same community college as Ganondorf. Link doesn't know whether or not they're friends, but Midna tells him that Zant is causing problems for her family, possibly with drug use and law enforcement. Now that Link has seen Zelda with a black eye, he takes it as confirmation of the long-running abuse rumors. Ganondorf must be behind the Zant incidents too (nevermind that Ganondorf was never anywhere near any drug stronger than beer, and never had a run-in with the cops)! Also in real life, Link begins to take a turn back towards fantasy works, like he was into at the end of elementary school and the beginning of middle school. Thus his dream is restructured around the "twilight realm" of post-graduation and its interference with Hyrule High, while simultaneously playing out like Ocarina of Time due to the similar influences. He plays through Midna's problems and his own, and goes through how his friendship with Midna started because she's become such a heavy influence on his life. Looks like he's going to need that Master Sword back after all...
      • For Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, Ganondorf is finally out of the picture, having graduated from community college, moved to a 4-year college farther away, and most importantly, left Zelda alone. This is Link's senior year in high school, but his obsessions with fantasy and Zelda alike have led him to be immature, hence the freshman-year Dream Link from The Wind Waker is still our hero in one, and a Link the same age as him is in the other. I haven't played Phantom Hourglass, can't offer anything there, but it's pretty clear with this interpretation why Spirit Tracks begins with the final exam for Dream Link's future career. But after the world-ending transition to high school in Majora's Mask, it's nowhere near as scary; rather, it's the future, after graduation, that is the adventure. Anjean may be Link's new boss at his part-time job, which will be full-time over the summer before Link goes off to college. It's a pretty popular job for high school students and those who didn't go away for college, possibly McDonald's, which is why Alfonso (older than Link, probably younger than Ganondorf, sort of Link's best older male friend) is working there. Zelda is still the Princess, the object of Link's desire. Can't offer much more on Spirit Tracks right now, since I'm still not finished (damn you Assassin's Creed II!), but I'll be back to finish this part after the ending.
      • Who's betting that Link and Zelda will go off to the same college and meet Ganondorf there for Zelda Wii? This Triforce connection thing that Link dreamed about between the three might have some basis in fact. To explain how this would happen: perhaps Zelda wanted to get back with Ganondorf, and coincidentally, Link could only get into a low-level university like the one dumb cheerleader Zelda and dumb jock Ganondorf got into because he spent too much time obsessing over fantasy, marine navigation, and eventually trains.

The sleeping Zelda from Zelda 2 is from one of the other timelines

It's supposedly the same Link in this game, but where did this sleeping Zelda come from? This troper suspects the timelines merged at some point, but somehow, this Zelda who was taking a centuries long dirt nap was missed in the shuffle. Impa (who may or may not also be from another timeline) learned about, and went to Link since saving Princesses is what he's good at. Link kicks some ass, wakes her up, and now......there are two Princess Zelda's. OH CRAP!!

    • As follower of the Reincarnation-theory, I prefer to think that the last game's Princess Zelda died shortly before this game and that awakening the original one was only possible, because the body wasn't an empty shell at the time.
    • Actually, that makes a hell of a lot more sense. But it also seems a bit cold. One Zelda dies so they just wake up the spare. It really sucks to be her sometimes.
    • Original theory is supported by the fact that the ending theme of Zelda 2, when you wake Zelda up. Every game after it uses Zelda's Lullaby as Zelda's theme, with one exception: The Minish Cap, which used the credits music from The Adventure of Link. Considering that this game is often considered to be the first in the series, well....

Zelda in OOT wasn't as useless as she seemed

This one hit me just recently. Remember what she said about how she needed Link to occupy Ganondorf while she and sages seal him in the Sacred Realm. Well, Ganondorf is quite the Implacable Man, so it's likely that any spell to seal him away would take a lot of time and energy. What do you think she was doing that whole time the evil pig man had her trapped in that crystal, and when Link was fighting him as Ganon? So Why did it still take so long? Because when Ganondorf went down the first time, she either mistakenly took him for dead, or she was unable to concentrate due to a bad case of Castle to the head. Hell, even her getting caught may have had some benefits. Remember. Ganondorf kept her imprisoned the entire time he had that first round with Link. He might have great power, but something like that could have divided his focus just a wee bit. And that's my 2 cents.

Ganon is the Kwisatz Haderach

Prophesied male? Check. Comes to age under stressful circumstances in a desert environment? Check. Leads indigenous desert dwellers in a rebellion against the established order? Check. Goes to great lengths to shape and change the future in ways that are impossible to foresee, through various pawns, by longevity and reincarnation? Check.

In Zelda 2, there is no currency. Designated individuals in town will refill your life and magic meter. To get any other item or service, you have to run all over doing favors for people, in an underground bartering system. Scarcity is a real problem, as Link had to climb up and through Death Mountain just to get a hammer! Clearly, while the absolute necessities are provided, anything beyond keeping people alive is hard to find.

Also consider that all the merchants are hiding in caves, some behind walls you have to blow up, in the first LoZ game. Rupees are valuable gems in nations outside of Hyrule, but the government hoards these gems and forbids their use as a form of currency. So all the merchants hide in the most inhospitable portion of Death Mountain, running their black market from behind rock walls, proteced by the wild monsters that roam the lands. They pack up shop once Link becomes a hero of the Crown, afraid that he'll rat them out.

That title may not make things clear so let me explain. In Ocarina of Time, everyone was a beginner. Link, who was a green rookie, both literally and figuratively, and the player, who was experiencing 3-d Zelda for the first time. Hence we have Navi, She explains everything when you ask, and as others have so noted even when you don't. Think of her as a mother guiding a child through a new experience, which is kind of what you are in the first half of the game. Then you have Tatl. Some find her bare bones advice and constant snark to be as annoying as Navi's constant nagging but by this point both Link (and the player if they had already played Ocarina) would more or less know the score, and as such, probably would not need as much help, except for the monsters that were completely new. Does this make sense to you?

The Happy Mask Salesman is Vaati.

They share their voiceclips. That's proof enough for me. The Mask Salesman/ Vaati unleashed Majora's Mask un purpose and then sent Link after it, in order to slowly traumatize and kill him.

  • Well, there was that wanted poster with what looked like Giant Floating Eyeball Vaati on it in OOT's shooting gallery. Vaati was probably waiting around in disguise until he got his hand on something powerful enough to achieve world domination. In retrospect, it's probably a good thing the Skull Kid stole the mask before Vaati could use it. Note that the Mask Salesman seems disappointed at the end when the mask's power is gone.
  • Regarding his motivation behind sending Link to recover the mask, Vaati assumed that the successor to the same hero that defeated him in The Minish Cap would be powerful enough to get it back. He has no particular love for Link and is only maintaining the "Believe in yourself" support to get what he wants. Note especially that Vaati goes into a Villainous Breakdown upon realizing Link didn't get the mask back. And "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you" combined with laughter sounds suspiciously like he's gloating over Link's failure.

Gannon does exist, and is a separate being from Ganondorf.

Gannon is a godlike being that sent its will into Ganondorf, and the spark of divinity is what makes him so resurrectable. Ganondorf is the Gerudo, Gannon is the god-being, and Ganon is Ganondorf-as-Gannon's-avatar. Either there was some confusion when Ganon took over prior to the first game, Ganon got full of himself, or Gannon for some reason didn't want to wait for the next time Ganon would be resurrected and just made a pig-demon body to use as his puppet.

Primarily suggested by the sword skills, the body build, and the voice when you get a chance to control him in Majora's Mask. How did it come about? Perhaps the Goddesses are not the only inhabitants of the sacred realm, and that one of these, a titan-like entity who would later be remembered only as the Fierce Deity, was a particularly obscenely skilled warrior who cared only for shedding blood and killing foes. The Goddesses managed to subdue him and subjugate him (creating the mask), but were unable to completely destroy him--some raging violent aspect was left afterward. Trying to figure out what to do with him, Farore, suddenly struck by inspiration, infused that violent spirit with a soul of her own creation, thus creating an obscenely skilled warrior who now embodies her aspects of vitality and courage. Sound familiar?

  • As of Skyward Sword, it has been revealed that Zelda is the goddess Hylia reborn as a mortal. The game also strongly implies that Ganondorf embodies the undying hate of the demon king Demise. Knowing this, it wouldn't come as a surprise if Link was himself an avatar to some divine being, and the Fierce Deity does appear as a likely candidate. One could imagine the goddesses are trying to correct the Blood Knight-ish and Knight Templar-ish aspects of an otherwise invaluable ally.

The abundance of Nightmare Fuel (so much that it needs its own page on this wiki) was a ploy to get adults to play.

Lots of kids can’t stand Nightmare Fuel. Solution in kid logic? Ask Mom or Dad or another older person you know well (like, say, your teenage sibling) to get you through the scary part because they’re the bravest person you know! At least that part is known to have happened. But what if someone at Nintendo had made it that way intentionally? Now that would be clever....

    • I am, in fact, sure that this is the case. That's also how they got my father to play Super Mario 64 after all.

In the Adult timeline of Ocarina Of Time, Ganon can never actually be sealed away by the power of the sages.

  • Behold my reasoning: The six sages represent the six races of Hyrule, correct? Light = Hylian, Forest = Kokiri, Fire = Goron, Water = Zora, Spirit = Gerudo, and Shadow = Sheikah. Oh wait. The Sheikah are all dead. Impa is referred to as the "last of the Sheikah". And if the reasoning of this very wiki is to be believed, upon ascending to her position as the sage of the Shadow Temple, Impa did shuffle off this mortal coil. The only other "Sheikah" in Hyrule is - oh wait, Sheik is Zelda, meaning Sheik is a Hylian, and therefore does not qualify. The six races each maintained one temple in order to keep Ganon sealed away. Therefore, the power of those temples would have to come from those very races. The Sheikah, being vitally challenged, can no longer provide the spiritual mumbo-jumbo to power their seal. QED, by sealing Ganon away a la sages, you've sealed him with a faulty seal. No wonder he breaks out again! Nice job breaking it, Sheikah.
  • Who says they need to be alive...?
    • Who says they're not alive in the first place but just in hiding because of they're low numbers?
  • Hmm...that is true. So then, the Shadow seal is supported by Sheikah spirits?

What do we know about Vaati? We know he is a master swords man, that he has worked with Ganon could it be that Ganon frees Vaati from the Four Sword every so often to help kill Link? It'd also explain why Shadow link is the final boss of AoL,; He's Ganon's most loyal servant.

Tetra and Gonzo are shoutouts to Ender's Game.

I was reading the book a long while ago when I came upon the charecters Petra and Bonzo. Giving it some thought I began noticing similarities. For starters Petra and Tetra are five letters with only one letter differing in each, and P and T are three letters apart, the same holds true to Bonzo and Gonzo; except G and T are four letters apart. They are also close personality-wise; Tetra being a calculating cool-headed warrior with a massive ego and Gonzo getting by with brute strength withouut the ability to resist a challange(If Alfonzo is any indication.)Also the fact that they work togeatherin both instances, which tipped me off.

She has red hair (apprently a trait of female or child Rito). She also posseses a harp a sign of the Earth sage blodline. In the end of the original black and white Links Awakening she takesthe form of a Winged Humanoid. The human like nose is probably due to interbreeding with normal Hylians.

Evidence: Her voice.

The Shadow Temple was used to train Sheikah Warriors

What better place for them to be trained than in Nightmare Fuel Central?

  • Because there is literally nothing scarier in all of Hyrule, QED they become fearless warriors....genius! So what's the Bottom of The Well for, easing them in?
    • The well is below the area the old man claimed the rich family that could "see the truth" lived on. Obviously, the place now referred to as the Bottom of the Well used to be their own private torture dungeon. Any relation to the Shadow Temple is coincidental, or perhaps the dungeon was based on the temple.
      • The well is supposedly the basement of some guy, who was probably the Hyrule equivilent of the psychopath you hear about on the news with a bunch of dead bodies and tortured people in his basement. He's also believed to be Bongo-Bongo.
        • Sweet Zombie Jesus, I'd completely forgotten all about of that. Given that Kakariko used to be the Sheikah village, the fact that it's based on the temple would make sense. So I'd like to contribute to the nightmares: Why is the entrance to the private torture dungeon only big enough for a child to fit through?
        • According to this encyclopedia (check Kakariko Well), the well was constructed by Sheik, although I think that should be be Impa, to seal away an evil spirit, aka Bongo-Bongo. So that could mean that in order to seal away Bongo-Bongo, Sheik/Impa either a) designed the well to look like the Shadow Temple in order to confuse Bongo-Bongo into believing that he it was still in the temple, or b) sacrificed a bunch of people by torturing them to death to seal Bongo in the well.

That's why you can name all of them, their names are not the same. The Zeldas though...

Ezlo's snarky attitude is a side effect of Vaati's curse.

Ever noticed that when is Ezlo is a hat, he makes a lot of snarky comments, but when he is a Minish, he seems like a different person. That's my explanation.

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword sees the Timelines Merging again and leads into the first two games of the series.

It uses Cel Shaded Grafics and an Adult Link with a detailed design and realistic proportions. 'Nuff said.

    • Jossed, it's set around the creation of the Master Sword and thus not involved in the whole Split-Timeline Business.(Wow, it's sure rare for the Original Poster to joss their own WMG.)

Female Gorons exist.

They are never seen because the Gorons don't want you to bang them, they're that attractive and the Gorons have a really bad case of Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism.

    • I've always thought we did see them but both sexes appear the same.

Fado, from OOT, still is the Wind Sage

It's been speculated, maybe even confirmed, that she was the sage of a Wind Temple before being Demoted to Extra just before the games release. She has a unique model, unique dialogue, and she disappears randomly at one point in the game to never be discussed of again. She discovered she was a wind sage or went to live as a wind sage. However you weren't let on the action for some reason.

Ganon is an immortal demon, Ganondorf is his seal.

Ganon seems to be the same beast in every game, but FSA and OoT have different Ganondorfs. This may be due to Past OoT Ganondorf being killed in TP. Ganon reincarnated as Ganondorf in FSA and was defeated, only to return in ALttP. Ganondorf may mean something equivalent to "demon's seal" in Hylian.

The Kokiri/Koroks are forest spirits.

They're not a mortal race like the Zoras, Gerudo, etc. - they're embodiments of the forest and as such live as long as trees. They really will die if they leave the forest for too long - a spirit of fire wouldn't survive long in the snow, after all. As spirits, they/the Deku Tree can change their form as suits the era. And since the Deku Tree is the great spirit of the forest, they really are his children.

The humanoid Kokiri forms may have come about because Link needed to be adopted by the forest. That's why they're all broadly similar-looking to him and the same physical age. The Korok forms take less forest-magic to maintain, so they can stay out of the woods longer, and are sustained on their yearly journeys by the saplings they're planting across the Great Sea.

The events of Spirit Tracks are a Batman Gambit on part of the Lokomotos.

In the ending, Anjean refers to Byrne as "my old friend" and reveals that he is also one of the Lokomotos. We never saw the two fight with eachother, and Byrne didnt kill Link and Alfonso over his supposed ambitions. His Face Heel Turn was staged in order to eventually give Link and Zelda, who they knew to be the ones able to do so, a chance to defeat Maladus once and for all, ending their duty as guardians of the Spirit Tracks.

Niko might be the closest thing to the games' next Legacy Character.

Maybe on a future game we'll meet his descendant (or even his distant ancestor in Skyward Sword) and Nintendo won't mess him up like Tingle.

  • Well, footage starring Beedle the Skytown shopkeeper has surfaced, so it's not out of the question.

tWW's Fado was the "Kokiri who left the forest and is still alive" that that one Gossip Stone spoke of.

Because, it's possible that he left for his temple BEFORE OoT (and not after like many people think). Also, if we see the Kokiri in Skyway Sword (which I hope we do), we might even meet him before he leaves. And maybe Saria too. And I shall rejoice like the fangirl I am.

Despite all the Ship Tease, Link/Zelda will never actually happens.

In most of the games (read: MOST), all Links are related or descendants of one another. If the ship indeed did happen, then that would make Link royalty in some games, which he never is, plus it'd also imply other things. (Keep in mind I'm not ship bashing, I actually like the idea of it in WW)

  • Link's Adventure has little dialogue, and what dialogue is there is badly translated, but it sure looks like Link and Zelda are making out at the end.

The series is a retelling of the 'Struggle between Summer and Winter' myth

Link has to fight Ganon to rescue Zelda and save Hyrule in pretty much every game. Ganon is a giant boar, which is the form the winter god is traditionally supposed to take. Link is dressed in green, which is associated with nature and rebirth. They both fight for Hyrule, Link to protect it, and Ganon to take it over. Zelda is the princess of Hyrule, and whoever wins effectively has her at his mercy, mirroring the fights between ancient summer and winter gods for the hand of the Earth Maiden.

  • Supporting this, Ganondorf froze over part of the world in Ocarina of Time.

The WW Fado is a reincarnation of the Fado of OOT

Same name, same hair color, and there was evidence she was supposed to be a wind sage. He is her reincarnated and is living her prophecy of being a sage.

Twinrova was brainwashed into being evil

How else did they end up going to heaven when they died in Ocarina?

  • This troper remembers seeing a comic where Link asks them that as they're dying, and the answer is, "two hundred years of community service goes a long way".
    • I know that comic. For anyone who's interrested: here.

Fado is a Wind sage

There are two "extra" sages in Wind Waker. Presumably they had incarnations before them too. One is Fado and the other is...Kasuto?

Fado and Mido are twins

It's speculated their siblings but maybe they were born at the same time?

A future game will reveal someone named Kasuto (?), and Fado, as sages

They've hinted at them being sages and it's too good a plot point to miss out especially in the WW timeline. I'm betting on reincarnations but flashbacks or even a OOT era game would be nice. Thumbs up if it reveals why Mido has a town named after him.

Fado dies around the 7 year period

Now she's a ghost Creepy Child. Her personality does seem less peppy as before.

Error's parents forgot to use a condom

Hence his name and existence

Fado will be given a bigger role in OOT 3DS

Maybe references to her wind sage status, giving her a bigger part then just dialogue and giving you a saw, giving her almost all of her original scenes minus wind sage ones, making her the wind sage, etc.

  • Except OoT Fado is different from Fado the Wind Sage. Wind Waker Fado is male. Sorry.
    • Fado was meant to be the wind sage in Ocarina Of Time, that's what I meant.

Most Links, while they can speak, greatly prefers telepathy.

(Yes, it's another this-is-why-we-don't-"hear"-most-Links guess.) But he's either only capable of low-level telepathy, or most entities are not sensitive enough to hear him clearly... so they have to repeat everything he says. (Obviously, the real reason is for our benefit, while allowing him not to speak for... some reason... but in-game... maybe?)

The Legend of Zelda represents the First Age of the Wheel of Time

"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legand fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again." -this is why so many distinct-yet-similar versions of Hyrule exist: each time the wheel comes around to the First Age the details are a bit different but the main points remain the same. -When Zelda uses the Triforce, this begins the Age of Legends. -Ganon is the Dark One, at a relatively low power level (well under NINE THOUSAND!!!) because he's still mostly imprisoned. -Link is the first age's version of the Dragon, and if Rand tried hard enough he'd probably remember how to play the ocarina.

"Lokomo" is just another word for "sage".

There's seven Lokomo, just like the sages in Ocarina of Time, and their respective colors match. Like the sages in Wind Waker, all of them have a respective instrument (except Byrne, but God knows if he had one). They come in handy on the final battle. They have the Lokomo Sword, and the Master Sword is connected to the sages, plus the swords even look alike. There's also the theory that the sages in OoT die before they awaken, which is basically ascending to a higher plane of existence, and the Lokomo did exactly this.

The reason Kokiri are forbidden from leaving the forest is that the exit leads to Hyrule Field

...which is filled with Peahats by day and Stalchildren at night. The promise of death by the sign isn't talking about either instantaneous magical death or aging - it's referring to being torn apart horribly.

Stalchildren are the undead remains of child soldiers.

Link is living proof that Hyrule has some disturbing ideas about when someone's ready to fight in a war. Later games in the timeline might change this up a bit, but during the war that killed Link's parents, there were a lot of child soldiers who died horribly and, by the land's magic or some twisted necromancer, got changed into Stalchildren. In Majora's Mask, we meet a whole squad of them, and they provide the answer to why the town guards are unconcerned with Link if he has a sword: yeah, he's twelve, but he has a weapon, so he must be a soldier.

That's the reason we have those dog things instead in Twilight Princess - no wars in the recent enough past.

  • The thing that makes this worse is that there are real life armor from the Dark Ages sized perfectly for teenagers or younger. This could be closer to the truth than Nintendo would want to admit.

Very game since OoT involving Ganondorf has been his punishment for defiling the Sacred Realm.

What worse a punishment for someone with endless ambition, someone perfectly suited to the Triforce of Power than an unending, never-ceasing existence being defeated by the same person (people, if you count Zelda). Even worse, they don't remember beating him all the time which would just burn you up, that sort of ignorance about you from people you had fought over countless lives. Ganondorf has likely realised this, but can't stop since his arrogance won't let him admit defeat, even to the makers of the world.

When Link fights other villains, it just him being reincarnated to do some other jobs for the Goddesses.

Redeads masks are because of Hyrule's burial rituals

The mask is meant to scare away evil spirits that might lead the soul astray on their trip to the afterlife (which turns the soul into a Poe). The Sheikah also mummify the body, which is why Gibdos are just Redeads in gauze. The Gerudo, not being of Hyrule, don't do this and just mummify their dead, which is why Redead Knights don't have masks.

Labrynna = Labyrinth = Maze? My theory is that Ganon's monsters overran Labrynna and drove out the Human inhabitants, despoiled the once-beautiful island, and erected labyrinths all over the landscape.

the whole series is a Xanthos Gambit on the part of both God and the Devil to try and get a foothold back into human society and belief systems.

We all know that Hyrule was apparently created by three Godesses, but do we ever see them? Not just as a flashback or as a look-alike, but the real thing? No, but we've seen both Gods and demons, and actual souls ascending into Heaven(Granted, WITCHES souls, but still.) Not to mention the original Link had a Cross on his shiled, had a bible (Japanese version) and prayed to a Crucifix. Since the popular theory holds that these games are at the end of the Timeline, suffice to say that either the game had their own version of Jesus and God, or this is our universe, in the future. Some time in the future of man, a calamity will happen (Probably the one that made the Game's monsters) that is so unprecidented that all of humanity loses faith in God and the Devil at once, instead opting to pray to three heathen Godesses. So, to get them to belive in him again and save their souls from the still powerful Devil, God proposed a compition: Once every 100 years or so, the Devil will release a Demon in human form and God shall release a Saint and/or angel in human form. The devil's soldier varies: bethem wizards (Gannon/Vatti)cursed objects (Majora's Mask) literal demons (Bellum and Cole) or eventually he himself (Under the alias Malladus) God would always send a Pure soul, usually a trusted saint or an arc angel, and would sometimes take the form of a great fish (His symbol) to aid him in this quest. Spirit Tracks, the point at which the Devil grew tired of this game and tried to just take over Hyrule by force, was meant to act as the rapture, and that form of Link (Coupled with Zelda, of course) acted as Jesus reborn.

Fado in Ocarina of Time is the same Fado as the one in Wind Waker

Fado is said to have been a relative of Saria in WW, but he must have been born a while after her death. Plus the only Kokori with his name was the blond girl, Fado. Fado was meant to be the wind sage, Fado is a blond Creepy Child in a similar way her WW incarnation is, etc. Either that or he's a closely related reincarnation of her.

    • Alternativly, he's both a descendant of Saria and Fado.

The Ocarina of Time remake will be quite different from the original in more then a few elements

Take a look at the Pokémon remakes for example. Word of God is that this won't be a simple rehash of OoT for the 3DS either. I'm expecting the two unknown sages to be revealed.

  • Unknown sages? I thought Fado and Laruto were the sages from that time.
    • Laruto? You're thinking of Wind Waker, unless they introduce a Laruto in OoT.
      • No, what I mean is, I thought Laruto and Fado were the sages circa OoT, then they died later on, then Medli and Makar become the sages during Wind Waker.
      • Wrong Fado. We're talking about the Kokori girl.
  • Word of God is that this won't be a simple rehash of OoT for the 3DS either. Sorry, it turned out to be a rehash (with a few extras of course, but still a rehash).

Goron civilization survived the flood

When the Great Flood came, the Gorons were mostly unaffected. They're lithovores, so a food supply isn't an issue, and Twilight Princess showed that they don't require air to survive. Between their lack of reliance on others' goods and the difficulty in trading, they have very little contact with the races that survived on the mountain peaks. The Goron merchants we see in The Wind Waker are either adventurers or exiles trying to make a living in the lands above.

Or at least related. I know I'm going to get Gannon Banned for this, but it's a perfectly reasonable thought.

The true meaning of "23 is number 1!"

We all knoow that Deku Scrub in Ocarina of Time, right? Of course we do! But, he was not referring to what you think he was! Take the number 23, and multuply it by 1. You now have 23! 2 plus 3 is 5. Ocarina of Time is the fifth game in the Zelda series, excluding the CD-i games. It was on the Nintendo 64. Subtract 23 from 64 and you get 41. In the orginal Pokemon games, Zubat is the 41st Pokemon in the Pokedex. Zubat is obviously a bat. A bat, as in the song 'Bat Out of Hell' by Meatloaf. Hell is also the subject of several AC/DC songs. Therefore, Link is obviously an AC/DC fan.

The Whole "engineer" thing was a clever smokescreen to cover said scam. Link and Alfonzo used grass clippings and broken pottery to fabricate fake rupees which were indistinguishable from real ones. This is how they were able to cover the cost of the free transport and passenger services. Link only got caught up in the whole "saving the world" thing by accident. Also free treasures as well.

Fado isn't just a creepy girl or a ghost

Well she's creepy, but not out of cruelty or a lack of empathy. How does she know he was there? I mean yeah she stumbled upon him, but what if there is more to it. What if she had visited him a few times or watched him as he slept (which is a little creepy, but still). Not having much contact with the outside world she is curious as to what it is like. She grows a bond with this boy... then he turns into a Stalfos right in front of her eyes. (Perhaps with a brief remaining humanity he spares her and runs off as somehow I doubt an unarmed little girl can kill a Stalfos). He may have even given her the saw, but she (due to trauma) couldn't hold onto it. She watched her friend turn into Stalfos and is now traumatized! Now she waits until she changes (of course she won't be a Stalfos, but at this point she doesn't really care...) That’s right, this entire time we’ve been calling a deeply troubled and hurt girl creepy - how does that make you feel?

  • Rather perturbed, considering her creepy laughing throughout the conversation.
  • Are you suggesting that Fado is the first Kokiri to be transformed into a Korok?
  • She wasn't unarmed..... She had a saw.

Hyrule is Japan

Look at the Hojo family crest--clearly the ancient tales left an impression on somebody.

LttP is the end of the Adult Timeline.

In Wind Waker, Ganondorf summons the Triforce into that timeline, removing it from the child timeline, conveniently at the end of Twilight Princess. The reason Link is a bunny instead of a wolf is because he's the reincarnation of a different Link. Presumably, this means that Ganon is defeated for good in TP.

Redeads are the corpses of insane fangirls who write bad Zelda fanfiction

Resues - the evil creepycanon "rapists" of Zelda! Redead - the evil creepy undead "rapists" of Zelda!

Redeads are infact the corpses of Zelda fangirls who derail Link and others into their lovers and/or friends in fanfiction! It all makes sense! The creepy way they attack, the insane scary as all hell screams, ect. They still cling to the deluded belief that all of Hyrule; nay the world, love them and want them!

Epona's Song is a summoning spell.

Epona doesn't just hear the song and come running, at least not in the N64 games. Playing it on the ocarina calls her to you using nature magic (for the Fairy Ocarina) or time/space warping (the OoT). This is why she appears out of nowhere when you play the song (if you're looking in the right direction, you'll see that she literally pops up out of nowhere a short distance away before she whinneys and gallops toward you).

The Kokiri are plant people

The Kokiri live in the forest and never age beyond adulthood. The reason they look to the Great Deku Tree for protection is that he created them. Also they evolve into the Korok in Wind Waker, and you can't just go from human to plant.

  • I just assumed it was canon.

To clarify, Link can talk, but he's so shy that he loses his voice in the presence of an attractive female. And since his Fairy Companion in every game is almost always female, well...

Sheik can be either male or female, depending on his/her mood that day.

Just one of the many wonders of magic.

  • Zelda is not amused...

The Master Sword, Picori Blade/Four Sword and Magic Sword are all the same blade.

Just at different times in the same timeline.

First assuming that the Minish Cap happens after Ocarina of Time it's logical that the Picori Blade is just another name for the Master Sword as they are visually identical (at least in the flashback). After being Level Uped to the Four Sword it goes on to become a prison for Ganon in Four Swords Adventure. Ganon, being Ganon, obviously brakes free from this prison, and reduces the Four Sword back to the White Sword seen in MC, and it is in this form that it is given to Link in the original Legend of Zelda.

  • So why does Link not split into four different people every time he draws it?

In the animated series he's right handed, and due to graphical limitations of the first two games you can't tell if he's left handed.

  • This may actualy be true in Skyward Sword. He whields hi sword with his right hand, but when using the bow he draws the string with his left, which is incredibly awkward for a purely right-handed person to do.

We all assume they are the same age as Young Link and Zelda from Ocarina, but Link's Grandmother states that he is the same age as the The Hero of Time when she gives him his clothes. When Link became the Hero of Time, he was 17, and that is when he did his best and most well known work. Also, his exact age is never given at any point in the game, and a teenager would still be a kid. Artist interpretation is the reason they seem younger.

Link is silent because he's meant to be an extension of the player. When you're playing the game, you can react to situations yourself, rather than just watching your character react. So, the developers set up so many non-specific relationships with female characters, so you as the player can decide for yourself who Link ends up with. If you think Link and Malon are clearly interested in each other, then they are. If you prefer to think that Link develops a relationship with Zelda, then he does. If you really want, he moves to Kakariko Village and eventually marries Anju (the cucco lady). Ironically, this pro-shipping stance is what causes massive shipping wars over which one is "canon."

  • Answer: They're all Word of Dante.
  • Canonically, none of the shipping options happen. At the end of the Ocarina of Time, Zelda sends Link back in time to when he was a child, creating two timelines. In the original timeline, the "Adult Timeline", where most of the game takes place, Link permanently disappears. If think about it for a little bit, Fridge Horror sets in. All of the people Link meets and becomes friends with never see Link again after the ending. Link's friends will live out the rest of their lives without ever seeing him again. Sure, the shipping options are still possible in the "Child Timeline" that Link gets sent back in time to, but the versions of the characters in that timeline aren't the versions of the characters that you met during the game.

The Ocarina of Time remake for 3DS will feature the blue fairy found in the game, as well as the secret area found under the ice of Zora's Domain

And thus fulfilling how Ocarina of Time should have been to begin with, and making all of us who wonder what those were meant for squee with delight.

  • Add Fado as a sage and the Wind Temple.

The reason why items suddenly appear when you have the fitting item (eg.Finding bombs when you have the Bomb Bag)

It isn't shown, but Link is looting the enemies after he killed them. Link takes the item which he can use now and if he finds arrows or bombs he thinks that he don't need it (arrows,deku seeds) or can't carry it unlike he wants to blow himself up (bombs), until he finds a item that lets him use these. At little bit of a stretch, but why not.

The Maku Trees from Oracle of Seasons / Ages are brother and sister.

They are both called The Maku Tree, though they are obviously different trees.

In the linked ending of the Oracle games, Ralph and Nayru are hanging out with their (future?) kids.

The three kids that trail them use generic NPC sprites, but of note is that said sprites have black hair, while in the sepia shot, the children have much lighter hair, although the exact colors are unknown. Ralph is similar; he's a Fiery Redhead, but is shown with dark hair in his sprite. Additionally, the fact that they're playing around while Nayru holds a bag of groceries is a little suspicious, too. It's pretty common to see families taking their young children with them on a shopping trip, after all. Plus, it's very easy to see her relationship with Ralph as romantic.

The question would be how the heck they'd get three kids so fast, no matter what order the games were completed in. One of two options could occur: If Ages occurs first, then there might be enough time to elapse for them to at least reach preteen age, assuming they age as fast as Bipin and Blossom's son does.

More likely, though, they didn't wait at all. Nayru's the Oracle of Ages, and short of divine will and time paradoxes (and possibly not even those if she just doesn't care), there's nothing stopping her from taking Ralph and visiting a future where they've hooked up and had children, or bringing the children to their time, or even taking the whole family to a time period where none of them belong in. It'd explain the unrecognizable town they're in, anyway. It's possible that this sort of thing happens often enough for the kids not to bat an eye at it. Granted, time paradoxes might still occur -- what if they learn their firstborn is named Bob and, at his birth, call him Charlie instead? -- but again, the game's pretty weird with time to begin with, between Bipin's son and the construction of the Black Tower.

== A future Zelda game will have two Zelda's, twins; one will grow up as Sheik ==. Half-Identical Twins, maybe? It Was His Sled that Sheik and Zelda are one person, so why not twist it?

  • No.
  • The only way there will be two Zeldas, is if they go back to Zelda 2, where the original Zelda was put under a Sleeping Beauty-spell, and her brother had all future Princesses be named Zelda. By the game's ending, this Princess woke up. Unless something happened to the Zelda from the first game, that is the only one with two Zeldas.
    • Exactly, every future firstborn-female. If you have twins, I can imagine the parents going, "eh, let's name them both Zelda".
  • This is kind of an interesting idea, mostly because this troper has read Drowtales. One twin is Zelda, the princess, the other is Sheik, the princess' guardian. If Zelda dies, Sheik takes her name and her position (a la Vy'chiriel and Yaeminira, without the Bodyguard Betrayal).
      • Made even more interesting if Sheik is a boy. Prince masquerading as a princess? Maybe they'd castrate him at a young age.

See the mirroring WMG on this page for more details.

Bellum is some sort of Beholder.

I've got nothing to back this up other than that Bellum has a bunch of eyes and one big eye.

Which is why they don't appear in later games.

  • Except the games with lynels take place after most, if not all, of the later games.

The Imprsioning War!Sages found a "Link", but couldn't locate the Master Sword

"The Sages first had to search for the existence of the Master Sword and a hero to use it. However, the situation was urgent, and Ganon's malice was enclosing on the royal palace.". The Link helped the sealing by weaking/whatever Ganon(dorf) with another weapon (Sword of the Sages?).

The Song of Storms is either a Time Lord or an Eldritch Abomination

Considering the way it was created via a paradox, and how horrific the Shadow Temple/Bottom of the Well are, it could be assumed that The Song of Storms is yet another "being" that came unto existence due to the dark energies of the aforementioned locations. It came from nothing. It IS nothing, and yet became something. The Alpha and Omega of The Windmill Hut. Fear not neither thunder nor rain, but The Song... of Storms! *Dun dun dun!*

    • Above troper, will you marry me?

Eiji Aonuma has stated that Wind Waker and the Great Flood takes place in the Adult Timeline from OOT and Twilight Princess takes place in the Child Timeline where Zelda sends Link back in time to when he was a child. It's implied that the Great Flood occurs during the first time Ganon escapes in the Adult Timeline and it's implied that Twilight Princess is the first time Ganon escapes in the Child Timeline. At the very least, this gives the two events a certain degree of parallelism.

Furthermore, it is strongly implied that TP Link is a direct descendant of OOT Link. The Hero's Shade canonically states that TP Link "carries the blood of the hero". The references in Twilight Princess to "the hero" usually refer to OOT Link. Since OOT Link ceases to exist in the Adult Timeline when he is sent back to the Child Timeline, the Hero's bloodline no longer exists in the Adult Timeline and OOT Link has no descendants in the Adult Timeline. As a result, in the Adult Timeline, TP Link is never born and this is why no hero appeared to stop Ganon in Wind Waker's back story.

The differences between Old Hyrule in Wind Waker and the Hyrule in Twilight Princess such as the presence of King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule can be Handwaved as a result of the Butterfly Effect from the various timeline differences such as the different ways Ganon was sealed and the people Ganon killed in the Adult Timeline survived in the Child Timeline.

Miyamoto has Moblins resemble dogs and Ganon resemble a pig because of two traumatic incidents as a child.

  • He was attacked by a dog, then he was attacked by angry male pigs. When he grew up, he created enemies based off of him.
  • More like chickens. It's cuccos that are death incarnate if you mess with them too much.

The 25th (NA) aniversery will include a public reveal of the timeline

Wouldn't it be the most awesome gift? I don't think it will be all of the stuff given (I think it will most likely be a compolation with the timeline under "bonus features").

Ganondorf will have a Heel Face Turn in the "flooded" timeline

Someone on the Twilight Princess WMG page pointed out that, in Wind Waker, Ganondorf indicates he has been giving thought to his ambitions during his imprisionment (While in the other one, he was ploting to once again Take Over the World!).

None of the Protagonists were actually named "Link"

Link is actually a Hyrulean word that translates roughly to "Legendary Hero". As bards retold the Legends, they simply referred to the protagonist as "The Legendary Hero" in narration.

Since she isn't awakened as a sage or if she is, she doesn't in time, Link really has no choice to but to fulfill his promise to Ruto. That and no one lets him get a word in edgewise to protest it.

  • Sorry, but Ganondorf kills the Sage of Water. She would have to awaken as the Water Sage no matter what, apparently.
    • What evidence do you have that he kills her in the Child Timeline? When could he have?
    • You see him kill a Water Sage in a flashback in Twilight Princess. Presumably that was Ruto's predecessor. Though the fact that the Water Sage is still missing from the group by the time of TP may mean that Ruto, or any other replacement, was never awakened as a Sage.
  • There is no longer any promise to Ruto in the Child Timeline. Why not? Because he was sent back, basically, to the first time he met Zelda, which was before he ever met Ruto or obtained the Zora's Sapphire. While he does know Ruto, she wouldn't know him (side note: you do, as I recall, see the Sages in the final scene, and they're adults... so apparently, they're capable of moving between timelines).

So everyone knows about Link learning a song from a guy who only knows it because Link taught him it and it just goes in circles. However, I propose that...wait for it...It wasn't Link that screwed up the windmill with the Song of Storms, it was some other kid entirely. Who? Well that's not important. After learning the song in the future Link goes back and plays it before this mystery kid.

Before you complain that Guru-Guru says something along the lines of "Grr, you played the Ocarina again didn't you?", keep in mind the man isn't exactly calm and is possibly just making assumptions.

The Bridge Worker from The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks is the grandson of Moe and Maggie from Wind Waker

Just look at him and try to tell me he's not part Moblin.

  • This might be jossed. His model appears in Phantom Hourglass as a Shipyard Worker, which occurs shortly after Wind Waker, and the Bridge Worker might be a descendant of that guy.

The Link we all know and love, complete with affinity for color green, ability to quickly master weapons, and other such attributes is the Exaltation. In every era it attaches itself to a child of great courage, Linking that child to the ones who came before him and giving him the tools he'll need to save the world. Naturally, Zelda and Ganondorf hold the other two Exaltations.

Ganondorf was Killed Off for Real at the end of The Wind Waker.

With the two split time-lines, this Ganondorf's only other rise to power was during Ocarina of Time. The end of the game is both symbolic and literal in that the old Hyrule, the Master Sword, and Ganondorf are washed away forever. It is over. The Hero of Winds accomplished something that the various Links in the other time-line have never done, to this day. Sure, there are new threats in the subsequent games that are placed in this time-line, but the biggest to ever have hit Hyrule is ended. Meanwhile, in the other supposedly better time-line, you have the events of games upon games with Ganon getting progressively more insane and powerful, and being defeated only sets him back for a while until he is brought back again, just like Dracula in the Castlevania series.

    • Granted, the killing of Ganondorf is still rather troubling in this timeline in that in doing so, Hyrule was destroyed forever, the Master Sword can never be used to battle evil again, and Demise's curse will remain on the line of heroes so long as the bloodline/reincarnation continues, so sooner or later something will replace Ganondorf in this timeline, and the Wind Waker timeline swords that are used as replacements for the Master Sword don't seem to have its staying power...

This WMG relies on two other guesses that Link's soul is being reincarnated for each different installment, and the split timeline theory. Unless there's more than one soul for Link floating around in the timelines, only one Link can exist at all at a specific point in ANY of the timelines. This being said, it doesn't seem that Link can hop between the two timelines in any incarnation that we've played. His soul might be able to travel between the two timelines, though. That being said, if Link is around in timeline A, and timeline B needs him soon to go stop whatever evil force is threatening Hyrule, the current incarnation of Link has to die in order to be reincarnated into the other timeline. Thus, none of the Links ever gets to be older than 20...if he's lucky.

Well, let's look at Link. He never shows any emotion outside of shock, and possibly anger. Also, Master Sword = Keyblade? He could be a Nobody in the same style of Roxas... Then Dark Link. The dude never actively seeks Link out. He only does so on Ganon's orders, and in the 4SA manga, he wasn't evil, just mislead. Who's willing to bet that if you tore off his shirt that there would be a Heartless symbol where his heart was?

  • Dark Link has red eyes, Heartless have yellow eyes.
    • Oh come on. He could be his own type of Heartless.
  • Something to think about; The red eyes are only part of one version. Version 2 is completely black. Version 3 has the same eyes as Link's, which are EVER SO slightly yellow. Plus, it's possible he could be disguising his true form...
  • Are you implying Vanitas? Glad I'm not the only person who noticed. -Zelda Hearts 1337

Self explanatory

  • Think about it: How else can he see Poes(most games), Rutela's ghost (TP), The Wind and Earth sages (WW), Sharp and Flat (Oo T and MM), The Poe Sisters (Oo T), Jalhalla (WW), Kamaro (MM), Princess Zelda (ST), and various others?

The "Ancient Hero" referred to in Twilight Princess is actually Skyward Sword Link, not Ocarina of Time Link.

Due to the actions Link and Zelda took at the end of Oo T, Ganondorf was imprisoned by the sages before he could take over Hyrule, and as a result, the Hero of Time never existed in the child timeline. SS Link, on the other hand, would have existed in both timelines since his adventure took place before it was split. TP Link's tunic supposedly belonged to the Ancient Hero, but it looks a lot more like the one SS Link wears than Oo T's. Plus, the Hero's Bow owned by the Gorons supposedly belonged to the Ancient Hero, but Oo T Link never used a bow in the child timeline. Since the Ancient Hero was never stated to have been involved with sealing Ganon, SS Link actually fits better.

  • Not to mention that SS Link definitely can and does speak, unlike in Oo T where it is left ambiguous.

The Hyrule Royal family has some connection to Soleanna.

Just take a look at the Hyrule Royal Crest compared to Solaris' second form. It's TOO similar to be a coincidence!

As far back as Oo T, people in the world have been known to respond to Link as though he had been talking to them. In fact, Link does talk, but nothing he says is anything we don't already know, so the developers don't include his words in order to avert Parrot Exposition.

  • I'm playing Skyward Sword right now, and in a cutscene where Link is talking to Zelda's father, he moves his hands the way some people use gestures to help explain things. And then when the camera angle shifts, it's blatantly obvious that Link's lips are moving. I'd say this is pretty confirmed.
    • Pretty much, considering the same thing happens when he explains his adventure to Groose.

Instead of the Distant Past...

The series takes place in a post apocalyptic future, which is why the further back in the timeline the games are set, the more technologically advanced they appear to be.

A Dungeon Idea...

If there's ever another game in the Wind Waker timeline, and for some reason the Master Sword is needed again, the dungeon you pick it up from will be a recently-drained Ganondorf's Tower, rechristened the Tower of Hope. The unique feature of this dungeon is that there are no monsters and no boss, only puzzles and a serene, subtle background music that builds on itself as you ascend the tower, finally revealing itself to be Fi's Theme as you reach the top, where the Master Sword has remained intact, waiting for you the whole time.

  • So...you'd pull it out of Ganondorf's head?

The Hylians are Space Amish

Well, not literally from space, but they have knowledge of Magitek that probably approaches cyberpunk levels, and conventional technology at least on par with our world in the late 19th or early 20th century; they simply choose not to integrate it into their lives. Think about it: the most advanced (human) technology is consistently in the hands of eccentrics, entertainers, and criminals: the Lake Scientist's lab, the windmill guy's grinder organ, the Bamboo Technology mini-games, and the shady guys who sell you the bombchus in Ocarina of Time; Lenzo with his picto-boxes in The Wind Waker; one of the resistance guys using a bazooka-type thing in Twilight Princess, etc.

This becomes even more apparent in Skyward Sword: Skyloft (home of the Hylians ancestors) is a sort of impressionist Arcadia, with no visible technology more advanced than a windmill, but at least one of the people there knows enough about the ancient robots to repair one to working order, Beedle's managed to rig up an airship, a pedal-powered propulsion system, and what appears to be a television(!) out of Bamboo Technology, and Groose has no trouble throwing a makeshift railway together in a matter of days. It even hints at a possible reason for their resistance to technology: the industrialized magitek civilization in Lanayru, which was implied to have caused the desertification that led to their demise.

At different ages, but still. Though we don't know their exact dates, TP and WW are generally put in the same place on the timeline, and could have potentially happened around the same time. TP Link and WW Link both possess a strong Big Brother Instinct, even compared to other Links in the series. The only problem is that WW Link is stated to have no relation to the Hero of Time while TP Link is a descendent of the Ancient Hero, but then, the Ancient Hero is never explicitly stated to have been Oo T Link (It could have been the Link from SS or one of the other games).

There will be a direct sequel to Skyward Sword

  • Taking place before Ocarina of Time again, it will detail the establishment of the kingdom of Hyrule and how the various races fought amongst each other for the Triforce. It will also have a Princess Zelda being put to sleep, leading to the decree that all females in the Royal Family will be named Zelda, as detailed in the backstory of Zelda II the Adventure of Link.

The five Japanese elements inspired the console games

The first two are obvious: Ku (Sky/Heaven/Void) corrolates to Skyward Sword and Fu (Wind) to Wind Waker. That leaves Chi (Earth), Sui (Water) and Ka (Fire) between Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask and Twilight Princess. Majora's Mask fits neatly with Chi/Earth, due to the underlying 'death' theme it's got going for it. According to The Other Wiki, predatory animals are examples of Ka/Fire, so it's arguable that TP corresponds to fire (as another WMG has pointed out, it's certainly got the color scheme for it), leaving OoT with Sui/Water. That's not exactly the most solid argument, though. [1]

  • That assumes that the folks at Nintendo planned this out way in advance, which seems very unlikely.

Hyrule is a representation of a child's psyche

  • The child, the creator of Hyrule, you could say, is a our-world version of Link. With his imagination being vibrant and innocent as a child's always is, he comes up with numerous adventures, all involving the classic bad guy kidnaps good girl, hero rescues said girl plot. That's why it's so simple in the beginning, the child has just come up with the idea. Then, getting bored with the story, comes up with more complex plots. The Darker and Edgier stories are when the child nearly becomes insane, or when generally not good stuff happens. The child is always center in the plot (through Link) because the child views Him/Herself as The Hero and feel very protective of his/her made-up fantasy of Hyrule.

The next major game after Skyward Sword will take place between Skyward Sword and Minish Cap

If you look at the official timeline, there are three historical eras (the Sky Era, the Era of Chaos, and the Era of Prosperity) between Skyward Sword and Minish Cap. This, particularly the "Era of Chaos" noted as being the time when the Sacred Realm was sealed away, seems rather noteworthy and unusual that it is on the list without a game of its own...

  • It follows that this game will be about the end of the Era of Chaos, with the sealing of the Sacred Realm and the founding of the Kingdom of Hyrule - possibly even the rise of the Sages.
  • There would be one question though- would this center around the second use of the Master Sword, as hinted at by the Sealing of the Sacred Realm (to which the Master Sword is part of the lock), or would it center around the Picori Blade, as hinted by said blade's cultural prominence in the set-comparatively-shortly-thereafter Minish Cap?

Alternatively, the next major game after Skyward Sword will take place in the Child Timeline.

The adult timeline has room for events after Spirit Tracks, but is rather limited by the loss of Hyrule and being railroaded a bit by the ending of Wind Waker sealing the Master Sword and Ganondorf away so idiosyncratically and in a non-magical as well as magical way. Likewise, the Loss Timeline is rather restricted by events; the only times that are open without too much restriction to storytelling are at the beginning and end of the Era of Decline- which, as the name and examples we have from it indicate, is too lacking in knowledge and population to have the feel of a modern Zelda game. By contrast, looking at the official timeline, the child timeline seems underexplored - games could be set between the Twilight and Shadow Eras without too much trouble (just need another game to kill Ganondorf off again before Four Swords Plus), and the time after Four Swords Plus seems wide open for storytelling without restriction.

There will be a game where all the split timelines will merge.

The final game's final boss will be Demise.

With the revelation that he is the sole reason Ganondorf exists, it's inevitable. I imagine we'll fight Ganon, then when he appears dead Demise will rise from his corpse in a dramatic fashion.

    • But Demise is destroyed at the end of SS. Only his consciousness was sealed in the Master Sword, and even that is eradicated eventually. The incarnation that becomes Ganondorf isn't so much a host for Demise as it is a successor -A separate entity that was created by Demise but doesn't serve or identify with him.

Ganondorf will turn against Demise in the end.

He does hold the Triforce of Power so he is more or less a chosen of the gods. I also can't imagine that Ganondorf will react well to the news that he is Demise's hatred.

  • Alternatively, given that Demise isn't around to turn on, it will be a metaphorical turning, as Ganondorf becomes an Aloof Ally of Link against some other villain, helping save the world while being a total jerk in dialogue and minor annoyance in behavior to Link and Zelda in order to fulfill the letter of the curse[2] he embodies while rejecting the spirit of the curse[3].

Koume and Kotake were never evil, and its Ganondorf's fault.

They did rise up to heaven, after all. How Ganondorf is to blame for their villainy is unclear, and there are two possibilities, magical and not magical.

The magical explantion is, if they're his real mother as Twinrova, bearing the physical embodiment of Demise's Curse drove them mad; if they're just adoptive, being in close proximity to him during his formative years infected them with the curse to ensure that nurture wouldn't overcome nature.

The non-magical explanation is that they were in their right minds the entire time, and were simply committing atrocities in an attempt to make their angry and emotionally disturbed son happy.

  • Well, they are good guys in the evidently Ganonless alternate world of MM.

Dark Link's sword is Ghirahim.

After all, they're both basically a "dark" version of the Master Sword. And I imagine he'd be delighted with any arrangement that means he gets to carry on hurting Link.

New Hyrule from ST is Termina

The MANY MANY resemblances, such as the elemental themes, and also, Malladus!Zelda having Majora's eyes.

  • This is definitely an interesting idea. The one thing that would need explaining, though, is this - why do the ocean and forest areas switch around? In ST, the ocean is to the east of the forest, while in MM, it's to the west. The placement of Ikana as the "Desert" area, the Goron Shrine as the "Fire" area, and Snowhead as the "Snow" area all make sense, as does Clock Town being related to Tower of Spirits, but the forest and ocean have moved. Interestingly, one could probably recover the great layout with just two adjustments - Ikana Castle = Tower of Spirits, and there's more ocean to the east of the MM map, along with more desert beyond the stone towers. This makes the "Fire" area of ST align with the Stone Towers, rather than the Goron Shrine. Clock Town has no obvious equivalent in this case.

Demon Lords of the Legend of Zelda series

With Demise being the Demon King, I think that it means that most of the main villains of the series, specifcally Majora, Bellum, and Malladus, are all Demon lords that once served under Demise. By the time of Spirit Tracks, Malladus had become the new Demon King of the timeline; Majora was an omnicidal demon that was sealed into Majora's Mask by the Ancients, and Bellum was another Demon Lord that plagued the Ocean King's world, in the same way Majora would plague Termina.

Nintendo will eventually make a game based on the battle at the very begging, with the player assuming the role of Hylia battling against Demise

Going with the theme of series being like a real legend. Most of the NPC characters encountered in all the games all have their own legends.

In The same way that many of the NPCs encountered in Okami may be based on figures from Japanese Mythology, many of the NPCs that play important roles all have their own myths, fables and legends. In the same mythology that are about the legendary hero named Link, there's possibly one about Malon the farm girl, Beedle the intrepid shopkeeper or even an urban legend about a ghost hand in a toilet that wants paper badly. All of these stories all fit into the main anthology of Hyrule's mythology.

On the assumption this game comes after Twilight Princess, this means there will be a series of small but challenging areas of exploration interspersed with special boss fights; the first against The Hero of Light who first attacks you in Wolf Form but then proceeds to fight you using all seven of the secret sword techniques through the Sol-empowered Master Sword, the second against The Hero of Time, who can use all three magic arrows along with Din's Fire, Farore's Wind (here repurposed as a Flash Step), and Nayru's Love to supplement his swordplay, and the third against The Hero Of Legend, who acts as a Perfect Play AI with an extremely powerful Skyward Strike. As a mix of Gameplay and Story Integration and an Anti Frustration Feature, the player Link will be able to recover three hearts from the brink of death by refusing to give up no matter how outmatched he seems, and the last fight will reveal this was a Secret Test of Character; even his ancestors/previous incarnations at their best weren't strong enough to break the current Link's courage, and so Fi will awaken for the first time in millennia to welcome back her Master.

Location, Location, Location

In between Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker, there was a Great Flood, which turned Hyrule into the Great Sea. Although most of it was underwater, many of the islands and locations seem to be remnants of the drowned kingdom. (And as for how those places became islands instead of staying underwater - the Goddesses raised them up.)

  • The Gerudo Fortress = The Forsaken Fortress
  • Castle Town = Windfall Island
    • The architecture on the island seems to resemble a castle. The resemblance to Kakariko Village is due to the residents of Kakariko moving to Windfall and rebuilding their homes. Eventually, the sub-cultures/architecture of the people from Castle Town and Kakariko Village merged, and they created Windfall.
    • Doesn't explain its proximity to Death Mountain / Dragon Roost, nor how it's so far from the castle. I suggest that it's the opposite: as seen in (what led to the other timelines from) Ocarina of Time, the moment Ganondorf came back everyone in Castle Town ran off to Kakariko. The castle-like structure is what they knew as the best barricade against either Ganondorf or the threat of pirates in the chaotic years that probably followed the flood.
  • Death Mountain = Dragon Roost Island (& Fire Mountain)
    • In Twilight Princess, it’s implied that the Gorons don’t need to breathe, and can stay underwater indefinitely. So most of them may have felt no need to evacuate to higher ground when the Flood came. (The three travelling merchants - all clearly Gorons - located on Greatfish Isle, Bomb Island, and Mother and Child Isles remain on the surface for business purposes.) So the Gorons stayed in Goron City.
      • The Zoras, on the other hand, despite being highly adapted to aquatic environments, weren’t so lucky. Although they seem at home in the water with their fins and gills, their humanoid bodies imply that they aren’t meant to be in the water all the time.
        • In real life, most fish are meant to be in either saltwater or freshwater; only a few, like bull sharks, can swim and breathe in both. Some of the Zoras, by praying to the Goddess Nayru, were able to adapt quickly to the saltwater environment, and settled on Greatfish Isle until it was destroyed and they all disappeared. To thank Her, they created Nayru’s Pearl, which housed some of power of the Goddess Herself. They also hatched, nurtured and raised Lord Jabun, the offspring of the demi-god Lord Jabu-Jabu, to watch over them as the new living Water Spirit.
        • The other Zoras travelled north to the top of Death Mountain, and turned to the Goddess Din for aid. In answer to their prayers, She gave them avian features (beaks, feathers, wings) to protect them from the scorching heat, and entrusted a dragon egg to them. This egg held the single surviving offspring of the dragon Volvagia, who was slain by the Hero of Time. When the egg hatched, Din deemed the newborn dragon to be Lord Valoo, the living Sky Spirit. The Zoras, no longer being Zoras, began to call themselves Ritos, in memory of Ruto, the Princess (and later Queen) of the Zoras in ancient times.
          • Although the Ritos had wings, their wings were not big or strong enough to enable flight. So Din instructed Valoo to give each adult Rito one of his scales (which grew back easily). These scales triggered a magical “growth spurt” that caused a Rito’s wings to grow big enough to allow flight. Eventually, it became customary for young Ritos to visit Valoo and receive their wings when they came of age. To thank the Goddess for Her kindness, the Ritos created Din’s Pearl, which housed some of the power of the Goddess Herself.
  • Kokiri Village & The Lost Woods = The Forest Haven & The Forbidden Woods
    • When the Great Flood came, the Kokiri were completely unprepared. They were afraid to leave their forest, and couldn’t bear to abandon their guardian, the Great Deku Tree. The Deku Tree, who had just reached his juvenile stage of growth, prayed to the Goddess Farore for aid.
      • The Goddess answered by taking away the burden of the human forms the Kokiri took on. They shed their mimicked humanoid features and became what they had always been underneath: the Koroks.
        • The Kokiri, despite their mammalian appearance, had always been sentient plant-people. Instead of blood, they had chlorophyll keeping them alive. When they became the Koroks, they became lightweight enough to use the leaves that the Great Deku Tree shed as makeshift “wings”.
          • To thank the Goddess for Her kindness, the Koroks created Farore’s Pearl, which housed some of the power of the Goddess Herself.

Once upon a time, long ago, the Koroks took on human forms, but when they came to live on the sea, they took these shapes.

--The Great Deku to Link, when the Koroks reveal themselves.

The 3DS game will be a George Lucas Throwback to the NES originals, called New Legend Of Zelda

  • The breeding ground for this is a recent message from Eiji Aonuma via Swap Note, where he announces that new Zelda games are indeed in development. First off, He asks fans if they enjoyed the OOT remake, meaning that the next game will probably be for the 3DS. Second off, he(or his translator) capitalizes the word "New" on the last slide. This could be some sort of clue that the next Zelda will be something along the lines of the first Zelda, or at least A Link to The Past.

Though clearly not in the best of shape, a lot of peripheral material claims that Link's Uncle was once a warrior and defender of the realm, which feeds off Link having descended from a line of nearly-extinct knights (meaning Uncle did too.) This could help explain why he got Zelda's call for help as well, and completely put to bed any questioning why he owns a sword and shield. In fact, if he hadn't gotten killed first thing in the game, we might have even seen him with the Master Sword. However, regardless of whether or not Link's Uncle was another Link, It's the player character Link's destiny, not his Uncle's, to save Hyrule.

The Picori Blade in The Minish Cap is the Goddess Sword.

At the end of Skyward Sword, the Master Sword and Goddess Sword exist at the same time because of time travel: the MS in the Sealed Temple, and the GS in Skyloft. TMC is confirmed to be the next game following SS. TMC's introduction states that the Minish brought the Picori Blade from the sky, both the Picori Blade and the Goddess Sword are magic, and both of them are upgraded to White Swords before their final stages.

  1. Or, if we're going by the Links and counting the Hero of Time as one, then SS=Sky, WW=Wind, OoT/MM=Earth(?), TP=Fire(??), Next console game= Water(???). Whatever. I'm Fan Wanked out. Any ideas?
  2. make life unpleasant for Link and Zelda
  3. world domination and ultimate power
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