The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: After destroying robot Stalfos pirate Scervo, Fi says that she cannot help but admire Scervo's tenacity in keeping alive while all other robots broke down.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Hylia the goddess (as opposed to Zelda the human vessel): all-seeing benevolent goddess who defeated the demons and saved Hyrule? Or Manipulative Bitch who laid her plans without any thought to the well-being of her vessel or her chosen hero?
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced:
    • Even those initially put off by the new visual style got excited once the color scheme was toned down slightly and richer, more variegated areas were shown.
    • The new Item Upgrading mechanic seems to have caused this, in part because of the idea that this would let the developers make the game more challenging.
    • The new overworld design has caused this as well, especially for people who were not fond of the lack of anything to do in the overworld of previous 3D Zelda games, and want a richer experience.
  • Awesome Ego: Groose, thanks to his bragging being completely hilarious and at times being able to back it up with a few Badass moments.
  • Awesome Music: Of course! They even used an orchestra, with Mahito Yokota, who previously worked on Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel, working on the soundtrack.
  • Base Breaker:
    • Fi. Is she a helpful and cute companion with an awesome voice? Or is she a Captain Obvious who's almost as bad as Navi, if not worse? By the end of the game, though, a lot of people who didn't like her come around because of her sacrifice.
    • Faron is another example. Is she a badass dragon who's Jerkass tendencies make her a Love to Hate character, or is she far too mean and condescending towards Link to be considered likeable? It doesn't help that her Fetch Quest was not well received with some fans.
  • Best Boss Ever:
    • Koloktos. The clincher is the fact you get to use its swords against it.
    • Scervo, the dignified robot Stalfos pirate. Even Fi admits that she admires him.
      • And if once wasn't enough, you get to fight another robot pirate in Sky Keep.
    • The other bosses aren't slouches either. Special mention goes to all the battles against Ghirahim.
  • Best Level Ever:
    • Anything with a Timeshift Stone, especially the Sandship.
    • The Ancient Cistern is also favored among fans, which is very notable since Down the Drain dungeons haven't been received well in previous installments.
  • Broken Base:
    • Is the game the one that breaks conventions and cliches associated with the series, or does it not do enough to be different? Reviewers and fans can't seem to decide.
    • The motion controls in general have been a point of division with... nearly everyone. Some think they're revolutionary and adds an extra layer of challenge to the formula, while others simply can't get around the fact that they're still using motion controls, or simply played it like TP 5 years before, and write off the game because of it. Some reviewers suggested that it would sell better (despite that it was the fastest selling Zelda game ever) if the motion controls were omitted entirely or add an option for a traditional controller, while others say the game would be taking out an integral part of the gameplay if that happened and become nearly unplayable.
    • Is this a very strong candidate for 2011's Game of the Year, or does it pale in comparison to the competition? (And the competition was made up of plenty of great games at that).
    • While the sword controls were considered good, some would say that they overrode the things the developers should have focused on, like a more connected overworld, deeper dungeons and more varied enemies.
    • The music. Many have criticized the rather conservative use of a full orchestra in comparison to Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel, expecting the same sort of ambition that those games had with their soundtrack. Considering the sense of majesty that the series's music normally conveys, it's understandably disappointing that it's mostly ambient noise in this game, to the point that it's the first game in the series to have no theme that plays at the title screen. Then again, the game still has several great pieces, but they're mostly restrained to boss themes.
  • Complete Monster: Ghirahim, for his unsettling blood lust and the horrific things he promises to do to Link, and attempts to do to other characters, Zelda included. While not to a Majora level of evil, he's still pretty depraved. Even Demise comes off as slightly less evil, and he's the God of Evil who wants to Kill All Humans!
  • Contested Sequel: Standard for the series, especially considering the amount of shake-ups to the series that were introduced compared to some earlier games.
  • Crazy Awesome: Ghirahim.
  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: People coming from the Wii version of Twilight Princess or vice-versa might be a bit thrown off by the slight change in controls.[1]
  • Demonic Spiders:
    • The Guardians encountered in the Silent Realm, which can One-Hit Kill Link.
      • The Guardians themselves can be evaded quite easily even if you're discovered, for as long as you have space to maneuver. It's the lookouts that will ruin your day. They're all placed in spots and routes designed to make your Tear collecting as difficult and time-consuming as possible. And as we all know, time is a very precious thing in a Silent Realm.
    • Even earlier than that, we have Stalfos Knights, which can easily take out three hearts in one hit at a point when your max health would be around a mere six.
    • And now, in the most literal manner possible, Skulltulas seem to have gotten their act together.
  • Ear Worm: There's a number of these in this game, like Groose's theme, Battle Ghirahim theme, Koloktos / Moldarach theme, Battlefield of Demise theme, Demise theme, Final Demise theme, and Lizalfos Battle theme.
  • 8.8: Where to start:
    • GamesTM's review has been criticized for giving it a 9/10. Keep in mind that they use whole numbers, and the review itself was rather positive anyway.
    • As an unusual spin on the trope, the Italian Official Nintendo Magazine, known for giving away perfect/near perfect scores to Nintendo games like candy[2], while not breaking the tradition for this game (10/10), used a proper caption in a separate page of the same review for nitpicking the game's few flaws out of a sense of fairness.
    • And now Giant Bomb is getting flak for giving the game the lowest score on Metacritic, though it was the highest non-perfect score possible with their five star system. Granted, it was a positive review anyway, but it was enough to drag the metascore down. Interestingly, despite Giant Bomb being founded by the Trope Namer, he didn't review the game at all.
    • EGM, while giving the game a good score, has gotten some backlash for deducting points off because of the controls, which even less positive reviews have praised. Heck, the reviewer even said that he threw the Wii Remote at the wall in frustration. Most fans groaned at his apparent incompetence.
    • A bit of an odd inversion from Gametrailers. While the score itself is good (9.1), by watching the review you wouldn't even guess they would give it one. The numerous contradictions in complaints/praises and some facts they just plain get wrong has a distinct air of ineptness coursing through it.
      • They managed to criticize the game for having some of the "most confusing and uninteresting dungeon design" and then praised it two minutes later for having "some of the best dungeon designs in the series history".
    • 1Up also got a load of flak for giving the game a B+ and criticizing it mostly for adhering too closely to series tradition (in contrast to the vast majority of other reviewers, who found Skyward Sword pleasantly different from previous games). Bizarrely enough, they later did an article called Five Ways Skyward Sword Went Wrong that held the polar opposite view on the game.
    • And Gamespot gave the game a 7.5, the lowest score anywhere. Fans seethed with rage.
      • But even worse is the reason for it. They basically admit that They Just Didn't Care, and said that the reviewer somehow managed to ignore the several times the game tells you how to control the damn thing (specifically, he thought it was controlled through the infrared sensor, which might mean he was trying to keep the remote aimed toward the screen the whole time). To top it all off, despite screwing up every damn thing, he still won't re-review it. Gamespot has lost every ounce of credibility since then, and their reviews got worse from there.
    • CNN's review also got some flak, especially because the same reviewer gave Modern Warfare 3 almost nothing but praise. The fact that he seemed absolutely clueless about the game did not help, with such gems as calling Link an elf, saying Link has little emotion despite a lot of evidence on the contrary, and the most damning of all, absolutely screwing up the game's placement in the timeline, even implying that he thought there was only one Link in the series! Fans were less angry and more amused by it due to its lack of basic research.
    • A strange example, but when the game won X-Play's Videogame Deathmatch(which was essentially the User GOTY) over channel favorites like Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Revelations and, most perplexingly, FIFA 12, they called their viewers out as angry Nintendo fanboys whose anger was the only reason Skyward Sword won, and have a specific air of contempt over the eventual winner. Even fans of the aforementioned games besides Skyward Sword were disgusted by their immaturity.
      • It gets even worse when ScrewAttack gave the game their User GOTY over Skyrim, and yet never saw it fit to complain about it either, making X-Play's huge bias even more obvious.
    • Strangely, Zero Punctuation's review got relatively little backlash, despite calling it the worst Zelda he's ever played. Though, they might have thought the outcome was inevitable, or that it echoed several complaints they had of the game, despite Yahtzee calling out some Zelda fans as people who see no wrong in the series. Some of his complaints do deserve their own backlash, though, such as complaining that the Zelda games never break from the formula and then complaining at the end that the Ghirahim fights break from the formula in that you don't use the quest item to beat him.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Groose has quite a lot of popularity among fans.
    • Out of the races introduced in this game, two have become very popular: the Mogmas and the Kikwis.
    • Koloktos, who is regarded as one of the best bosses in the series.
    • Also Stalmaster, who managed to make just as much of an impact as the main bosses.
    • Out of the Items, the Beetle became very popular with fans.
  • Epileptic Trees: In general, the fact that Skyward Sword is a Prequel for the entire series has become the breeding grounds for a plethora of Wild Mass Guessing.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Ghirahim and his master Demise.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Ghirahim. Up to and including white lipstick.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Skyward Sword and Skyrim, and all because of the name.
  • Faux Symbolism: When Ghirahim is getting Demise's sword pulled out of him, he is in the "crucified" pose.
  • Game Breaker:
    • The Hylian Shield due to the fact it's indestructible. Also, the fully upgraded Goddess Shield, while not as powerful as the Hylian Shield, can heal itself.
    • By extension, Shield Bashing, which is taking out the shield just as the enemy is about to hit you. It doesn't lower the Break Meter, can be mastered quickly, and can make an enemy drop their defenses and leave a big opening for you to strike. This tactic will help you a lot in Hero Mode.
    • The potions, especially in a mode where enemies do twice as much damage and there are no hearts dropped.
    • In Hero Mode, the Heart Medal is the ONLY way you can obtain hearts, making the medal a necessity.
    • Also, despite your Adventure Pouch items not carrying over, your treasures and raw materials do, making upgrading your gear easier.
    • Fairies are one of the only ways to heal in Hero Mode, so the devs were kind enough to keep them as pickups.
    • Also, in Hero Mode, the Skyward Strike retains its attack power and ridiculous range from late in the game in normal mode. It can one-shot Bokoblins with correct timing, and charge extremely fast. It can be upgraded again for an instant charge, to boot.
    • If you have the money and the bugs, you can get the Guardian Potion +, which makes you flat-out invincible for a time. Get all five bottles and you have five of them. Get the potion medal, and each one will feel like it lasts forever. The game's mechanics may still require that you use good sword skills to get hits, but you can basically flail your way through fights.
    • Another potion upgrade is the Heart Potion++, which contains two servings, and both servings can bring you back up to full hearts. This becomes nearly a necessity in Hero Mode, where potions are one of your only means of healing.
    • Certain boss fights like Stalfos and Koloktos are made easier if you use bombs instead of attacking their weak points.
  • Game Breaker: The Guardian Potion Plus can be made fairly easily and renders Link invincible for three full minutes, which turns even the most difficult boss battles into child's play; in fact, since the more difficult boss battles aren't the Zelda-standard "hit with X to expose weak point" but instead follow the "can take damage much more often, but if you try for the wrong openings you'll get seriously hurt" philosophy, the hardest boss battles are rendered easier than the easiest ones since there's less need to wait for the boss to expose itself.
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: That's how fans feel about Gamespot's Tom McShea's review for the game, even though he didn't necessarily pan it so much as knock down its score for misunderstanding basic control mechanics.
  • He Really Can Act: An especially odd example, but several people who thought Link was purely a personality-free Audience Surrogate were highly impressed by this incarnation's range of emotions, without even speaking a shred of dialogue. So, this is more like "He really can develop!"
  • Internet Backdraft: The Tom McShea review was the subject of a lot of this, and for good reason.
  • Iron Woobie: Link and Zelda, but especially Zelda. Events throughout the game will make you want to hug the both of them.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks/They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Some of the more negative reviews (if you could call 7-8 scores bad) accuse the game of not taking as many chances with the formula. Other sources say the opposite. There's a good reason this is listed under Broken Base. This is far from the first time a Zelda game receives this double-standard criticism.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Scrapper. The last one of his kind (excluding Skipper and his crew, fully aware of living literally on borrowed time), unaware of the fate of his people during the ages, and hopelessly in love with Fi. He's also kind of a dick, especially to the player, but it still sucks to be him, poor Scrapper.
  • Love to Hate: Ghirahim. Pre-Character Development Groose as well.
  • Memetic Badass: Groose.
  • Memetic Molester:
    • Ghirahim. The scene where he leans his head on Link's shoulder and lashes out his absurdly long tongue comes to mind.
    • Batreaux is jokingly given this treatment since he lives in isolation and once spent a night in his house playing a game of "scream as loud as you can" with a little girl.
    • On a smaller scale, Sparrot the fortune teller gets this due to his piercing eyes and insistence that you look into them.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • The part of the trailer where Link jumps off of the cliff has been turned into countless GIFs, typically with captions claiming that he is committing suicide over the game.
    • Ghirahim is so fabulous.
    • Following the game's first announcement at E3 2009, the Zelda Universe forum members decided to see if they could fool some gaming news sites by producing fake screenshots for what was then only known as "Zelda Wii" using Garry's Mod. No sites ever got fooled, but the forum goers still had fun coming up with both serious and wacky pictures. The thread has remained active even after footage of the final game itself was revealed at later press conferences.
    • Do you have any idea how that made Demon Lord Ghirahim feel inside?!
      • Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!
    • Link's pants. And lips.
    • "... It smells nice, too."
    • There is an 85% probability that you will assign percentage odds to the next mundane conclusion you come to.
    • I give it 7.5.
    • Parodies and snowclones of Groose intercepting Link in mid-skydive have begun popping up already, many of them involving someone's face superimposed over Groose's, such as Saxton Hale and Princess Molestia. Heck, Link's shocked face itself has become quite exploitable.
    • Ghiraham's wierd little... dance that he does before he begins the ritual to sacrifice Zelda has had a GIF made of it.
    • The Legend of Groose: The Lost Groosenator of Grooseland
    • Groose's Theme goes with everything.
    • Zelda likes pushing Link off of cliffs.
    • Don't bring me doooooown...Groose!
  • Mind Game Ship: Ghirahim and Link.
  • Moe: This game's Zelda has a more "cute" appearance rather than a beautiful one.
  • Most Annoying Sound:
  • Most Wonderful Sound: The "PWAAANNNNG!" sound of a successful shield bash, especially in the final boss fight.
    • The concluding chime for the Lizalfos battle theme, especially after Sky Keep's "boss", an intense three-room gauntlet with plenty of enemies including former minibosses.
  • Narm:
    • One thing that people have noticed is the rather goofy way Link holds out his sword. However, this is because the journalists who were controlling the game were holding their Motionplus as they have always held the Wiimote: straight toward the screen, rather than straight up like an actual sword.
    • The sound Link makes when he gets burned. "IYIYIYAYAYA!"
    • Footage of the Italian version of the game shows how Ghirahim's line, "furious, outraged, sick with anger" ultimately turned out to be too hard to be properly translated to Italian.
    • The Imprisoned looks really freaky...for the most part. Then you get to its incredibly goofy toes. When it Turns Red, it rockets up the path to the Sealed Temple like a demonic Pac-Man. And the second time around, it grows ridiculously long arms.
      • The Imprisoned honestly looks like an evil Sesame Street character the first and second time you face him, and the last time he looks like a corrupted Barney the Dinosaur.
    • While Link's Item Get action is fine most of the time, it can look pretty silly in an otherwise serious cutscene.
      • Which Zelda will call you out on during the the Wing Ceremony.
      • The Item Get pose is pretty bad in the scene where you get the Goddess Harp too.
    • Tentalus. It looks like one of Mike and Sully's colleagues.
    • Every time someone mentioned killing Demise, the dialogue feels a bit redundant.
    • Fi's final scene. For every one that considered it a Tear Jerker, there's gonna be someone who will consider it unbearably corny.
      • Fi's singing animation is equal measures Nightmare Fuel and Narm. At least her voice is nice.
    • The wrappings on Zelda's hair look almost exactly like the foam netting they use to pack fruit.
      • Or those toys that trap your fingers in them if you try to pull them out.
      • The hair accessories, bracelets and sandals also glow a bright, almost neon blue, which really clashes with her serene, white goddess dress.
    • Link's expression whenever her hears pieces of the Song of the Hero. It's supposed to be peaceful, but he kind of looks like he's peeing.
    • The Craniacs, despite being dreaded by every NPC, looks like Beavis in the form of a fish.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Has its own page.
  • Player Punch:
    • Gratitude Crystals are generated by one person feels happy about what you did for them, and there are several sidequests for which this is at the expense of someone else. Arguably the strongest punch comes from cleaning Pipit's house of dust. It seems like you did a good deed for his mother, and Link even got some money out of it, except the family is dirt poor and Pipit can barely pay for his schooling while his mother blows the money on frivolities such as a personal cleaner. You can still clean her house for money afterwards, but after hearing this, you most likely won't want to.
    • The moment when Ghirahim kidnaps Zelda just after she'd been released from the crystal and was having a heartwarming reunion with Link, Impa and Groose.
  • Ruined FOREVER: This game nearly became the franchise's second Wind Waker in terms of Tainted by the Preview, which they tried to defy by not revealing information about the game for so long in development. It largely died out when more variegated areas were revealed and Edge magazine gave the game a 10/10.
  • The Scrappy:
  • Scrappy Mechanic:
    • While players concur that the motion controls are mostly well done, swinging on vines (which uses a rather unwieldy motion control scheme, rather than the usual analog controls) has not really been received well.
    • The harp has been a frequent criticism, mostly for not offering as much control as previous instruments in the series, as well as not having a bigger role in gameplay.
    • The tightrope can be rather finicky, as it often doesn't balance out no matter how you tilt the remote in tandem with Link's steps. It's ultimately easier to fall, shuffle along the rope by your hands, then climb back up when your stamina is gone and let it recover.
    • The skydiving controls don't make sense most of the time.
    • The stamina meter.
    • The screen's pointer not using the infrared sensor, thus forcing you to constantly recalibrate/recenter it when your cursor ends up far off from where your remote is pointing.
    • In contrast to the Best Level Ever entry above, there are players out there who loathe the Timeshift stones.
  • Scrappy Weapon: As usual, the Slingshot. It can only stun enemies, has horrible range, and unlike other games in the series it's not replaced by the Bow until over halfway through the game. Even its upgrade is almost entirely useless compared to everything else in the game.
  • So Cool Its Awesome:
    • The sword controls have been extremely well received.
    • Likewise the Beetle has been highly praised, with some saying it's one of the best items out of all Zelda games.
    • Thirdly, the Bow's function in this game as more of a Sniper Rifle has gone down well with fans. It helps that it's found in the Sandship.
  • Special Effect Failure: Every single item and weapon in the game clips through everything. When the rest of the game looks so great, this is a little jarring. Much like other examples of this trope, once you notice it, you won't stop noticing it.
    • For the umpteenth time in the series, Link's hat still clips through his shield. While the clipping sword/items bit may be justified by that bit about the freedom you have with your sword, the fact that they still haven't fixed this glitch even after moving to a new engine is nothing short of ridiculous.
  • That One Boss: Ghirahim, the boss of the very first dungeon, will kick your ass if you shake the remote willy nilly, requiring precise swordplay and a bit of forethought.
    • Then later on is the Imprisoned, namely the second and third times. Time Limit Boss, plus the realization that the stamina meter gives out too quickly unless you drank a potion, and then the fact that the last parts of it rely mostly on your aim.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The graphics first and foremost, but also apparent changes in the overworld.
    • A press release showed the cel-shading toned down and the colors darkened a bit from the E3 build, which is also causing some outrage among the community. The real story is probably that the capture devices used on the latter press release had different brightness/contrast settings, and so looked a little bit darker. One fan noticed this and "fixed" the comparison shot to show that there was little to no difference at all besides contrast settings. [dead link]
    • The fact that the ground-based sections aren't inter-connected hadn't been received well, especially since it's a carry-over from the DS games in which this mechanic was already controversial. Cue cries of Ruined FOREVER. This quickly petered out when Miyamoto said that the areas were incredibly large anyway, in contrast with the DS games' rather compact areas, and a comparision was drawn to Majoras Mask, which had a similar set-up for the overworld.
    • The removal of additional combat moves, a la the Tiger Scrolls and the Hidden Skills, was seen as a waste of a perfectly good mechanic by some fans, who thought the more accurate sword controls would help make this concept even better.
  • Uncanny Valley:
    • Faron, a water dragon, has a face that is oddly humanoid, contrasting with her reptilian body. Creepier than it sounds.
    • Koloktos, a giant statue with a metal "face" that includes a perpetual smile and small holes in the place of eyes. It gets creepier with his death animation. The worst part is that its smile and its eyes broaden as you damage it throughout the fight and by the time it dies it has become a horrifying Slasher Smile.
    • Whenever Fi starts singing, her jerking head, blank eyes and wide-open mouth make her look quite creepy, almost like she's screaming.
    • Quite a few of the Skyloftians actually. Seriously, can someone explain why a little kid has pointy teeth and is always smiling?
  • Ugly Cute: Unintentionally, The Imprisoned ended up coming off as this to a lot of people (see Narm), to the point someone made plushies of it.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion:
    • Groose's lackey Cawlin was initially thought by some to be female before press releases proved them wrong.
    • And, of course, Ghirahim.
    • The fortune teller Sparrot has been mistaken for a woman, despite having a small moustache and decidedly male voice clips.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Distant objects are have a filter that make them look like an impressionist painting. It looks amazing, helping emphasize the game's art style.
  • Waggle: The developers defied this by using Wiimotion+ to make sword play more accurate than the Wii port of Twilight Princess. So far, reviews concur with this.
    • Also defied with regular enemies and bosses. Ghirahim himself is a great example of how randomly waving your sword around is a good way to get yourself killed.
  • Wangst: Played for Laughs with Cawlin; regardless of how his sidequest ends, he'll spend the rest of the game shelled up in Groose's room whining just because he couldn't get a girlfriend. It's a little more justified if Link gives his love letter to the hand in the toilet, since it means Link deliberately broke his trust, and he ends up having nightmares after that. Well, quite justified since the toilet ghost hand falls in love with him and strokes him while he sleeps, promising to stick with Cawlin... FOR EVER...
  • The Woobie: Batreaux is a minor example. The poor guy just wants to be friends with the townsfolk but is discriminated against because of his appearance, to the point he desperately wants to be human so other people will accept him. Luckily Link and Kukiel are nice enough to become his friends.
  • Woobie Species: The Ancient Robots, especially the ones at the Sand Sea, who are a tribe of Cute Machines who were all wiped out years ago and can only be talked to in the past. Scrapper is proof that it's possible they can be brought back to life, but even then their entire civilization is in ruins.
  • Woolseyism:
    • The official translation of the intro is generally considered to be incredible, not to mention it manages to make it even more terrifying than the fan-made translations spread across the internet in the wake of it first being leaked.
    • The European Spanish translation is one of the best the series has ever had. For starters, they give the Big Bad a truly frightening name: Instead of "Demise", he's called the "Heraldo de la Muerte" ("Death's Herald"), which sounds pretty great. The characterization of most characters is impressive too.
    • Really, all the alternate names for Demise are really good. The French version is Avatar du Néant, meaning "Avatar of Oblivion", and the German version is Todbringer, meaning "Deathbringer". They all get to the same point, and they're all Names to Run Away From Really Fast.
    • Likewise, Demise's Italian name is Mortipher, Latin for "Deathbringer".. Somehow like Batreaux, who in Italian is Morsego (Latin for "I, Death").
    • Even his original Japanese name is pretty great, though "The Person of the End" doesn't roll off of the tongue, it could easily be rendered as "The Ender."
    • This may extend to the names of characters and objects as well. "Timeshift Stones" in the English version? Not bad ... Chronolites in the Spanish and French versions? Niiice! And ethymologically, it does makes sense.
    • Ditto for the Silent Realms, who are called Hypneas in Spanish. (Hypnos is the greek word for "dream".
    • In English, the giant birds of Skyloft are Loftwings. In French, they're Célestrier (Skysteed). In Italian they're Solcanubi (Cloudsailer).

Back to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  1. unless they only played the Gamecube version (which was the first version developed).
  2. (Super Mario Galaxy was given eleven out of ten.)
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