< The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid/Nightmare Fuel

While Karate Kid isn't a scary movie by 80s standards there are a few scenes that could scare people.

  • Part 1:
    • The scene where Cobra Kai run's Daniel off the road. He nearly broke his neck falling down a steep hill with his bike rolling down with him. It's no wonder he wants to leave town. Those kids pretty much tried to kill him.
  • Part 2:
    • The Typhoon scene among the obvious reasons, the two scenes that stick out the most are when Sato almost dies and when the Bell Girl is stuck on her post. The former of which was horrifying enough for Chozen, because he thought Sato died and it broke him to the point where he lamented the news to Daniel and Miyagi, who he hates. While it turned out to not be true, the collapsing house looked disturbingly realistic. The latter on the other hand would scare any adult. Here you have a little girl, whose job is to ring the storm bell in order to get people to the shelter. Before she can even climb down the wind picks up shaking the ladder, the power-lines come dangerously close to the metal bell and it's pouring rain the entire time. Even when Daniel goes to save her she's so terrified beyond belief that not only does she have trouble letting go of the post, but when Daniel manages to get her on his back, she's choking him while holding on for dear life.
  • Part 3:
    • Kreese's jumpscare on Daniel. While over the top with his growling and roaring at him, before his reappearance, it scared the hell out of Daniel. This was because he was told earlier that Kreese died of depression after suffering defeat at the hands of Miyagi. So seeing a guy he thought was dead, gave him good reason to run.

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