< The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid/Heartwarming

Original films:

  • Kumiko, on Miyagi and Yukie's impromptu tea ceremony: "They're re-kindling their relationship, Daniel-san"
    • And later Kumiko performs the same tea ceremony for Daniel.
  • Much earlier in the same movie, Daniel helps Miyagi mourn the loss of his father.
  • After the typhoon in which Sato learns the true heroism of Miyagi and Daniel, Sato comes with a work crew to rebuild the village and asks for Miyagi's forgiveness for all the trouble he caused. To that, Miyagi warmly responds, "Oh Sato, nothing to forgive."
  • During the typhoon, Daniel saved a little girl who got caught in the local tower which triggered both Sato's Heel Face Turn and his rejection of Chozen. Later, in a local celebration Daniel attempts to follow the little girl as she perfoms a traditional dance...

Daniel: If not for you, I wouldn't be able to dance.
Girl: If not for you, I wouldn't be alive!

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