The Inbetweeners Movie
The Inbetweeners Movie is a movie adaptation and continuation of the popular series The Inbetweeners.
In this 2011 film Jay, Neil, Simon and Will go on holiday, unknowingly going to the same place where Simon's ex girlfriend Carli is going. As you can imagine, hilarity ensues and they all meet a like-minded 'friend' on the way.
Tropes used in The Inbetweeners Movie include:
- Abhorrent Admirer: Not technically abhorrent but Jay is reluctant to see Jane in the same way as she sees him.
- Alpha Bitch: Carli can be this sometimes.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Will's Dad doesn't even believe he has any friends and seems to be just as embarrassing a father as Mr Cartwright is to Jay.
- By "No" I Mean "Yes": Allison with Will.
- Casanova Wannabe: Jay, of course.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Jay again. Although he's got a dirty mind and can be a bit hard on Simon, he is actually really respectful to Jane.
- Comically Missing the Point: Neil, telling Will not to put rocks in his pockets and go swimming otherwise he'll drown
- Coming of Age Story: All the boys except from Neil. Although it's not obvious whether Simon or Carli did anything together whilst they were dating. If we presume they didn't, everyone but Neil is a virgin and presumably they all lose their virginity on this trip as well as gaining 'independence'.
- Cringe Comedy: This is The Inbetweeners we are talking about, here.
- Dropped Glasses: Will
- Kavorka Man: Neil. He's extremely thick and yet he seems to get offers left, right and centre!
- Love Makes You Dumb: Carli does this to Simon.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Jay sort of does this with Simon. Presumably he thinks it will snap him out of it but instead it hits a Berserk Button.
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