The House of the Dead (series)/Characters
Thomas Rogan
- Crusading Widower
- Last-Name Basis: Always referred to as "Rogan", even by his fiancee.
- Revenge: For Sophie.
Isaac:"You ever gonna tell anyone what that fuckin' "G" stands for?"
G: "No."
- Odd Couple: With Isaac Washington.
- One-Letter Name
- The Stoic
Sophie Richards
- Damsel in Distress
- Last Words: "You must stop Dr. Curien. Or else... something terrible will happen!"
- Unexplained Recovery: In the true ending, if your score is high enough.
Kate Green
- Badass Normal
- Hair of Gold
- Naive Newcomer
- What Happened to the Mouse?: She joins with G after James' death.
Daniel Curien
- Ill Boy: He got better.
- Mad Scientist's Handsome Son
- Took a Level in Badass
Isaac Washington
- Badass
- Bald of Awesome
- Boisterous Bruiser: Compared to G.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Constantly.
- Dual-Wielding: In cutscenes at least.
- Eek! A Mouse!: Is not a big fan of insects. Pointed out after the battle against The Crawler.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The reason why he wasn't infected by the virus is that he was with his mother. Of course, he won't admit it.
- Sir Swearsalot: Oh so much.
- Tsundere: A very foul-mouthed one, but by the end of the game, G notices it.
- You Killed My Father: Towards Papa Caesar.
Varla Guns
- Action Girl:
- Subverted.
- Gets promoted to one in the Extended Cut (at least, the parts where she was at while Isaac and G were doing their business).
- Brain In a Jar: How she ends up. G claims that she's, however, still alive.
- Buxom Is Better: Holy crap yes! Though, according to Darling's mother, her tits are still "too small".
- Damsel in Distress: She's kidnapped by Papa Caesar and later by Warden Darling.
- Disposable Woman
- Gainaxing: Especially in the cutscene of chapter one when she arms herself.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Woman!: Slaps Candi after she lets out two Big Nos.
- It's Personal: She wants to avenge her little brother Jasper.
Dr. Roy Curien
- Big Bad: Of the first game (and also the third game).
- Evilutionary Biologist
- Final Boss: In the third game.
- Legacy Character: The Wheel of Fate.
- Love Makes You Evil: His love for his son and desire for said son to be well causes his Mad Scientist gig.
- Mad Scientist
- The Man Behind the Man
- Non-Action Big Bad: But not in the third game.
- The Unfought: In the first game. But not in the third.
Caleb Goldman
- Big Bad: Of the whole series.
- Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Gaia's Vengeance: What he wants to bring to fruition.
- Knight Templar
- My Death Is Just the Beginning
- Sunglasses at Night
Mysterious Man
Papa Caesar
- Big Bad: Or not.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Faux Affably Evil: Adopts this tone around Isaac and the other heroes.
- I Have Your Wife: Forces Jasper to work for him by threatening Varla.
- Kick the Dog: How he treats Jasper (who, by the way, is paraplegic).
- Killed Off for Real: Warden Darling electrocutes him when he outlives his usefulness.
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Obviously Evil: And the narrator couldn't make it more clear than this.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Seen how he treats Jasper.
- Red Herring
- Trademark Favourite Food: Likes Chinese food.
Warden Clement Darling
- Bigger Bad: Although Caesar claims that he has powerful friends that present more of a threat than his "small-minded" ambitions.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: In his case though, it's a little too much.
- Gonk: Those eyes and those teeth.... uuuggh.
- The Man Behind the Man: For Papa Caesar.
- Not So Harmless
- Parental Incest: He does everything out of love for his mother, but it isn't familial love...
- Villainous Breakdown: Goes through a rather calm one after Mother's death.
- Theme Naming: They're all named after Tarot cards; the only exceptions being the OVERKILL bosses.
The Chariot
A large zombie wearing a full suit of armor, who is the first boss fought in the first game.
- An Axe to Grind: Wields a bardiche.
- Attack Its Weak Point: The full body armour it wears makes it impervious... except for the very obvious gap in its chest.
- Tactical Suicide Boss: When it suffers enough damage, it breaks out of its armour... So now it's vulnerable everywhere.
- Warmup Boss
The Hangedman
A flying stone gargoyle who kidnaps Rogan's girlfriend and later attacks him and G on the roof. He's the second boss of the first game.
- Bat Out of Hell: He can command a flock of zombie bats.
- Disney Villain Death: Twice.
- Evil Laugh
- Flunky Boss: In the first phase, he hangs back and attacks by summoning a swarm of zombie bats.
- Recurring Boss
- Vocal Dissonance: Looks like he ingested too much helium.
- Winged Humanoid
The Hermit
A big, spider-like zombie that tries to kill Rogan and G with its webs. The third boss of the first game.
- Abnormal Ammo: Shoot web balls at you.
- Deadly Lunge: Near the end.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Curien just sics it on you with no prior hints at its existence.
- Giant Spider
The Magician
Curien's most powerful creation, which is a mutant with fire control and psychic powers. The fourth (and final) boss of the first game. It later serves as the fifth boss of the second game, and the second (and once again final) boss of The House of the Dead 4 Special.
- Achilles' Heel: Its exposed spots.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Playing with Fire
- Recurring Boss
- Turned Against Their Masters
- Unexplained Recovery: For The House of the Dead 2, and again for The House of the Dead 4 Special Edition.
A small imp (Zeal) and a living suit of Armor (Kuarl), who are met in Venice by James and Gary. It's the first boss in The House of the Dead 2.
- Achilles' Heel: Zeal to Kuarl.
- An Axe to Grind: Kuarl.
- Dual Boss
- Expy: Of The Hanged Man (Zeal) and The Chariot (Kuarl).
- Recurring Boss
- Those Two Bad Guys
The Hierophant
A triton-like zombie armed with a trident. The second boss of the second game.
- Achilles' Heel: Its chest opens on a regular basis to expose its heart.
- Fish People
- In a Single Bound: That guy can do some amazing jumps.
- Prongs of Poseidon
- Warmup Boss
The Tower
A Hydra-like mutant who dwells in the sewers of Venice. The third boss of the second game.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Apparently based on Dragons.
- Sand Worm
- Stock Scream: Its roars are familiar.
- Turns Red: After losing her four red heads.
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss
A huge, chainsaw-wielding brute fought in a Coliseum. The fourth boss of the second game.
- Advancing Boss of Doom: Chases you through a labyrinth, sometimes jumping over walls or smashing through them to surprise you.
- The Brute
- Chainsaw Good
- The Determinator
- Hero-Killer: Severely, and possibly fatally, wounds Harry.
The Emperor
A humanoid being made of shapeshifting molten metal, and Goldman's last creature. The sixth (and final) boss of the second game.
- Blob Monster: With a physical form though.
- Ditto Fighter: Copies several previous bosses to fight you.
- Extra Ore Dinary: Manipulates molten metal to fight.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Light Is Not Good
- Robo Speak: "I am... I am..."
A huge skull-faced mutant dressed as a Security Guard and armed with a club. He'll chase G and Lisa for two levels. One of the bosses in the third game.
- The Brute
- Carry a Big Stick: With skulls embedded in it.
- Clothing Damage: At low health, he loses his hat.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Appears in the opening sequence, where he knocks Thomas Rogan down, but is stopped by Curien's son.
- Implacable Man: Hoo boy.
- Irony: He's the first boss seen in the game, and he's the hardest to kill in the whole series.
The Fool
A mutated giant sloth who resides in a well-like cage inside the building. One of the bosses in the third game.
- Attack of the Killer Whatever
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Can shower you with his former meals a.k.a. corpses.
- Lightning Bruiser: Yes, it's a giant sloth, but seems like the zombification had improved his muscles.
The Sun
A mutant giant plant with many tentacle-like roots and human faces on its stalk. One of the bosses in the third game.
- Attack of the Monster Appendage: You see his roots and tentacles all over the place but meet it later in the level.
- Combat Tentacles
- Man-Eating Plant
- Shout-Out: Resembles Plant 42 from Resident Evil.
The Wheel Of Fate
Curien's ultimate creation/transformation, it is a cybernetic monster surrounded by a metal ring. It manipulates electricity to fight. It's the final boss of The House of the Dead III, and is actually Dr. Roy Curien himself.
- Chrome Champion
- Humanoid Abomination
- One-Winged Angel: Of Curien.
- Robo Speak
- Shock and Awe
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: His goal is to "destroy everything and ressurect everything."
A huge, four-armed mutant that chases Kate and James in the sewers. The first boss of The House of the Dead 4 and The House of the Dead 4 Special Edition.
- Feed It a Bomb: His weak spot is his mouth.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Recurring Boss Template: See also Strength and Death above for a similar boss fight.
The Lovers
A pair of mutated Tarantulas which attack Kate and James as they try to leave the underground via Elevator. The second boss of The House of the Dead 4.
- Coitus Uninterruptus: Considering their name, and how they attack with smaller spiders, it's possible the two are copulating constantly throughout the battle.
- Dual Boss: Albeit the male spider is just acting as a weak point and maybe a sort of brain.
- Giant Spider: Times two.
- Mook Maker: Can and will summon several spiders to help them.
- Spikes of Villainy: Not only the she-spider is huge, demonic and mutant, but her legs are covered in spikes.
The Empress
A powerful purple zombie armed with a ludicrously big double-chainsaw. He/she chases Kate and James on the train. The third boss of the fourth game.
- Action Girl: "She" is deadly and has a female name, but is otherwise functionally genderless.
- Chainsaw Good: Double it.
- Double Weapon: It breaks apart during the last part of the fight, forcing her to resort to Dual-Wielding.
- Evil Cripple
- Railroad Tracks of Doom: After her defeat, she falls from the train and gets hit by another one.
A morbidly obese, giant zombie that chases our heroes down the streets. He's so fat that bullets won't damage him. The fourth boss of the fourth game.
- Advancing Wall of Doom: Or better, Rolling Undead Fat Ball of Doom.
- Bright Is Not Good: Properly enough, since vividly colored frogs are also the most dangerous (see Frogs and Toads below).
- Fat Bastard
- Frogs and Toads: For some reason, he makes toad noises as he's shot.
- Implacable Man: He can't be damaged by bullets; you can only stun him. You defeat him by dropping a clock tower on him.
- Jiggle Physics: Disgustingly applied to his pendulous breasts and belly.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
The Star
A humanoid mutant armed with swords and a purple aura, which acts as a "test" of strength for Kate and James. When he dies, he wounds James with a shard of his body. He's a perfected model of The Magician, and the fifth boss of The House of the Dead 4.
- Beam Spam: His main form of attack.
- Bright Is Not Good
- Clothing Damage: Sadly, his Badass Longcoat is torn to shreds as you shoot him.
- The Dragon: To Goldman.
- Dual-Wielding: Two glowing daggers.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: His final move.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Scars Are Forever: Has a huge gush on his chest.
- Shout-Out: His red Badass Longcoat makes him similar to Dante from Devil May Cry.
- Taking You with Me: Explodes when killed. Is unknown if it was intentional or not.
The World
Goldman's last trick, which is a powerful, constantly-evolving monster made of ice. He's destroyed by James's sacrifice.
- An Ice Person
- Attack Its Weak Point: The red spot on his chest.
- Eldritch Abomination: Looks like a giant humanoid fly made of ice and embedded in the ground.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: His final attack summons ice dragons.
- One-Winged Angel: Three times. But you have to face only two forms.
- Winged Humanoid
Jasper Gunns
The first boss in Overkill, he's Varla's quadriplegic younger brother, who has injected himself with a Psycho Serum in order to kill Papa Caesar, but got distracted by G and Issac, allowing Caesar to escape. Unfortunately, Jasper ends up so far gone that he can't tell ally from enemy, and ends up attacking G and Issac instead.
- Deadly Upgrade
- The Dog Bites Back: Tries this, but turns into more of a threat to Caesar's enemies than Caeear himself
- Mind Over Matter: He's gained telekinetic abilities from the Psycho Serum.
- My Brain Is Big: Also acts as Body Horror and Achilles' Heel.
- One-Winged Angel
- Power Floats
- Robo Speak
- Tragic Monster
Coco and Sindy
Exclusive for the Playstation 3 version, they're Varla Guns' fellow coworkers who borrowed Varla's bike before getting infected. Appears as a fat woman and a skinny woman. Chronologically the second boss fought in the Play Station 3 version.
- Dual Boss
- Expy: Hands up if you thought of the Judgement from the second game in this fight.
- Fat Bitch: Sindy.
- Those Two Girls: Well, judging from how Varla refers to them.
The Screamer
Another creation of Caesar, who's released in a hospital in order to kill G and Isaac. Appears as a zombie girl with a mutilated face and powerful screams. The second boss in Overkill (third if you count the Play Station 3 version).
- Body Horror: You can clearly see her spine.
- Butter Face: Her face is awfully mutilated.
- Expy: Let her succeed attacking you and you will get reminded of Sadako.
- Groin Attack: Her weak points are her face and her crotch.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Guess why?
- Mind Rape: Apparently that's what she does when she screams.
- She Was Right There All Along: You find her in a room in the dungeons of the Hospital, but if you're careful enough, you can spot her stalking you through the building and running away.
- In the Director's Cut of the Playstation 3, she literally screams at both G and Isaac just when they get inside the hospital.
Nigel and Sebastian
A pair of circus freaks mutated by the virus, who are now feeding on corpses in the circus. Nigel is the large guy, while Sebastian is the tumor-like thing embedded in his belly. The third boss of Overkill (fourth in the Play Station 3 version).
- Appendage Assimilation
- Body Horror: Freaks. Zombie freaks. What did you expect?
- Dual Boss: Technically.
- I Am a Humanitarian: They're shown eating a corpse.
- Not Quite Dead: Sebastian after the boss fight, but he's gunned down almost istantly.
- The Speechless: Nigel doesn't speak.
Meat Katie
Exclusive in the Play Station 3 version, it is a gigantic cow-like mutant who wields a butcher's knife in the butcher shop. Chronologically the fifth boss of the game.
- Hero-Killer: As she dies, her cleaver falls on Candi's arm, severing it and causing her death.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Pushed back in her meat grinder.
- A Load of Bull: Making her a mutant wasn't enough, so she was given a cow's skull and udders.
- Was Once a Man: When you see what her name is and where her weak spot is, you can see on the right side a picture of her as a human woman before she became into a mutant.
The Crawler
A huge mutant similar to a bug, it attacks Isaac and G on the train. The fourth boss of Overkill (sixth in the Play Station 3 version).
- Big Creepy-Crawlies
- Early-Bird Cameo: Only in the Play Station 3 version in Creeping Flesh, one level before his stage (which is Scream Train).
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Almost word by word, just replace Space with Zombie and Flea with Mantis.
- Sinister Scythe: Its arms, which doubles as its weak point. The weak point is changed in the Play Station 3 version.
The Lobber
A massive frog-like mutant who's infesting the swamps. The fifth boss of Overkill (seventh in the Play Station 3 version).
- Body Horror: He's covered in pus-filled bubbles.
- Fat Bastard
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Why there's an obese, giant bubble-covered zombie-frog-man in that swamp!?
- Hoist by His Own Petard: You can make him vulnerable by shooting his projectiles while he's still handing them.
A huge, mutated criminal who was executed for his many awful crimes. He's seen together with another similar mutant, who he kills. The sixth boss of Overkill (eighth in the Play Station 3 version).
- Arm Cannon: Rather Crossbow. Doubles as his weakness.
- Dual Boss: Subverted.
- Eat the Dog: Amongst his various misdeeds, he and his partner ate the puppy of a poor child.
- Flunky Boss
- Meaningful Name: Tu quoque Brute!?
Clement Darling's mother, who was exposed to the compound and had her brain put in Varla's body. She mutates to a giant, grotesque monster which births smaller mutants from her oversized vagina. The seventh and final boss of Overkill (ninth and tenth if you count the playable "Missing Reel in the Play Station 3 version).
- Guide Dang It: Only in the Director's Cut of the Play Station 3 version; unless you paid attention to your surroundings, you wouldn't even know how to even damage Mother in the revealed "Missing Reel".
- Body Horror: The greatest case so far, considering that hers used to be Varla's body.
- Boss Rush: It was implied by G and Isaac that they had fought off Mother first before your real fight against her. Played straight in the Director's Cut of the Play Station 3 version where you get to experience it.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: She attacks by literally flicking you off, and also by flicking tires at you.
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Her physical appearance, especially regarding her... cough cough...
- Mother of a Thousand Young: She can give birth to Pukers in a few seconds.
- One-Winged Angel: Accidental though.