The Half-World/Characters
Original characters
This section is used to describe the Original Characters that appear in the fics published on The Half World. (Since Skepkitty MSTs all of her fics As Herself, they do not feature any original characters. (There was one MST (of My Immortal) which claimed it would have had a version MSTed by the Companion Cube, but he couldn't do that because you murdered him.)
Tropes pertaining to most if not all of the OCs:
- Author Avatar
- Thirty-Sue Pileup - In all of the fics combined. Each fic only has one Sue, with the exception of Me in Invader Zim? Oh Kami.
The Chronicles of Zim, Tak and Tek: Tek
Zim's younger brother, a Renegade Invader, who ends up in a relationship with Tak.
Invader Bre-Z / DBreBre-Z saga - Bre-Z
An Invader assigned to Earth during Operation Impending Doom III.
- Copy Cat Sue: A female Irken comes to Earth and blends in effortlessly, resulting in Dib possibly crushing on her. Sound like anyone?
- One-Letter Name: Her SIR unit, D.
Defying Destiny - Serenity Winter
A beautiful sixteen-year-old girl with a dark and mysterious past, who quickly diverts Edward's attention from Bella.
- Abusive Parents: Her father.
- Black Hole Sue
- Copy Cat Sue: Serenity is described as looking like a prettier Kristen Stewart, and the same two characters that fall for Bella fall for her.
- Jerk Sue
- Rape as Backstory
- Which also leads to Sympathetic Sue.
- Relationship Sue: Mainly towards Edward, though Jacob and her are also attracted to each other.
- So Beautiful, It's a Curse
Harry Potter Turns to the Lord - David
A devout Christian Muggle who teaches his religion to Harry.
- Author Tract: The main reason why this character exists.
ZaLR - Liz
A human girl who aggressively pursues Zim until he dates her.
Invader Cakez's fics: Grazie
A pretty, talented girl who attends Skool with Zim.
- Black Hole Sue
- Critical Research Failure: Irkens are cloned in tanks and therefore cannot have sisters, brothers, or relatives of any kind, especially twin siblings. See Dead Little Sister.
- Copy Cat Sue: Again, too much like Tak.
- Even the name of the first fic "Grazie, The Beautiful New Girl" is an obvious parody on "Tak: The Hideous New Girl".
- Dead Little Sister: Silbern, her twin, who appears on the roof of her house as a flower and can communicate with Grazie from beyond the grave.
- Emo Teen: Subverted in the first fic because she never acts emo. Played straight in the second.
- Gratuitous German: In the first chapter, as part of her human disguise. This is promptly forgotten about.
- Impractically Fancy Outfit: The 12-inch heels.
- Jerk Sue: Towards Dib in particular.
- Invader Cakez had this to say:
I’m not sure how there can be a such thing as a “Jerk Sue”. If there is one, then that means that in real life, I’m one. Because trust me, being randomly mean to everyone is a (bad) habit of mine.
- Relationship Sue
- Sympathetic Sue: In Grazie, Pain is My Reason For This Life.
- Wangst: Towards the end of the first Grazie fic and into the second.
Half-Irkens - Grace Tall
A girl who moves in next door to Zim. After discovering that she's half-Irken, she seeks out the help of both Zim and Dib to help her find out who her father is.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Her dad is Tallest Red.
- Relationship Sue
- Perky Goth
Me in Invader Zim? Oh Kami
A girl from real life who grows a cat tail out of her ass and gets sent to the Invader Zim world.
- Abusive Parents: Her stepdad is strongly implied to be one.
- Author Appeal: Sin apparently wants an ocarina because she played The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. She ends up getting one, too.
- Catgirl: Gains a cat tail and cat ears after being hit by a truck, dying, and then being sent to the Invader Zim world.
- Fail O'Suckyname / Awesome McCoolname:
Oh, don’t tell me. Is Sin’s last name “Night”? She’s “Sin Night”? What kind of stupid “gothic” name is that?
- After Sin's stepdad is referred to as "Mr. Piggy":
Does that make her Sin Night-Piggy? Because, if so, best bad name ever.
- Non-Indicative Name: While Sin's name might suggest that she is a villainous or otherwise corrupt character, she is in fact in alliance with this story's version of God. On the other hand, a demon character is named Sky...
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Her hair turns purple at the same time that she gets the cat ears and cat tail.
Mysteria "Mystie" Connor
Another girl from the real world, who is half fire demoness. She is the OC of one of sinkittytail's reviewers, Miss Author.
Her eyes went in flames and said in a demonic voice :
So, her eyeballs caught on fire and then they started speaking in a demonic voice. That’s a nice power.
- Flaming Hair: When in fire demoness mode.
- Jerk Sue: Towards Sin, leading to Skepkitty joking about her being a Dominatrix.
- Playing with Fire: As mentioned above, part fire demoness and has some fire-related powers.
Love Knows No Race
This fic actually has many OCs, but the page covers only the most important ones.
Child of Zim and Dib, who goes rampant and kills her own parents, and rapes Red.
- Bed Trick
- Straw Feminist: Somehow it's an Informed Attribute.
- Unfortunate Implications: This character is one big unfortunate implication.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?
Kir and Vir
Two defective SIR units. Kir was given by the Tallest to Dib, and Vir was born to Kir and Gir.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: While usually SIR units have red eyes, and Gir has red eyes in duty mode and teal eyes in regular mode, Kir has dark blue eyes in duty mode and lavender eyes in regular mode.
- Notably, the "Voot Runner" given to Dib also was blue.
- Logical Fallacies:
So this KIR character is a Gir clone, yet also based entirely off the author? Does that mean Gir wrote this story?
I’m not much of a Gir fan, but I still like to believe he’d do a better job writing fanfiction then Carlotta Valjean.
- Running Gag - "What does the (letter) stand for?"
Zim Born Again - Jeccisa
Zim's teenage daughter.
- My Nayme Is - Her name is strangely consistently spelt as Jeccisa, and not Jessica.
- Probably to make the name sound "alien".
Invader Zim Born Again Christian - Gloria Deschanel
Zooey Deschanel's little sister and a Christian, who eventually converts Zim and dates Nny.
- Textual Celebrity Resemblance: Being that this is a celebrity's sister we're talking about, Gloria looks the same as Zooey, only more hot and pretty and with a big squishy chest.
Matryoshka - Michaela
A girl who gets shot in the eye by her only friend at school, which somehow causes her to hear the voices of GLaDOS and Wheatley in her head.
Who Says You Need a Heart to Love? - Kronos
ATLAS and P-body's child. Only makes a superficial appearance in the first fic, a greater part of the second.
- Anachronism Stew - In the Classical Mythology, Kronos directly preceded Atlas as the leader of titans.
My Immortal - Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Has her own page.
It's My Life and Teen Fortress 2 - Marissa Roberts
Has her own page.
Forbidden Fruit: The Temptation of Edward Cullen - Atlantiana Rebekah Loren
Has her own page.
Guest MSTers
Several guest MSTers have also appeared in Skepkitty's blog:
Has MSTed Irken Dib and Invader Bre-Z: Day Out. She is another of the Control Brains from Operation Head Pigeons.
Was MSTing Grazie, Pain is My Reason For This Life until it was removed. He was Skepkitty's real life friend for a time.
Has MSTed Half Humans, and put together The Half-World Book One. He is one of the founders of Telltale Fanfic Theater 3000.