Me in Invader Zim? Oh Kami

Missing Work

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The Mgmt.

Me in Invader Zim? Oh Kami by sinkittytail was an Invader Zim Self-Insert Fic posted on September 20th, 2011 to

In it, a girl named Sin gets hit by a truck after running away, which somehow turns her into a Catgirl. God, or "Tamashi" as this fic calls him, then tells her that she is The Chosen One, and sends her to the Invader Zim universe.

Notable for being favorited by MarissaTheWriter, author of the infamous Portal trollfic It's My Life.

The story was MST'd by The Half-World here [dead link] and RingmasterJ5 of TFT3K, under a different name, here.

It is perhaps indicative that this story disappeared from FF.Net in November 2011, barely two months after its initial release.

Tropes used in Me in Invader Zim? Oh Kami include:
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