< The Guild

The Guild/YMMV

  • Acceptable Targets: The entire cast portrays online gamers in ways ranging from grossly irresponsible to dangerously delusional. Note this is done for comedy and Affectionate Parody, as Felicia Day herself is an actual gamer. Also, it certainly does have a basis in real life, as the characters are exaggerated versions of people you're bound to meet online. (The neglectful mom, the obnoxious troll kid, the obsessive sensitive guy, etc.)
  • Base Breaker: Riley.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: OH MY GOD. I mean, uh - "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar."
  • Ear Worm: Not only "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar" but also the theme song to a degree. If you do an Archive Binge, this tune will never leave your brain, considering you have to hear it several dozen times over the course of about two hours. Which may be why pressing "play all" on the DVD sets skips past the credits sequences in all but the first and last episode.
    • Also succeeded by "Game On."
  • Evil Is Sexy: Fawkes, as of season 3 episode 7.
  • Fetish Fuel:
    • "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar": The fact that it's a parody doesn't stop it from being... interesting. The mid-syllable pitch switches ("so many places we can go-oh) that Codex does during the verse are really, really HOT. No idea why, they just are. And in Season 3, Riley and Zaboo's relationship has taken an increasingly BDSM turn with Riley as the Dom. Plus Riley and Codex's Les Yay. Then Riley and Venom's Les Yay. The entire private chat between Codex and Fawkes counts for some, and later Fawkes going up to Codex in the S3 finale and saying "I'm spanked. You got me." Rowr, a previously dominant man submitting himself and admitting defeat ... and then later on they end up in bed!
    • And now we have "Game On" featuring among other things bhangra dancers (male and female), Felicia Day in a choli, and Amy Okuda in gold body paint.
  • Hollywood Homely: Codex.
  • Ho Yay: Between Vork and Zaboo in the Season 4 outtakes
  • Les Yay: Riley for Codex. Then, Riley deliberately invoking this trope to make Zaboo jealous by making out with Venom.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Vork has at many times proven to be quite a prick.
  • Misaimed Fandom: The rather frightening inquiries of "Why doesn't Codex like Zaboo? He's sweet!" Half the show is spent with Codex angsting over being stalked by Zaboo, but there are fans who don't get that his behavior is meant to be wrong. Partially a Justified Trope in that Zaboo's stalking is both so over the top and ultimately non-threatening that it ironically illustrates that, had he ANY emotional maturity in approaching her at all, they would have made a good couple. Lampshaded by Codex's nonplussed reactions and comments about his speedy acceptance of her real feelings at the conclusion of Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3.
    • As of the end of season four, Codex does seem to be developing feelings towards him. However, that is after he has abandoned his stalking ways and grown a little as a person.
  • Most Annoying Sound: Zaboo's console game in season 3.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Codex running around her apartment naked. All we see is her shoulders.
  • Tear Jerker: The end of Season 2.
  • The Woobie: Codex's entire character is Woobie incarnate, reaching its peak at the end of Season 2.

"I'm an ego-half-empty kind of girl."

    • Zaboo also sometimes qualifies for this. The rest of the time you want to smack him upside the head. Perhaps it's that Woobie-dom that makes you want to smack him upside the head as opposed to writing him off as a creepy stalker. Bladezz became season 3's Woobie.
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