The Green Elephant
The Green Elephant (Зелёный Слоник) is a Russian arthouse gore/splatter film. It tells a story of two unnamed junior officers of the Russian army, court-martialled into a basement, with unfortunate consequences. Involving very graphic scenes of extreme Squick, it's forbidden in its home country from mainstream distribution circuits. Nevertheless, it can be easily found on YouTube. The film gained notoriety, and somewhat of a cult following, in Russian internet, particularly Image Boards, for its shocking subject matter and witty dialogue. Quotes and monologues from the film are often used as copypasta.
- Cluster F-Bomb
- Disproportionate Retribution: The captain.
- Fetish Retardant: Pakhom's story to Yepifantsev.
- Gorn: Arguably. Although the film is quite serious, hardly anyone pities the captain being mutilated by Officer #1.
- Hannibal Lecture: The captain reads one to Pakhom/Officer #2.
- Large Ham: The guard/"colonel", with his tirades on the degradation of the Russian army.
- Le Film Artistique
- Locked in a Room
- Nameless Narrative: None of the characters is ever named within the work. Outside the work, names of actors and military titles are often used.
- Non-Standard Character Design: "Colonel" again. Not only his appearances are shot in deliberate monochrome, his speech is much more theatrical and hammy as opposed to mundane swearing of other characters, but he also wears head full of curly hair, which is unrealistic for his apparently low military rank.
- Precision F-Strike: Although characters swear constantly, some of their epithets are very precise.
- "Охуительная история" — "Fucking amazing story"
- Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic: Completely averted.
- Tempting Fate: In the beginning, Yepifantsev/Officer #1 worries that water dropping from sewage tubes will drive him crazy. It is the last thing to worry about.
- Word Salad Title: almost Makes Sense in Context. There is an eponimous song in the movie, although why the elphant is green.
I'm fucking fed up with your stories, I can't listen to them anymore. One story is more fucking amazing than another. About tropes, about some other shit, squick, the fuck are you talking about? Can you shut up? Became popular on imageboards — gained cult following. The fuck? What are you talking about? Shit.