< The Forever Trilogy

The Forever Trilogy/Trivia

  • Adaptation First / Sequel First: Forevermore is actually the Alternate Timeline, but it was actually released before Forever and Ever, the original timeline.
    • Averted, though, since Forever and Ever was What Could Have Been a High School AU Spin-Off of Forevermore (see below), but with the developing plot still occurring, it didn't turn out so well. Later, when the timelines were produced, and The Reveal had been planned, Forever and Ever was created. Thus, Forever and Ever technically being a Spin-Off, despite being the "original".
  • Ascended Fanon: The authoress is really close to the fans, as the fans are to her. You'll be surprised.
  • Ascended Meme: Diamonda's Fan Nickname, Dima, could be considered this. After the laziness of the fans sprung up when they made it, the authoress herself began using it as well.
  • Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: The authoress can get like this sometimes and horde too many projects at once, sometimes leading up to hiatuses or discontinuities.
    • The Forever Trilogy has been her one long-standing project, and is mainly the reason why the other projects get dropped.
  • Big Name Fan: Like said, the authoress is really connected to the fans. The most notable ones being:
    • cleggy2100, the creator of Amethyst Kimu and the author of three fanfiction-of-fanfiction oneshots in relation to the trilogy. A fan since early Nevermore, and has gained a close connection with the authoress in the process, and is still reading and supporting today.
    • Starran, a much-mentioned name throughout Forevermore. She is known to do art and sometimes provide characters, one of them being Fiori Kimu. She is known to have an entire gallery of Forevermore art, though it is inaccessible due to the profile-link breakage. She is known to have good connections with the authoress and has been a fan since late Nevermore. Is still reading and supporting today.
  • Creator Backlash: The authoress isn't very proud of Nevermore and Furthermore, and even laments on how she wrote them in the first place. Though through much, much development and a little time with Old Shame, Forevermore became more than a success for her, being her pride and joy.
  • Disowned Adaptation: The original plot of Forever and Ever, even after it was announced, was cut off. See more info below in What Could Have Been.
  • Fan Nickname: Diamonda is "Dima" because her full name is long. Now the author has started using it.
    • The reviewer who started this was very straightforward when creating it.

Starran: "I hate writing Diamonda so I'll call her Dima"

  • Fanon ideas have become Canon at times. See Ascended Fanon for more details.
  • I Knew It!: This happens sometimes with the fans throughout the trilogy, no matter how wild the headcanon is.
    • Other times, like the Silver Flower (Grey/Viola) headcanon, it is Jossed.
    • And there are many times when the authoress just goes Sure Why Not
  • Line to God: The Private Messaging system.
    • Or more onesided: The reviews.
  • Mid-Development Genre Shift: The trilogy wasn't meant to have as much Romance, or be so intense. The Horror and death came in after much, much more production. A lot more suspense has been added, and more Psychological matters were put in, but only after a whole lot of development, primarily in the creation of Forevermore.
  • Official Fan-Submitted Content: Adding onto Ascended Fanon, Sure Why Not, and Word of Dante, this has also been a big thing in the trilogy. Ideas and characters have been submitted by the fans, some lasting only temporarily, and some becoming actual main characters. The best example of this is Amethyst Kimu, like said above, was once just a minor soldier submitted by cleggy2100, has now become one of the most powerful and influential characters in the trilogy since is debut, becoming a victim of one of the authoress' Sure Why Not moments.
  • Promoted Fanboy: The Big Name Fans become this as they become more influential with the help of Word of Dante and Ascended Fanon.
  • Schedule Slip: Sometimes. Seeing how the authoress is still in high school and human for that matter, there are occasional times when she gets grounded or has to deal with real life matters, such as school, can get in the way.
  • Trolling Creator: The authoress has literally said and laughed at how much she loves the audience's distress when she depicts a large amount of Mind Screw on them.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: This happens occasionally, whatever's not planned beforehand. The main reason of the Mid-Development Genre Shift, so much development has happened from this. Though it's becoming more organized now.
  • What Could Have Been: It's pretty scary how much the story has changed from the authoress' original setup.
    • The original pairings were Topaz/Grey, Rubin/Jade, and Plato/Viola.
    • Amethyst wasn't ever even supposed to be a child of Gold and Crystal, or anyone special at all for that matter as he was just an OC submitted by cleggy2100, meant to be a minor soldier in the Resistance.
      • Ironically, it turns out he had been assigned by Tibbs to be his successor, which he later does after he dies.
    • An in-universe example is the Alpha Line-Beta Line split. The Beta Line, or Forever and Ever, is the said "original timeline", where Synis never came to the past and kidnapped the kids, while the Alpha Line, or the main trilogy, is the Alternate Timeline, where Synis rides in and screw up time by kidnapping all of the kids and sending them into the future. So this means that Forever and Ever is What Could Have Been to the main trilogy.
    • The plot of Forever and Ever was actually supposed to be a High School AU, but this idea was later discarded when the timelines came to view and replaced with the better F.a.E. plot, with the kids forming a legacy in their original timeline.
      • The pairings for this plotline were Goldy/Topaz/Am, Rubin/Jade, Viola/Grey, Plato/Sapphira, and possibly even Dima/Flax. Whoa.
  • Word of Dante: Some of the facts about the trilogy have been fan-powered, the authoress has never really said them. Some of them catch on so much that they become canon later on.
    • An example can be when a reviewer in Nevermore heard about the heroes going back in time in the then-upcoming Futhermore and got excited to see the original Dex holders as they were when they were kids, meeting their kids from the future. This wasn't the authoress' original plan, but it happened anyways.

Starran: "It would be pretty amusing if it was when they were children because I bet they would be freaking out so much, especially Sapphire."

    • Though there were a few fans excited for Silver Flower (Grey/Viola) early in Forevermore, the authoress quickly denied this with the upcoming Forest Fairy. There were some fans that weren't pleased about this at first, but later adjusted.
    • The authoress herself is very well connected with the fans, so there's a lot of stuff that goes on underground as well.
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