Death Fic

A variety of fanfic in which the plotline is focused around the reactions of the cast to the death of one of their number. Frequently written in the first person, as the narrator goes on (sometimes at exasperating length) about everything they regret doing/not having done and everything that ever went wrong in their relationship to the deceased. Confessions of hidden love, secret friendship and occasionally responsibility for the death are common. Almost stereotypically ends with some variation on "Goodbye (name), life will never be the same without you/I'll miss you/I'm coming to join you just as soon as I open this vein."

This is a fanfic style which lends itself, predictably, to incredible amounts of Wangst at times.

Some Death Fics explicitly employ a Tomato Surprise by obscuring just who is narrating and/or who died until the very last moment. A few of these don't actually spring the surprise, instead forcing the reader to guess.

Not to be confused with a Dead Fic or Someone Has to Die.

Examples (sorted by original source media):

Anime and Manga

Film - Live-Action

Live Action TV


Video Games

  • Go Not Gently kills off Vivi Ornitier in the prologue. His death shapes the entire plot from there on out.
  • A fic entitled The Many Deaths of Ms. Croft takes this to its logical conclusion for Tomb Raider. The fic essentially consists of a series of oneshots in which Lara Croft dies no less than 11 times in varying, but always gruesome, ways.
  • In the Katawa Shoujo fic Reconciliation, Hanako distances herself from Hisao and Lilly out of guilt for eight years, until she gets a phone call informing her of Hisao's death.

Western Animation

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