The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim/Quotes

"Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin[1]
Naal ok zin los vahriin[2]
Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal![3]
Ahrk fin norok paal graan[4]
Fod nust hon zindro zaan,[5]
Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal!"[6]

"You know what is wrong with Skyrim these days? Everyone is obsessed with death."
Jon Battle-born
"I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee."
Every single guard, everywhere.
Every single guard, everywhere, shortly after the above line is heard for the ten thousandth time.
Let me guess: Someone stole your sweetroll."
"See those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords."
"I got to thinking. Maybe I'm the Dragonborn, I just don't know it yet."
Guards, again.
"Skyrim's harshness has a way of carving a man down to his true self."
General Tullius
"I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil. I fight for their wives and children, whose names I heard whispered in their last breaths. I fight for we few who did come home, only to find a country full of strangers wearing familiar faces! I fight for my people, impoverished to pay the debts of an Empire to weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing! I fight... because I must"
Ulfric Stormcloak

"Your words give voice to that which we all feel Ulfric. That is why you'll be High King. But the day when words are enough will be the day soldiers like us are no longer needed."

"I would gladly retire from the world. Were such a day to dawn."
Galmar Stone-Fist and Ulfric, continuing from the above

"Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me,

For the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
Chant of the Black Sacrament
"You do not even know our tongue, do you? Such arrogance. To take for yourself the name of dovah."
Alduin the World Eater
Many a Dragonborn

"We drink to our youth, to days come and gone
for the Age of Aggression is just about done
We'll drive out the Stormcloaks and restore what we own
With our blood and our steel we'll take back our home
Down with Ulfric, the killer of kings!
On the day of your death we'll drink and we'll sing
We're the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives
And when Sovngarde beckons everyone of us dies
But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean

Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams"
Age of Aggression

"We drink to our youth, to days come and gone
for the Age of Oppression is just about done
We'll drive out the Empire from this land that we own
With our blood and our steel we'll take back our home
All hail to Ulfric! You are the High King!
In your great honour we drink and we sing!
We're the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives
And when Sovngarde beckons everyone of us dies
But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean

Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams"
Age of Oppression

"What happened to you gamers?
It seems somewhere along the way
You turned from doing good
And so now evil's holding sway.

Rhythm games and fitness games

And even cooking sims!

What else are we to do?

Fight the fight in old Skyrim!

Beyond the frozen tundra

Lies the homeland of the Nords

Where radiant stories bloom

and you can dual wield magic and swords.

Use perks just like in Fallout

Defend the family that you've reared

Kill dragons just by shouting

You can even have a beard!

The game of life's a drag

It's filled with homework, filled with books

My job is lame and girls make fun

Of my less than stellar looks.

Damn it boy why do you heed

To such shallow, mortal whims?

There's a battle that needs your steel my son

In the land of old Skyrim!"
Harry Partridge, "The Song Of Skyrim"

Who's rapping? Dovahkiin.

Dragons? [[Badass Boast I'm not over-keen.

I'll dice them like a knife]]

Slicing right through an aubergine.

[[Make Me Wanna Shout My dragon shout flow

Is sweeter than a Sodastream.]]

You won't believe your eyes

I'm like an overload of dopamine.

[[Dual-Wielding A broadsword in one hand

And a magic spell in the other.]]

[[Last of His Kind I'm the last of the Dragonborn

There's no other, my brother, so run for cover!]]

If you've got scales then I'm on your tail and I will not fail

Like a free-roaming sandbox game, I'm off the rails.

I'll walk the trail through awful gales and storms of hail

Til all the nails are knocked into your coffin.

I'm not stoppin' til you're impaled and I've prevailed.

In the name of the Nords, I pray to the lords,

You'll all get a taste of the blade of my sword!

I'm taking of hordes of enemies!

I face 'em with hoards of weaponry!

They're draining my force! [[Healing Potion So chemistry comes into play with retorts and recipes

Alchemixing like a DJ, restoration, restore my energy!]]

My legacy, odyssey, elegy, prophecy's written in heavenly bodies [[Kill'Em All and buried

With everybody who ever did bother to mess with me deading them terribly horribly]]!

I'm a celebrity, honestly! You're a wannabe! I'm a prodigy!

[[One-Man Army The suggestion you're better than me at being a warrior? Hah! Comedy!

It's a gift to me!]]

I don't just spit flames lyrically, but literally!

And the Elder Scrolls are scripts in which I've written your obituary!

I am the Dragonborn!

Wearing a hat with badass horns!

I'm Dovahkiin, known globally, you're nobody at all!

Back to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  1. "Dragonborn, Dragonborn
  2. By his honor is sworn
  3. To keep evil forever at bay!
  4. And the fiercest foes rout
  5. When they hear triumph's shout,
  6. Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!"
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