< The Dark Tower

The Dark Tower/Characters

Unmarked spoilers ahead!

The Ka-Tet

Roland Deschain of Gilead

John "Jake" Chambers

Edward Cantor "Eddie" Dean

Susannah Dean (formerly Odetta Holmes)

  • Action Girl
  • Handicapped Badass: Her legs were cut off above the knee a few years before the events of the series. That does not slow her down.
  • The Smart Guy: Odetta for literature, Detta for mathematics.
  • Split Personality: Odetta Holmes and Detta Walker.


  • Badass
  • Tanuki: It's unknown if this was intentional or coincidental on King's part, but as a racoon/dog hybrid with a penchant for mimicry . . .
  • Team Pet

The Original Ka-Tet

Cuthbert Allgood

Alain Johns

Susan Delgado


Randall Flagg / The Man in Black

The Crimson King

Mordred Deschain

John Farson

Tick-Tock Man


  • Dead Man Walking: Due to the mandrus, some sort of extremely nasty disease; the common name "whore's blossoms" implies it's an STD.
  • Evilly Affable: He's yer old pal, Gasher.
  • Gonk
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Gasher and Hoots, another Gray, were always butt-buddies of old, says Tick-Tock. Hoots even writes down the password for gaining entry to the Cradle of the Grays and gives it to Gasher to help him remember, which Gasher seems quite grateful for (even though he can't read).
  • Kick the Dog
  • Pirate: Not the dashing kind.
  • Poisonous Person


Rhea of the Cöos

Eldred Jonas

Roy Depape

Clay Reynolds

Jack Mort


Cortland Andrus

  • Drill Sergeant Nasty
  • Eye Scream: during his duel with Roland, Roland's hawk David claws out his bad eye, which was already blind.
  • Made of Iron: Gunslingers "graduated" from his class by beating the crap out of him; at least one of his predecessors had died during these coming-of-age duels. In the end, it was poison, probably, that killed him and not the duels.
  • Training from Hell

Gabrielle Deschain

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys
  • Death by Origin Story: She was accidentally shot by a paranoid Roland after he discovered a plot to undermine Gilead; she was apparently going to try to make amends, but Roland's reflexes took over when he heard someone entering his room.
  • The Mole: Worked with the resistance leader, who was her lover.

Sheemie Ruiz

  • The Fool
  • The Rainman: Despite being mentally handicapped, Sheemie is revealed to be a powerful Breaker.

Henry Dean

  • Erudite Stoner
  • Jerkass: A number of flashbacks in The Waste Lands show that Henry could often be pretty mean to Eddie, especially if he saw that Eddie was better at something than he was, such as basketball.

Father Donald Frank Callahan

  • The Alcoholic: In his backstory. At one point, Callahan wonders at having been a walking stereotype: an Irish Catholic priest with a drinking problem.
  • Badass Preacher
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Having fully regained his faith, he kills ancient vampire lords in the Dixie Pig with his bare hands before being overwhelmed and deciding to shoot himself.
  • Fail O'Suckyname: His nickname in Calla Bryn Sturgis, "the Old Fella", is slang for 'penis' in some circles in Real Life.
  • Sixth Ranger: To Roland's ka-tet.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: A huge chunk of Wolves of the Calla is taken up by his explanation of what happened to him after the events of 'salem's Lot and how he ended up in Roland's world.
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