The Creatures

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    The Creatures are a group of video game commentators and Machinima Respawn directors on Youtube. Although they often work together for Let's Plays and assorted commentaries, they also have solo videos.

    The current "main" Creatures are Kootra, Paragon Nova (Who also has his own page), SSoHPKC (often just called Seamus and as well, has his own page), Gassy Mexican, Sp00nerism, SlyFoxHound (who has his own page), ZeRoyalViking, and DanzNewz. A couple of formerly main Creatures are no longer considered official parts of the group, but still play games with the other Creatures and interact with them. They are Junkyard129 and Chilled Chaos. Minor Creatures (those who are officially part of the group but do not work with the others as often) include Eades, Paintball Kitty, and GuitarMasterx7 (known for being the creator of Brawlgasm and co-creator of Sanity Not Included).

    The Creatures regularly connect with their fans through Creature Talk, a livestream where a group of them will talk, discuss gaming news, and answer calls from fans. On an episode of Creature Talk, it was announced that the main Creatures were making plans to turn their group into a possible business venture by making themselves an official company. They are hoping to find an office building in Colorado, saying that once they are able to set this up, they can deliver content to their fanbases in a new way. This was the point where Chilled and Junk were no longer considered main Creatures. Chilled did not like the idea of his YouTube work possibly turning into a business, and Junk not being able to join them because he needs to support his family, and cannot be a part of it until it seems like it would provide a stable job. They also announced that Creature Talk would be postponed, but past episodes can be downloaded from iTunes, or here.

    As of February 2012, most of the Creatures have moved to Colorado to live together in their own Big Fancy House dubbed "The Creature House." The tour of this simply awesome house can be found here. Currently Nova, Gassy, Dan, and Seamus live in the Creature House. Kootra lives in a nearby apartment with his wife Monica, but spends time in the Creature House. Sly visited for the first week but is unable to live there right now due to wanting to stay with his family, Ze is in college but plans to move in after the semester, and Sp00n was unwilling to move, but the other Creatures are trying to convince him otherwise. The Creatures' group channel thecreaturehub is where most of their group antics will be shown, along with a few videos scattered around the others' channels.

    Some important Creature-related links: The Creature Hub main site, The Creature Wiki, and The Creature Blog.

    The Creatures will have a character sheet soon.

    The Creatures provides examples of the following tropes:
    • A Dog Named "Dog": "Little boy!"
    • Acceptable Targets: Detroit. When something looks disheveled or just plain nasty, it will usually be called "like Detroit" or just "Detroit."
    • All Men Are Perverts: Nova and Sp00n take this persona most of all.
    • Ascended Meme: When playing Payday: The Heist, Nova was quick to notice a larger than average toothbrush in one of the bathrooms, calling it giant. The developers, who have said they watched Nova's videos, soon added a ridiculously humongous toothbrush sitting in a bathtub into that level. The others were quick to blame it on Nova.

    Eat My Diction: There's a giant toothbrush in the bathtub!
    Seamus: Yeah, that's because of Nova.

      • Nova's playthrough of Happy Wheels has become so popular that the creator Jim Bonacci has watched them, and he had Nova record lines to become his own playable character. Nova's lines were used to make the Pogostick Man
    • Awesome McCoolname: Gassy Mexican's real name is Max Gonzalez.
    • Battle Cry: Most of the Creatures have these, usually when doing specific things during a fight.
      • Seamus yells "Shotgun Rain!" when using a shotgun in battle, and when throwing a grenade he will always say "Frag out!" Sp00n also says the grenade one occasionally.
      • Sly will yell "Kobe!" when tossing a grenade.
      • When delivering a Curb Stomp Battle, usually with actual curb-stomping, Nova will say "Beatin' dat ass!"
    • Berserk Button: Nova has a collection of rage videos, where he pretends to have a psychological breakdown, usually because of a silly comment or Sp00n breaking the rules.
    • Big Name Fan: A few game developers watch the Creatures' videos, with the developers of Payday: The Heist putting in a reference to Nova (see Ascended Meme above).
      • Notch, the man behind Minecraft, watched Nova's Happy Wheels videos, and was surprised to hear that Nova played Minecraft.
      • In a more straight example of this trope, Julio, Claudia, Kaitlyn, and Chloe who run the Creature Blog apply, as well as misterpandattck, who got popular by making dubstep remixes of the Creatures
    • Catch Phrase: Everyone has their own, but the word "Brown" is used commonly by all of the Creatures, meaning bad, stinky, or used in place of a curse word. It was first said by Sp00n, but Kootra has since taken it, as he uses it the most. Also, the Creatures have said multiple times that it is in no way racist.
      • Most members of the group also use "MLG" when describing how good they are at a game (even if they aren't). This pokes fun at Major League Gaming circuits and serious gamers.
      • 'I don't follow [X] news' is the most recent one, the original being 'I don't follow Skyrim news'.
      • Another new one is "Cheese it!" when the Creatures are running away or escaping from something in the game.
    • Celebrity Resemblance: People have said that Kootra looks like Tom Cruise.
    • Deadly Gas: Apparently coming from Sullivan's ass to power up the zombies.
    • The Faceless: Sp00n. The closest we've come is a vlog with him wearing a horse mask.
    • Five-Man Band
    • Failure Is the Only Option: Almost every time Guitarmasterx7 is included in Creature Talk, he asks a "hard-hitting question," where his victim will have to answer a question where any answers he provides are bad outcomes. The most famous example is "the gorilla question," where you must choose between cutting off your penis without any hope of reattaching it, or being anally raped by a silverback gorilla for three hours while a news helicopter films it.
    • First-Name Basis: Most of the Creatures are at this point by now. Here are where each one stands specifically:
      • Kootra is called Jordan by most of the Creatures, but he is still occasionally called Kootra.
      • Nova is called James by most of the Creatures, but is still called Nova by the others, except for Kootra who always calls him James.
      • Sp00n is never called by his name Nick, except on a couple of occasions by Sly.
      • Ze is always Ze, and not ever really called by his real name Steven.
      • Dan is just Dan, since his YouTube name is only one letter away from his real name (Danz).
      • Gassy is called Max by most of the Creatures, but is called Gassy sometimes.
      • SSoHPKC is always called Seamus, and has always been called by his real name rather than his username.
      • Sly is usually called Sly and not his real name Eddie.
    • Game Breaking Bug: While not always game-breaking, Nova and Sp00n have lampshaded that whenever they play a game together, it ends up being very glitchy.
      • When first playing Minecraft, Sp00n experienced strange glitches and bugs that included seeing enemies that weren't really there, falling endlessly through the world when respawning, not being able to pick up some items, and seeing events that Nova created long after they happened.
      • With Saints Row the Third, the glitches started out relatively harmless, with things such as people driving invisible cars being seen. But then it was literally game-breaking, with Nova's game crashing permanently, forcing them to move onto the PC version. Since then, they've experienced NPC allies not doing what they're supposed to do, getting trapped in the ground or in walls, and a couple more game crashings, although without causing permanent damage.
      • With The Darkness II, enemies will randomly teleport from place to place, even through walls. This is the game that they were playing when they noticed every game they play ends up being extremely glitchy.
    • Heterosexual Life Partners: Nova and Sp00n. Nova usually falls into Vitriolic Best Buds territory with others, but with Sp00n, they work together pretty well (even though they usually get off-task), even if they make fun of each other occasionally. Nova even goes out of his way to be nice to Sp00n, like with the infamous Minecraft cake incident. Gassy and Danz, and Ze and Chilled can also apply.
      • Nova and Dan have developed a relationship like this. Before moving into the Creature House, they rarely interacted, but since then they've bonded, most likely due to a shared love of The Walking Dead. Nova is noticeably less confrontational with Dan than with other Creatures.
    • Let's Play
    • Like an Old Married Couple: Nova and Kootra are often compared to this. In one episode of Creature Talk, Gassy joked that they had too much Unresolved Sexual Tension.
      • Anyone who has seen Gassy and Danz's 'Serenity Mine' series will know that when they aren't throwing quotes at each other, they're behaving exactly like this.
    • Machinima
    • Man of a Thousand Voices: Gassy. His most commonly heard voices are Dr. Zoidberg, Kermit the Frog, and The Joker.
    • Me Love You Long Time: Kootra's wife is of Asian descent, while he himself is white.
    • Memetic Sex God: Seamus has to go "upload some videos."
    • Our Founder: Statues of the Creatures made by fans often crowd up the spawn whenever the Creatures restart their Minecraft server.
    • Running Gag: A whole lot. Some usually stay within one series, but others will be used more often.
      • The Creatures used to often say "I can break these cuffs!" or "can't break those cuffs!" as a reference to this video. This led to the Creatures sometimes saying "Can't break that pig!" whenever they had trouble killing a pig in Minecraft. This is not said as often anymore.
      • Kootra's terrible stench is often mentioned, after one occasion when the title of one of Nova's videos called him "smelly guy Kootra." Since then, Kootra has embraced this.
      • In Nova and Sp00n's Dead Rising 2 playthrough, Sullivan's ass creating the gas zombies was a notable running gag. This has not yet continued into their Dead Rising 2: Off the Record playthrough, but Sp00n mentioning how fat Frank has become has created a new one.
      • When Nova and Sp00n played Resistance 3, they almost always called each other by their characters' names, which were Joe and John, the most plain white people names, according to them. Then, there was "John doesn't exist," because Nova's character John was not part of the story and was only included to be the second player's character, and also "Over here!" which is what the characters would constantly yell when downed.
      • Seamus' answer to Lyle's gorilla question is so popular that his fans have become known as "Team Silverback," and his affair with the gorilla is frequently mentioned in his videos.
      • Sly's "When you see a chicken, you gotta hit it with a shovel" song.
      • Whenever one of the Creatures starts to sing a real song, one of the others, usually Nova, will yell "Copyright!" Then, the song will usually be sung again, with the word "Brown" used instead of some of the lyrics.
      • Nova's "Wiggle dem nibblets!" in Happy Wheels.
      • In inFamous 2, Nova would often "suck people's faces" by doing the bio leech move. Because this killed them, Nova proclaimed Cole as "the man of a million STDs."
    • Sitcom Arch Nemesis: Nova and Kootra can act like this. Also, they've been described to be Like an Old Married Couple (see above).
      • Nova has this of the celebrity variety, usually blaming any bad thing that happens in Minecraft on its creator Notch, and always yelling for him to fix the ladders.
    • Spoonerism: Literally, one of the members is named Sp00nerism, although his YouTube account's name is thecampingtree.
    • Stuff Blowing Up: In the GTA 4 shenanigans videos, Seamus + rocket launcher = dead Kootra & Dan.
    • Unusual Euphemism: Amongst many others, a specific one is "Fireknight." The Creatures say this instead of "faggot" in reference to a Minecraft player they met while griefing named Fireofknight who annoyed them so much that Kootra called him a faggot. This wasn't revealed to mean faggot until a recent Creature talk, where Seamus accidentally said it, which is further reinforced by Nova screaming that he "gave it away."
    • Video Game Cruelty Potential: This will be abused. A lot.
    • Vitriolic Best Buds: Nova with everyone, especially Kootra, Seamus, and Sly. Usually Type II.
    • The Wiki Rule: Yes.
      This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.