< The Capitol Series

The Capitol Series/Characters

A Capitol Experience

Kalika Hope

Soren Kailash

Maren Ericsson

  • Action Girl: Though a bit of a reluctant example. She was pressured a little into choosing full-on Careerness, though she hates spilling blood and enjoys comfort.
  • Comfort Food: Fried clam strips. And chocolate.
  • Doting Parent: She has two of 'em.
  • Jerkass: Second only to Soren in aCE.
  • Oblivious to Love

Actassi Peixoto

  • Beware the Nice Ones: When he snaps, he snaps.
  • Nice Guy
  • Non-Action Snarker: Especially so after all his allies are dead and he has no one but himself to snark to.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: He dispatches Sherman from hundreds of feet with a spear.
  • Reluctant Warrior: Maren's death briefly spurs him into becoming one, but it doesn't take long for him to break down altogether.
    • Additionally, District Fours are forced into training, including him.

Carden Chaney

  • Children Are Innocent: As the youngest competitor in the arena, Carden is plenty naive.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Kill the Cutie: He doesn't make it past the final two.
  • Moe: A good majority of reviewing readers were rooting for him by the end, and many were more than a little sad when he didn't win.
  • The Pollyanna: It doesn't get much more idealistic than him. And his optimism is, sadly, often grossly misplaced.

Diane Glenn

Hetcher Smith

Capitol Punishment

Diele Hobel

Lucian Gray

Demetra Boise

"The thought of conflagration tends to get me into a good mood."

Lectic Riggs

Dylan Ahava

  • Badass Family: His parents were both members of the potential Career pool, but never volunteered.
  • Good Parents: His father is extremely stern, and expects a lot from him, and his mother is the harried peacemaker, but they really love him. He forgets this a lot.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Not a Morning Person: He has a chronic lateness problem, and his Mean Boss, Scilla is borderline abusive Jerkass. Difficulties ensue, as is predictable.
  • Oblivious to Love: Or even like, really.
  • Weapon of Choice
    • Blade on a Stick: Like Diele, he would prefer to use a weapon other than a golf club. He's much more proficient with a spear.

Holland Love

Lissom Henley

  • Combat Pragmatist: When she believes it is the only way she can win, Lissom is totally willing to cut Holland's throat from behind, and doesn't stop cutting until she hits the cervical spine.
  • The Determinator: Two weeks, several hours a day spent repeating the same knifework drill over, and over, and over. It's pretty much the only exceptional thing about her. Without her extreme mulishness, she would be a standard Ill Girl.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She has a very low tolerance for people who offer her assistance.
  • Five-Finger Discount: A little thievery goes a long way to feeding one's family.
  • I Can Still Fight: Throughout the games, she sustains multiple injuries which should be so painful as to be debilitating. Even before she was reaped, Lissom was fighting through an untreated illness causing her horrible pain. She has learned to live with it to the extent that she can shake off almost anything and continue hacking people to death.
  • Ill Girl: Defied. She is suffering from an untreated immune disorder that is literally starving her to death and destroying her digestive tract, but she is too used to being self-sufficient to let someone take care of her, or really even admit she has a problem.
  • Jerkass
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After killing Holland she realizes what she's done and runs away, soaked in blood and scared of herself.
  • Traitor Shot: Notably, before Skiff is killed by the vending machine she is shown as keeping silent rather than telling him what she knows about the coin return, only beginning to speak when Holland notices her silence.
  • Weapon of Choice:

Skiff Child

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