The Buzz on Maggie
The Buzz on Maggie (2005-2006) was a short lived Flash animated series that aired on the Disney Channel, aimed for tween girls, about talking flies and other insects living in the city of Stickyfeet (yes, that's the name). The show centered on Maggie Pesky, an cute and energetic pink-haired fly girl who loves music, fashion, hanging with her gal pal Rayna and pretty much everything else typical tween girls like. The series came with an upbeat theme song performed by Skye Sweetenam.
Tropes used in The Buzz on Maggie include:
- Adobe Flash - The first Disney show to be fully animated with this!
- Alpha Bitch - Dawn, Maggie's arch-nemesis.
- Annoying Younger Sibling - Pupert Pesky and sometimes Bella.
- Aldrin views Maggie as one.
- Badass: Aldrin
- Beautiful All Along - Maria Monarch in "The Candidate".
- Even before the makeover she appears stunningly beautiful after taking off her glasses. Her acne clears up and even her hairstyle changes.
- Big Brother Bully: Aldrin
- Black and Nerdy - Rayna
- Black Best Friend - Rayna
- Blondes Are Evil - Dawn Swatworthy
- Broken Aesop - At the end of "The Candidate" Maggie gives a speech about how you shouldn't judge people by their appearance, but Maria wouldn't have a boyfriend if it wasn't for her makeover and she never goes back to looking the way she did before.
- Buffy-Speak - Maggie was fond of adding 'tacious' to certain words to make new ones. This was most frequently done with 'fan-tacious' (as a stand-in for fantastic) but there were other examples.
- Burger Fool - Buzz Burger
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin'
- Cain and Abel: Played with in the episode with Aldrin and Maggie.
- Cheerful Child: Pupert
- Couch Gag - It begins with Maggie getting out of bed and dress up in two different outfit/costumes each time.
- Cross-Dressing Voices - Kevin Michael Richardson as Rayna's mom.
- Elmuh Fudd Syndwome - Rayna in kindergarten in a flashback.
- Furry Confusion - There's one kid at Buzzdale that looks more like a real fly.
- Genki Girl - Maggie
- Getting Crap Past the Radar- Maggie (possibly unintentionally) gives her friend the two-fingered salute to illustrate something being in two days.
- Girl Posse - Maggie, Rayna and Maria, Dawn also has one.
- Grand Finale - In the unaired final episode, Maggie is finally becoming a famous rock star. When Maggie joins the Flaming Moths band, she is saying goodbye to the Pesky family. Maggie, Gunther and two members of the band will performed in rock concerts all around the world. Now, Maggie will never go back to Stinkyfeet. See here.
- Gross Up Close-Up - On Maria's crusty and drool covered hand in "The Candidate" before Maggie has to shake it.
- Gross-Out Show
- Halloween Episode: "The Big Score"/"Scare Wars"
- Hey, It's That Voice!:
- Cree Summer (Rayna)
- Daran Norris (a nerdy dad who replaced the Buzzdale librarian in "Lunchlady" and the Flyinator in "The Flyinator")
- Tara Strong (Dawn, Maria and Carmela)
- Mr. Pesky was voiced by Brian Doyle-Murray (The Flying Dutchman and Captain K'Nuckles)
- Aldrin can walk through walls, disappear, and fly.
- High School Hustler - Maggie fits this trope.
- Housewife - Frieda Pesky
- Humans Are Cthulhu - "Bugs on the Brink" and Mr. Sizemore
- Imagine Spot - Maggie has a few. They usually come true.
- Incredibly Lame Pun- Dawn SWATWORTHY. the Alpha Bitch.
- Jerk Jock - Aldrin, Maggie's older brother.
- Jewish Mother - Gym Shorts' mom.
- Kids Shouldn't Watch Horror Films: Maggie and Rayna sneak into a R-rated movie. Rayna ends up so traumatized she'd rather watch the baby movie that's playing on another screen. Maggie plays it cool at first, but eventually starts hallucinating the movie's monster everywhere until she confesses to her parents. They decide her trauma from watching the movie was punishment enough.
- Meaningful Name: Dawn Swatworthy.
- Meganekko - Rayna and Maria
- Nerd Glasses
- Nerds Are Sexy - Troy
- No Celebrities Were Harmed:
- Jay Buzz-Z (Jay-Z)
- Spelling Bees (Beatles?)
- No Periods, Period - Carmela in "Metamorpho Sis" while she was in her cocoon.
- Reset Button - Averted with Maria Monarch's makeover. Then again, she wasn't a main character and it was her first episode.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Sassy Black Woman - Rayna and her mom.
- Shrinking Violet - Maria Monarch, before meeting Maggie.
- Shout-Out - "Its the night of the living parents!"
- Small Annoying Creature - Bella to Maggie, sometimes.
- Stealth Pun - Aldrin, for Buzz Aldrin.
- Stern Teacher - Cornelius Bugspit and Mrs. Wingston.
- Stocking Filler - Rayna wears fishnets.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl - Maggie and Dawn.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife - Chauncey (he's not that ugly, just geeky) and Frieda.
- Wax On, Wax Off
- Where The Hell Is Stickyfeet? - It could be anywhere on the ground.
- White Gloves - similar to Mickey Mouse
- Why Did It Have to Be Frogs? - Maggie is scared of frogs in "The Flyinator".
- Yellow Sash of Power - Seen when Pupert becomes a hall monitor in "Pieface."
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair - Maggie
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