The Boy Who Cried Werewolf

A live-action movie by Nickelodeon, first aired on October 23th, 2010, starring Victoria Dawn Justice as Jordan Sands.
The story begins with the Sands family, buried under bills and debt, receiving unusual news: their uncle-in-law, Dragomir Vucovic, has passed away, and left his entire castle to his late sister's family. Believing that selling the mansion could prove to be a remedy for their economic problems, Jordan, Hunter and their father, David, make the voyage.
There to greet them is Madame Varcolac, caretaker of the castle and close friend of the late Dragomir. The evening of their arrival, she gives them one rule: stay inside your room at night, and lock the door.
That doesn't really happen. Once their Internet fails, Jordan and Hunter search the house for its wireless router, eventually discovering it inside a hidden laboratory. While Hunter works with the 'net, Jordan examines the many gruesome objects around the room, eventually taking a curiously-placed vial of blood marked as, “L.B. 217.”
When Hunter pulls a prank on her, and she drops the tube, Madame V comes searching. In her hurry to hide from the creepy caretaker, Jordan accidentally steps on the glass shards, stabbing her foot and injecting herself with the foreign blood.
Too bad for her that blood just so happens to be from a werewolf.
The remainder of the story revolves around Jordan, Hunter and Madame Varcolac attempting to cure her before the next full moon, at which point it becomes impossible to undo. Along the way, David begins dating real estate agent Paulina, vampires who want the mansion attack, and the history of Dragomir Vucovic is explored.
Shares its title with, but is unrelated to, a 1973 film.
- Arc Words: "The strength of the wolf is the pack."
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Hunter, with a Freudian Excuse.
- Big Fancy House: Wolfsberg Manor. It is inherited by the Sands, prompting their travel to Romania and the story as a whole.
- Bilingual Bonus: the bits and pieces of Romanian scattered across the movie.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Paulina.
- Blind Without'Em: initially played straight by Jordan, but then Subverted after she becomes a werewolf; her vision becomes excellent, and the glasses actually worsen it.
- Blondes Are Evil: Paulina.
- Blue Eyes: Jordan in werewolf state.
- Brainy Brunette: Jordan certainly gives the impression.
- The Cast Showoff: a mild case—Victoria Dawn Justice put noticeably more effort into her singing during the credits as opposed to the rest of the cast.
- She also had a song that played during the movie proper.
- Chekhov's Blunt Instrument: The fact that the whole Fur Against Fang aspect was mentioned early on in the movie, and Paulina liking her stakes bloody and rare, as well as only entering the manor when invited, is enough for some to make it The Untwist.
- Crying Werewolf
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Madame Varcolac; Jordan, to a lesser degree.
- Eyes of Gold: Hunter in werewolf state.
- Fake Nationality
- Foot Focus: Both when Jordan first steps onto the glass, and when Hunter is removing it.
- Foreshadowing: A good deal of it, with Hunter's ability to read the tombstone's hidden writing being one of the biggest cases.
- Freudian Excuse: Hunter pulls so many pranks because that's what he and his mother used to do together.
- Fur Against Fang: A big aspect of the movie's plot.
- Justified Foreign Language: The reason there's Romanian used at all is because they're in Romania.
- Genre Savvy: Hunter, as well as his friends; granted, when those friends tell Hunter the only way to stop Jordan from being a werewolf is to stake her, they veer into Wrong Genre Savvy.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Jordan while on her date with Goran, as a result of her newfound lycanthropy and a coming full Moon.
- Hellish Pupils: Gained by humans close to transforming into a werewolf/wifwolf, as well as vampires.
- How Do I Shot Web?: Jordan is incapable of controlling herself the first time she becomes a werewolf. Then she spontaneously gains control when trying to rescue Hunter.
- Possibly due to Hunter becoming a werewolf as well, pack instinct and all that.
- Ironic Echo: "You'll only feel a slight pinch." First used by Paulina when she was preparing to inject Jordan with a shot that would kill her, then later used by Jordan when stepping out of the way and allowing the sun to burn Paulina.
- Left for Dead: Paulina. Wasn't a good idea to do this, either.
- Magic Pants: When someone turns into a werewolf, his or her clothes disappear, and reappear when they change back into people.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Paulina's entire personality toward David. Of course, it's all an act to mask her vampirism, and make David more comfortable selling the mansion to her.
- Subverted with Goran, the Romanian boy who falls in love with Jordan. After she becomes a version of this due to The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body, he becomes rather freaked out by her.
- Meganekko: Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. Pre-werewolf, anyway.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body
- Misplaced Wildlife: Some of the taxidermied animals in the mansion include pronghorn and American mountain goats. A bit more justifiable than most examples, but still a bit off to see those animals instead of Eurasian ones
- Missing Mom
- The Mourning After: David hasn't been very outgoing since his wife died.
- Never Say "Die": Used by Paulina. "Your uncle said the same thing when I k-you know." Averted by Hunter when explaining to his dad.
- Also, when Hunter watches an old videotape of him and his deceased mother, his dad comments "I miss her too."
- Not Himself: Jordan's behavior changes wildly after she gains the power of being a werewolf.
- Not Quite Dead: Paulina; see Sequel Hook.
- Oh Wait, This Is My Grocery List: The ingredients required for producing the cure for being a werewolf are a bit odd. Marmot heart, scorpion tail, larvae of vespa?
- Opposites Attract: Jordan, a self-proclaimed vegetarian, and Goran, a butcher.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Our Werewolves Are Different:
- For one, the werewolves are the good guys in the film, as explained by Madame Varcolac during the scene where she details the history between vampires and werewolves.
- For some strange reason, the townspeople are not scared of them. Guardians or not, you would think some people would be cringing in terror.
- Considering the werewolves saved the world from vampires in the past, they could just know better.
- Possession Implies Mastery: Subverted for Jordan, but played straight with Hunter. This could be explained with his being a natural werewolf.
- Puberty Superpower: For Hunter.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Paulina.
- Secret Legacy
- Sequel Hook: Paulina's not dead, and she's followed the family back home; in fact, she's moving in across the street.
- Shout-Out: to Britney Spears, remarkably. Madame Varcolac's a fan, judging by her ring-tone.
Madame Varcolac: She's a werewolf, you know.
Hunter: That explains a few things.
- Werewolves howling each time Madame Varcolac's name is mentioned is an obvious reference to Young Frankenstein.
- Snicket Warning Label: The movie could've just as easily ended right after the scene at Jordan and Hunter's school. You can just stop it there if you want.
- Staying Alive: Paulina.
- Superpowerful Genetics
- Trailers Always Spoil
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Hunter looks exactly like his uncle, Dragomir.
- Unexplained Recovery: Paulina.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Paulina is quite the well-known real estate agent. She also attempts to kill Jordan, Hunter and David multiple times.
- The Virus: Werewolf blood, apparently.