Blossom was a sitcom that ran from 1991 to 1995 on NBC, starting as a Midseason Replacement series. The show centers on the eponymous Blossom Russo, a girl living with her single musician father Nick (whose wife left him) and older brothers Tony (a recovering drug addict) and Joey (a dumb jock). Often visiting is gabby best friend Six LeMeure.
Midway through the show's run, the writers put more emphasis on the Joey character (played by Joey Lawrence).
Also infamous for its frequent use of very special episodes and dream sequences.
Tropes used in Blossom include:
- Actor Allusion: At least one episode references Mayim Bialik's role on MacGyver.
- Adaptation Decay: An In-Universe demonstration of almost instant Adaptation Decay in action: Nick once had a chance to pitch a TV show concept about his family life to a pair of network execs. The concept was called "Rosie", and was essentially a recursive version of Blossom. By the time the network execs got done with it, though, "Rosie" had transformed from a gentle family comedy to a detective show starring chimpanzees.
- And You Were There: When Nick wakes her up from the dream where she's a singer, Blossom says that he was there, as were Joey, Anthony and Toto, too. Nick asks if she means the dog, but she actually meant the band.
- Breakout Character: Joey.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Late in the series, Joey confronts his mom about all the times she let him down and for being a crappy mother in general.
- The Cast Showoff: The opening credits had Mayim Bialik showing off her dance training.
- In addition, Mayim, Ted Wass, Joey Lawrence and Jenna von Oy were all given several opportunities to show off their singing talents.
- Catch Phrase: WHOA!
- Cousin Oliver: Kennedy, the daughter of the woman Nick marries in the show's later seasons.
- Dancing Theme
- The Danza: Joey Lawrence's character shares his first name.
- Deadpan Snarker: Primarily Nick and Blossom
- Dream Sequence: Fairly frequent usage, including an appearance by Phylicia Rashad from The Cosby Show as Blossom's "ideal mother" in the pilot, an episode where Blossom dreams she becomes a singer, and one which doubles as the vehicle for Joey Lawrence's "Nothin' My Love Can't Fix" video.
- The Eponymous Show
- Fake Brit: Kennedy.
- Fever Dream Episode: The "Rockumentary" episode has Blossom falling asleep while watching the Madonna concert video of the "Truth or Dare" tour.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: When Six is asked about her name, she replies that her father says "that's how many beers it took".
- The Ghost: Six's father.
- Keep Circulating the Tapes: The series disappeared from syndication around 1998 and, save for a set of DVDs from the first 2 seasons released in 2009, has been little seen since.
- Missing Mom: in this case, by way of divorce.
- Motor Mouth: Six, Sharon (Six's mom) and to a lesser degree Blossom herself.
- Obnoxious In-Laws: Nick isn't very fond of Buzz Richman, his ex-wife's father and Blossom's maternal grandfather. In an unusual twist, though, Buzz doesn't seem to have anything against Nick. His obnoxiousness comes more from the way he sometimes sponges off the Russo family and the fact that his daughter ditched Nick and their children.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Occasionally happened with Kennedy. Later in the show's final season, the writers threw in the towel and ditched the accent altogether.
- Out of Focus: The emphasis on Joey during the second half of the show's run.
- Overprotective Dad: Nick, though not as much as other sitcom dads
- Parental Sexuality Squick: Blossom's parents meet after the divorce, and nearly sleep together again. Blossom and Tony discuss it later.
- Pizza Boy Special Delivery
- Promotion to Opening Titles: To a certain extent. The intros for the first two seasons simply had Blossom dancing by herself, but the intro for the third and fourth seasons featured Joey, Anthony, Six and Nick each appearing with Blossom as their actors were credited.
- Saw It in a Movie Once: Blossom blinds an intruder (who turns out to actually be her brother) by blowing talcum powder in face. When Six asks her where she learned that trick, Blossom replies "MacGyver". (Also an Actor Allusion.)
- Seinfeldian Conversation: Done a few times. One specific example that comes to mind is a conversation between Blossom and Six about how people on tv never seem to need to use the bathroom. This discussion ends when Six announces that she has to go to the bathroom.
- She's All Grown Up: "Blossom Blossoms"
- Special Guest: Phylicia Rashad in aforementioned pilot, ALF, Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight, John Ratzenberger from name a few. (This was toned down in later seasons, in contrast to other sitcoms.)
- Very Special Episode: Notorious enough to get the show mocked due to the frequent very special Blossoms.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Six.
Blossom: You have to admit your parents gave you a pretty weird name.
Six: My Dad says that's how many beers it took.
- And then there was the time that Six met Blossom's grandfather Buzz:
Six: Hi, I'm Six!
Buzz: Awful tall for your age, aren't you?
- You Are Number Six: Literally.
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