< The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory/Awesome

Season One

  • Leonard finally getting the courage to ask Penny out in the season one finale. It's done as such an offhand thing, but it's one of the most victorious moments in the show.
  • Penny blackmailing Sheldon into throwing Leonard a surprise birthday party. It was the first time she was "one of the guys" and not just the cute neighbor who had take-out with them once a week.
  • In "The Nerdvanna Annihilation" after Penny's comments about his toys depresses Leonard into giving them away, Sheldon gives her one of her few well-deserved "The Reason You Suck" Speeches throughout the series:

Penny: What the hell's going on?
Sheldon: (With genuine anger) You hypocrite!
Penny: What?
Sheldon: Little Miss "grown-ups don't play with toys"! If I went into that apartment right now, would I not find Beanie Babies? Are you not an accumulator of Care Bears and My Little Ponies? And who is that Japanese feline frolicking on your shorts? Hello, Hello Kitty!

  • When Penny kisses Leonard in the Halloween episode while she's drunk, Leonard makes sure it doesn't go any further, Penny kisses him good night at his door while he's still dressed as Frodo. When Penny's ex-boyfriend Kurt sees this after him and Leonard were arguing, Leonard delivers this gem right before he shuts the door.

Leonard: That's right, you saw what you saw, that's how we roll in the Shire.

Season Two

  • In the "Panty PiƱata Polarization", Sheldon "bans" Penny from their apartment for getting "three strikes." Leonard, Raj and Howard are too chicken to speak up for her, and the thing soon escalates into a full blown war between Sheldon and Penny, which is when this awesome exchange takes place.

Sheldon: Woman, you're playing with forces beyond your ken.
Penny: Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie.

  • Penny giving Sheldon Leonard Nimoy's Napkin. It's autographed, but she apologized because Leonard (Nimoy, that is) "wiped his mouth with it", prompting Sheldon to give her about 20 different baskets of fancy toiletries. When she says "SHELDON...!", he can only say, "I know, it's not enough is it?"
    • The hug after this is awesome too... and heartwarming.

Season Three

  • When Leonard miscalculates some rocket fuel about to explode and tries to take it outside via elevator, Sheldon, quickly deducing that it was about to explode soon, walks briskly to the elevator, grabs the container out of Leonard's hands and sets it on the floor, pushes Leonard out and closes the elevator door behind him in one efficient movement. The rocket fuel destroys the elevator two seconds later.
  • Eye of the Tiger montage. That is all.
  • Raj buying himself a big-ass desk for Sheldon's office.

Season Four

  • After the Sheldon and his friends fail to get back the items stolen from his WoW account, Penny goes to the perpetrator's door, and says this: "Congratulations. Today's the day a girl is gonna touch you in your special place." Groin Attack ensues.
  • Penny telling the guys off after they make fun of Zach for being stupid.

Penny: Y'know, for a group of guys who claim they were bullied in high school, you can be real jerks. Shame on all of you.
[Penny leaves the apartment]
Raj: What did I do?
[Door opens]
Penny: You laughed.

  • Pryia beating Sheldon at his own game by finding loopholes in the Roommate Agreement.

Leonard: "Top of her class in Cambridge University. Licensed to practice law in three countries and your face!"

    • Sheldon's final retort was just as good.

Sheldon: (to Priya) "You may have gone to Cambridge but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy!"

  • Leonard was having a really fun time pretending to be with Penny while her dad was in town, a situation she requested because he was the only guy her dad approved of her dating. Once her dad was asleep she snuck over to Leonard's apartment to try and chew him out, but using basic logic Leonard managed to turn the entire conversation around.

Penny: "Why are you making this so difficult!?"
Leonard: "It's not difficult for me, I'm having fun."
Penny: (pleading) "Leonard..."
Leonard: "What do you want me to do? You started this, you want to tell him we're broken up?"
Penny: "No..."
Leonard: "Well what do you want?"
Penny: "I don't know!"
Leonard: "Don't you think that is something you should have thought about BEFORE you stomped over here?"

Penny: "Maybe!"

  • Penny calling Sheldon out on his refusing to go to the hospital to support Howard after his mother suffers a suspected heart attack, pointing out that he constantly wears superhero t-shirts but refuses to go to the hospital to support a friend.

Season Five

  • In "The Skank Reflex Hypothesis", Sheldon runs out and pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to inspire Leonard, Howard, and Raj while dramatic music plays. They actually run out and kill the geology department, winning them the paintball trophy. AWESOME.
    • Also a Funny Moment, as Sheldon, who is more or less agnostic, pulls out a parody of the Crucified Hero Shot and after he "dies" says, "If there is ever going to be a Church of Sheldon, this is where it started".
  • Bernadette realizing she was in the wrong and trying to make it up to Howard.
    • Howard himself deserves a lot of credit for actually kicking her out of the house when she "tattled" to his mom about the issue (before they had sex that evening!!) because she had crossed the line, and freely admitted to the others they might break up over the whole thing. Coming from a guy who normally lets women walk all over him so long as they have sex with him, that showed a great deal of personal integrity.
  • Sheldon successfully pranking Leonard in such a awesome and hilarious way after getting pranked by Howard, Raj and Leonard repeatedly throughout the Halloween episode.
  • In "The Ornithophobia Diffusion" Leonard hanging out with Penny and showing a spine by: making her pay her fair share and choosing the movie and not backing down.
    • Pity he spoils it by losing said spine at the faintest hint of sex
  • Amy coerces Leonard to be her date to a wedding, which he agrees to but is clearly not enthusiastic about it. Amy actually ends up being quite a charming conversationalist and Leonard is the wet blanket cause the wedding reminds him that he "has a kinda-sorta girlfriend 9,000 miles away." Amy calls him out on it by saying "I have a kinda-sorta boyfriend who is at home playing with model trains and you don't hear me bitching about it." Surprising enough, that actually works and they have a nice time dancing the rest of the night.
  • Leonard finally standing up to his high school bully after letting him sleep the night at his place out of misguided good intentions.
  • Stephen Hawking.
    • Stephen Hawking giving Sheldon a derisive smirk.

Hawking: Are you saying I make mathematical errors?

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