< The Amazing World of Gumball

The Amazing World of Gumball/WMG

Darwin isn't a pet and really is Gumball and Anais' brother.

The family had him registered as a house pet to hide the fact that Nicole had an affair with a goldfish.

  • Wow.
  • No... just no.

Elmore is not just a city.

It's a planet. FUCKING ELMORE STREAM. If it's supposed to be their universe's parody of YouTube, wouldn't that be the same for the entire planet? Only, they say Elmore is a city. This can only mean that Elmore is really a city-sized planet.

    • Nope, I'm afraid not. Look closely at the spine of the blue book. About Elmore Stream, it's possible that it's a city-specific section of a website similar to Youtube called Stream-It. Maybe the rest of the world is segregating Elmore because of how insanely weird it is, which could be a WMG in and of itself.

Gumball's Mom is apparently a very young mother who's in her 20's

So it all started when Gumball's Mom became pregnant by some guy during the age when she was in High School (possibly younger), she gave birth to Gumball. However, the guy didn't seem to last long with Gumball's mom, so he left her all alone to take care of her son. After she finished High School, she managed to get a job at the Rainbow Factory, which is a pretty good job to support the both of them. Later in life, Gumball's Mom met and married Gumball's Dad. Gumball's Dad and Gumball's little step-sister joined the family. Together, they currently live in a nice family home (along with Darwin).

The Evidence:

  • Gumball and his mom are blue cats, while Gumball's dad and sister are pink rabbits.
  • You could sense that Gumball's mom is in her 20s by just looking at how young she looks along with observing her personality.
  • There's a pretty big age difference with Gumball and his sister (8 years apart).
  • It's no surprise that Gumball's mom's first wedding dress seems to fit Gumball almost perfectly at age 12.....
  • For some reason, Gumball's mom was extremely angry when Gumball said "she 'chose' to have kids".
  • A "The Gi" shows Nicole and Richard went to school together, meaning unless Richard was held back a lot they're around the same age. According to "The Laziest", Richard proved he was lazier than Lawrence in "the summer of '83"; assuming the show is set when episodes air that makes him at least 28, almost definitely older.
  • Maybe Richard was Nicole's fallback man meaning that after she became a single mother she got with Richard, not for financial assistance because we all see how useless Richard is, but for some companion consolement.
    • Jossed. In The Party episode, Richard mentions that he and Nicole were married for 20 years.
      • Simple, Richard is an idiot, so who's to say he didn't mean to say the word "4" instead of "40"
    • Also, "for some reason?" Nicole got mad because Gumball used a piss-poor argument to shirk his responsibility of returning the DVD.
      • Don't you fuddy the theory with your assumptions.
      • Out of simple curiosity, what does "piss-poor" mean?
      • Really, really bad. Like, "not even trying" levels of bad.

Everyone lives in The Land of Ooo.

Why the hell not?

    • Because Gumball's world is even weirder.
      • How do we know our Gumball isn't Princess Bubblegum's great-uncle Gumball?

The Amazing World of Gumball's universe takes place after Chowder.

  • Think about it. Gumball and Anais's father looks like one of Chowder and Panini's children, bunny ears and all. If this is true, it would make Gumball and Anais the grandchildren of Chowder and Panini. Not only that, a gumball is a candy, and Chowder's universe revolves around food. You know what else I've noticed? Some of Gumball's classmates are food, so this could mean something....
    • Also, Anais looks a lot like Panini.
      • Exactly. They have that same look.
    • Alex is a balloon. So maybe he's Mr. Fugu's descendant.
  • Hi, this is the OP here. After seeing the recent episode with Grandma Jo-Jo, I'm pretty convinced that she is, indeed, Panini.

"The Kiss" is a Lighter and Softer version of Regular Show's "Brain Eraser".

Excuse me if this is obvious, but their story-lines are so similar to each other.

Mr. Small is a refugee from Problem Solverz.

  • Am I the only one who thinks that Mr. Small looks a lot like a Problem Solverz character? I guess he read the reviews, knew a sinking ship when he saw one, and decided to escape to the next door show.
    • I would like to mention that Tobais looks like a Problem Solverz character as well...
      • Really? I always thought that Tobias came from Lumpy Space.
        • He could be a mix of both. Who knows?
          • So, are you saying that Tobias is the result of a Lumpy Space Person doing it with Problem Solverz character, or are you saying that Tobias is a Problem Solverz character who got bitten by a Lumpy Space Person?
            • I actually had another theory in mind: Tobias was originally from Lumpy Space. He gets bored and tries to find somewhere else to stay. He finds out that the Problem Solverz was being promoted 24/7, so he jumps in on the action by painting himself the appropriate colors for the show. After he realizes that the show wasn't really liked, he goes to another anticipating show, which is The Amazing World of Gumball. And the rest is history.

Carrie is a relative of High-Five Ghost.

  • Because why not. If Gumball and Anais are Chowder's grandkids, there's no reason why this can't also be true.
    • Although, it's gotta be noted that High-Five Ghost's extended family all have high-five hands sticking out of their hands. Carrie doesn't.
      • It's hidden under the hair.

The Robinsons are Gorgs

  • Also, Why not?
    • I guess that could make sense, since they have kind of a Jim Henson vibe. They do look kind of like shaved gorgs, don't they?
    • I highly doubt this, Gorgs are over 20 feet tall, all fat, and have different noses, from the moment I first saw them I thought Squidward, the Bigheads, and the Don't You Put It In Your Mouth puppets poured their DNA into a magic pot and got someone to use Irken powers to turn it into a hideous mutant couple.
      • The only thing connecting Chowder and Gumball is the fact that Anais and Panini look vaguely similar, why couldn't the vague similarities apply to the Gorgs and the Robinsons?

The Amazing World of Gumball is an idealized form of Ink City.

Mainly, a world made up of variously animated characters who all live together in relative harmony, as opposed to the not-so-perfect society slowly being cobbled together in the City.

The Amazing World of Gumball takes place several years after There She Is

    • After Doki and Nabi's struggle, people began to accept inter-species romances. First Cats and Rabbits was accepted, then dogs where allowed to love anyone they wanted. Soon after, paper, balloons, dinosaurs, donuts, goldfish, fish, brick walls, etc.

Darwin's story.

    • We know Darwin used to be the pet fish and he sprouted legs one day. Why? Gumball simply overfed him and fed him all sorts of junk food. Darwin then got too large for his fishbowl and had to grow limbs learn to breathe air and talk so he could adapt to his new environment. He is *Darwin* after all.
    • Or maybe because somewhere across their family they had a fish in it.
    • He's adopted.

Tina and her father were once models.

That is, they started out as models of dinosaurs, on display in Elmore's museum. Just like everything else in Elmore, the dinosaur models came to life and became sentient, and were cast out of society after the resulting rampage.

The writers of The Amazing World of Gumball are Yaoi Fans.

Seriously, the amounts of Ho Yay between Gumball and Darwin that the show got away with is so astonishing that someone or some people have to be this.

    • I believe you.

Apparently, the banana who befriended IM Weasel in "My Friend The Smart Banana" had a wife and kids. One of the kids grew up to be the mother or father of Banana Joe so that means.....Banana Joe's grandfather was a good friend of IM Weasel.

Gumball only has a name that's weird because his dad named him

Richard seems to frequently fantasize about food-people, so naming his kid after a kind of candy is pretty much what you would expect.

Bobert is being used for scientific research.

A group of scientists created him to report on the behaviors on his classmates, the scientists want to know how an incredibly diverse group of children are able to co-exist peacefully. This also explains why Bobert has an Erase Memory button, when he is done with his reporting on Elmore Junior High, the scientists will erase his memory and start the expriment all over again and place him in another school to continue the research.

Gumball's mother(Nicole) is a workaholic.

We find this out in that episode "The Painting" she's probably got so used to providing for her children,adoptive son and good for nothing husband so much it felt normal to her,and when she had to all of the sudden stop her routine because of Principal Brown's recommendation it caused a significant damage to her psyche and decided to go back to 7a.m-9a.m to 5p.m-7p.m lifestyle for her best.

    • Canon.

This show was recycled from it's possible predessor "Chowder".

Chowder was pretty good when it first started but as the series got older it really didn't get all that stronger. It started to become very far-fetched and unrealistic to the point of which it became tasteless. That explains why the series ended so early, it was in the not bad but then again not very good category, that's why they didn't just all of a sudden end it like a lot of failed cartoon series's. So they ended it very subtly with a movie, it was at least good enough for that. Then very soon after the series cancellation here comes Gumball with his cute little fangs. Even though this show is similar to "Chowder" it is a whole lot more realistic, come on now answer my question. Even if the creators of "Chowder didn't create "The Amazing World of Gumball" it is still recycled from the new classic we all know and love "Chowder". They couldn't just throw away Chowder completely.

Contradicting the The Amazing World of Gumball's universe takes place after Chowder theory this show takes place after Foster's home for imaginary friends.

Imaginary friends don't age, am I correct? also humans exist in the chowder universe and the foster's universe so why aren't they here? Because in the Gumball universe all humans finally became extinct just like wooly mammoths.

Alternatively: Foster's preceeds Chowder, which preceeds Gumball

We already know the theory about how Chowder preceeds Gumball, so I'll skip that. Imaginary friends formed their own society hundreds of years after Foster's. After hundreds more years, Chowder happened. In another part of the world, there's a land called Ooo. And, to add to the theory, 200 years before Foster's there was a young sailor named Flapjack.

  • And, Banana Joe's family comes from the world of talking bananas from Courage the Cowardly Dog (which is a different country that exists at the same time as Gumball).
  • Also, at the same time as Foster's, but in a different city, three superpowered 5 year old girls fought crime.

Later in the series Gumball's and Penny's relationship will be put to a serious test.

Some really attractive boy or girl comes along and one of them will have to choose. Just like in some show when there are two really good friends who's friendship is eventually put to the test, it could happen to these two. Penny is Gumball's only real friend anyway. I said Penny because Darwin is his adoptive brother, even though he is a super good companion.

One of the members in the help crew even possibly the creator has a freaky animal fetish.

Why else would you give anthromorphic animals have attractive human futures. Think of any other show that had anthromorphic animals do they have attractive human features like that. The cute faces are alright, but everything down there is somewhat suspicious, don't you think?

  • Y.. you're kidding, right?
  • It would seem that this lies more with the troper than the work...
  • I believe you.

Bobert is a sly parody of Robot Jones.

He has two robot parents, he is studying the nature of organic well organisms, he is trying somewhat to fit in and not be a high tech bucket of bolts finally he has super strength. For those of you who watched Robot Jones or at least looked it up just now, does this sound any familiar to any of you.

Carrie is a Slave of the flesh.

Despite the fact that she is a spirit she surprisingly enough harbors the three sins of flesh which are Envy, Gluttony definitely enough and Lust; here's how.

Envy- Her desire for other people's things such as Gumball's body and little appreciation for what she has.

Gluttony- Her immense consumption of food to the point of waste. Remember that Gluttony isn't limited to just food and it has do with keep wanting more or anything

Lust- Her desire to go on immoral eating binges. Let's not forget that Lust is doing anything immoral for the sake of physical pleasure not just immoral sexual acts.

Elmore is an alternate version of Springfield.

This is very possible by how Gumball's family is like the Simpsons and how almost everyone else is like citizens of Springfield. Like:

Gumball - Bart.

Gumball's mom - Marge.

Richard - Homer.

Darwin - Milhouse.

Gumball's sister - Lisa or Maggie. (Most likely Lisa, because of the intelligence.)

And more.

    • I don't think so. That's how lots of fictional sitcom families are. Plus the creator has already established that the Watterson family is based upon his own family.

Carrie is Carrie White.

Kind of a stupid guess but it could be. She probably has gone emo after what happened to the prom (just see how the movie ended if you're not in the know). However, she was already kinda emo from the start (or just plain shy but not to be labeled emo yet).

  • Though I know that she's only a tween...she might be trying to start a whole new life in high school because everybody was so mean to her when she was alive.

This show takes place in the '90s.

Think about it: The designs of the settings and vehicles. The fact that they have a retro TV stand - with fuzzy-looking programs - rather than a flatscreen (in which you also see a VHS tape labelled "Wrestling" at the top). In "The Secret," there's a scene where Gumball tries to prank-call Darwin by using a telephone booth. A telephone booth-- you don't see those around much, anymore; also, the design of their house phone doesn't really look as updated as they do today. In "The Genius," Gumball discovers the Internet for the first time while trying to learn how to use a computer. I don't think having a computer was very common back in those times. And everyone's clothing look quite plain, compared to what you see middle schoolers wearing today. And to top it all off, the title logo looks like it's from a pixel-made video game.

Anais' genius; she actually got it from her dad

You may think it's absurd but do you know why such a guess? Because in the episode, "The Laziest" Richard was able to change the channel with his mind (or "unique abilities") like someone with ESP (or telekinesis for a more familiar term). It maybe merely an Ass Pull but nobody can do that unless they're really smart (I got that from Matilda by the way). The only reason that he is dimwitted all the time because he's probably autistic but not the bad kind.

  • Jossed on the statement supporting the WMG. The reason why Richard was able to seemingly paranormally change the channel is because as shown in the near end of the episode is because HE HAD THE REMOTE stuck up his ass, and the reason why he's able to manuever it without even looking at it is because all he does is laze around hold the remote and watch the T.V. He might be a lazy-ass remote whiz but that's just about as far as it goes.
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