Tanuki Tanuki
A somewhat internet-famous artist on DeviantArt and Smackjeeves, Tanuki Tanuki/Fastpuck is best well know for her sense of humor, high-quality art, and tons of very attractive boys involved in some innocent and not-so-innocent stories.
Prominent among her stories is the super-popular comic Shark Teeth and the Rainbow Brite remake For Eternity.
This artist's comics and art provides examples of:
- Bishonen
- Boys Love
- Cast Full of Gay: Almost every one of the stories is full of characters involved in relationships with one another. And the fans love it.
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: The amount of skin-baring varies between stories, but there is often a great deal of battle damage and loss of clothing, one way or another.
- Ho Yay: If characters are not canonically paired together, you can bet that they have some sort of chemistry regardless.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: There are dozens in For Eternity alone, not to mention Sharkteeth,
This artist's characters provide examples of:
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: There are several of these. Mostly male.
- The Jailbait Wait: There are several older characters who must go through this wait for their intended lovers, especially in For Eternity. Of course, there are a few others who didn't wait for their lovers to become quiet legal.
- Only One Name: Since many of the characters exist in fantasy universes, they rarely have last names. (And in the case of Ant and Bee, they're lucky to have first names.)
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