For Eternity
Originally a spirited remake of the children's TV show Rainbow Brite, Deviant ART artist TanukiTanuki (also known as Fastpuck on Smack Jeeves) took the base concepts of a decent show and turned them into an entirely new creation. Instead of Rainbow Land, this story takes place in a world called Eternity- and instead of children, the Color Kids are (mostly) teenagers with very distinct backstories, personalities, relationships, and nationalities.
Did I mention that, aside from the goddesses that created Eternity, basically the entire cast of characters is male?
The cast of characters also includes the dark god Flins (who happens to be much more evil and sadistic than Murky Dismal ever thought of being), and of course this story's version of Rainbow Brite- Rein Bo), though he tends to be less popular than several of the Color Kids. There are also versions of Stormy, Moonglow, and Tickled Pink. Starlite and the other horses are apparently going to make an appearance, though they will be focused on less than the Color Kids. This is definitely not your older sister's Rainbow Brite.
While the story itself has only thus far been made into a conceptual comic, Word of God says that Tanuki Tanuki will one day get around to doing the entire thing. In the meantime, there is a ton of art in her gallery to convey the gist of the characters and storyline.
- Adventure-Friendly World and Magical Land: Though the world hasn't quite been built to Tanuki Tanuki's satisfaction.
- Badass Crew
- Cast Full of Gay: YOU HEARD ME.
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: Flins' dungeon/castle/thingamajig DEFINITELY counts as this.
- Holding Hands
- I Uh You Too: Some of the boys just can't bring themselves to say it.
- Leaving You to Find Myself
- Love Will Lead You Back
- Only One Name: Who needs last names when your first names are AMAZING?
- The Power of Friendship: The Color Kids are Bros for LIFE, and then some. Also, Love Dodecahedron.
Characters in this story provide examples of:
- Always Camp: Hoang also happens to be a bit transgender, though he really only cares for the makeup.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Most of the boys get a chance for one! The most important declarations are between Sacha and Cobar and Stormy and Bo.
- Battle Couple: Most of the characters. Seriously.
- The Charmer: Brodie fits this bill, hands down. Helps that he's totally Irish (black Irish!). Also a bit of a Boisterous Bruiser
- Face Heel Turn: Cobar, quite The Lancer, wanted to be the perfect hero. Also, GDAY' MATE.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Aeryn, and he's also a Villainous Crossdresser!
- The Jailbait Wait: Go Zahur, go Stormy, stay strong!!
- Aeryn just wants to be Lonely Together with Cobar....
- And Zahur lives in a world of cardboard because he DOES know his own strength.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: The MAIN cast exceeds 10. The minor cast could go on forever....
- Megane: Jung. He's also the Team Mom and Nice Guy
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Sacha, Brodie, Stormy... but actually, only Zahur fills ALL the criteria for TD&H.
- Troubled but Cute: Sacha and Stormy, for the most part.