< Tamers Forever Series

Tamers Forever Series/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Who can honestly say they didn't get excited when they saw that Gallantmon was going to be fighting Piedmon.
  • Awesome Ego: Chaos is outrageously cocky but he's so damn charismatic and funny, that this only serves to enhance his appeal
  • Come for the X, Stay for the Y: Come for the insanely hilarious antics and touchingly realistic romance. Stay for the incredibly engaging plot.
  • Complete Monster:
    • The fake Gennai. What he does to Mimi is quite possibly the most disturbing act of callousness in the entire franchise (canon included).
    • Daemon definitely counts as well. There is nothing he cares about more than inflicting as much suffering as possible, and he is perfectly willing to slaughter thousands including a seven year old girl in order to get what he wants.
    • The Nightmare is another example, an Ax Crazy, digital, Humanoid Abomination that delights in causing pain to others so that it can enjoy their reactions. Takato even says that it's worse than D-Reaper
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Theory Of Chaos ... just... Theory Of Chaos.
  • Cult Classic: Tamers Forever could be seen as a Cult Classic among Digimon fan fiction circles. It's not as well known as some other Digifics out there, But it is absolutely adored by those who have read it. (Just look at the reviews Silent Sorrow recieved)
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Pauline. Want to know how popular she is? There are Takari Fan Girls who ship Pauline and Takeru together. seriously
  • Growing the Beard:
    • Although Tamers Forever is an undoubtedly fun and surprisingly well written series, it's still fairly average, until "Forget the Y 2 K, This is Madness!!", whereupon the series adopts a quality of writing that is on par if not better than that of professional authors.
    • Then along comes Silent Sorrow, which takes Emotional Torque Up to Eleven, throws in a fantastically deep and complicated plot and wonderfully insightful Character Development and tops it all of by having a ridiculously large Holy Shit Quotient, essentially growing a beard so massive, it could be used as a rope ladder to heaven.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Rika's comment in the anime episode "To Fight or Not to Fight" becomes rather amusing when you find out just how powerful Terriermon is:

Don't make me laugh, you honestly think that weeny little bunny can stand up to Renamon?

  • Holy Shit Quotient: Silent Sorrow has one so massive it broke the needle FIFTY SEVEN TIMES!!
  • Iron Woobie: Takato could be the poster boy for this trope, the amount of physical and mental torment he suffers through over the course of the series must be seen to be beleived, but he take it all on with a smile on his face. Seriously, the kid is a walking talking Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Rika, oh dear god, RIKA!! She is self-centered and mean, with an outrageous competitive streak. But it is physically impossible to read Silent Sorrow and not have your heart ache for her after seeing what the author puts her through.
  • Laughably Evil: Even if he's not technically evil, there is no denying that Chaos is absolutely hilarious.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Averted BRUTALLY.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Chaos. Let's break it down, shall we? He has spent centuries manipulating humanity's most powerful figureheads in order to create worldwide chaos,. He is a ruthless tactician and a nigh unstoppable Badass. Not to mention being quite a hit with the ladies. (Although how much of that last part is simply his own bragging is up for debate). And he tops it all of by being witty, funny, charismatic and all in all, just a joy to watch
  • Magnum Opus: Silent Sorrow, the final and by far the meatiest of the five books.
  • Magnum Opus Dissonance: Tamers Forever was originally intended to be a mere side project while the author overcame his writers block.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Daemon crosses this when he tries to kill Suzie Wong
    • The Fake Gennai crosses over when he kidnaps Mimi's unborn child
  • The Woobie: You can't help but feel sorry for Pauline once it's revealed that she desperately loves Takeru but she can never be with him, because she's just a computer program.
  • Wangst An in-universe example. Takeru calls himself out on this:

I wish we could switch places. If my death could save the world, I'd gladly give my life. I have nothing left here. Not anymore. But you're still so young. You could be so happy…you would make her so happy. But I can't. You're the one who has to die, and I have to stay and live this empty, meaningless life. And I'm a bastard for feeling sorry for me when you're the one who I should worry the most for. You're the one who is going to die, but my heart cries for my living. I'm worthless.

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