< Tamers Forever Series

Tamers Forever Series/Funny

Seeing as how Tamers Forever started as a comedy series, one would expect it to have a few funny moments.


Let's just say you won't be disappointed...

    • There is a reason why that quote is arguably the most memorable line in the entire series
  • Like any respectable Guile Hero, Takato will often try to bluff his way out of a tough situation. It NEVER works.
  • From Omni-Tamer chapter 2:

Henry: I guess...that's the end...of our plan...
Takato: Hell no! We still have half the city to check out!
Henry: No way, Takato! We've entered every possible place we could think of, with and without permission. By now we've been chased out by a mailman, a butcher, two drunken homeless guys, a pack of rabid dogs... Do you want me to go on?
Takato: You forgot the ice cream guy...
Henry: Oh, shut up!

  • 80% of the pre and post chapter stingers- involving the author and the characters discussing the events in the chapter- qualify as a Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • Card-O-Rama: chapter 4 "When Rika's fist meets Takato's face". That title is a Crowning Moment of Funny all on its own.
  • One of the many wonderful things about Tamers Forever is that it is full of valuable life lessons. Such as:
  • Horny Pauline: all I can say is Poor Takeru...
  • Rika interrogating Henry about Takato's whereabouts is hilarious.
  • I would list Chaos and Ruki's Crowning Moments Of Funny but it would take up half the site.
  • The entire premise of Theory of Chaos is this trope on crack.
    • Basically what happens is a Doumon bewitches all the tamers except for Takato into becoming the embodiment of each of the seven deadly sins- so we now have Rika Nonaka as a freaking avatar of lust!. The whole thing is just so WRONG it's hilarious, and Ruki and Chaos's comments make it that much better.
  • In Theory of Chaos chapter 2, Terriermon decides to play matchmaker for Henry. This is how he does it:

Terriermon (to random female stranger): Hey cute thing, why don't you come here for some fun? You can bring your friends too!

    • This is followed by Henry doing the most epic Oh Crap expression EVER.
  • Then there's this priceless bit of dialogue from Silent Sorrow chapter 8:

Rika: That Gogglehead…I don't know if I should kiss him or kick him.
Renamon: …Rika…
Rika: What is it, Renamon?
Renamon: You do realize I just heard everything you said?
Rika: What do you mean by…AWW CRAP!

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