Survival is a Fan Fiction for The Hunger Games written by author Amata le Fay. It is of the Sumbit-Your-Own-Tribute variety, chronicling the 191st Hunger Games.
At the beginning of the story, Gamemaker Amata le Fay is preparing for just another normal Games when she is approached by the president of Panem, who has rigged the Reapings in order to flush out rebels. She gives Amata the names of six tributes that must be killed (painfully) by the end of the Games. The story follows the 24 tributes as they navigate the arena and try to escape their doomed fates.
The story can be found here.
- Absent-Minded Professor: Thalia has shades of this, despite not being an actual professor.
- Abusive Parents: Riley's.
- Action Girl: The female Careers, and Bri.
- Action Survivor: All the normal tributes out there who, well, survive.
- Aerith and Bob: It's natural in the Hunger Games universe.
- Alliterative Name: Thalia Trinket, Veras Valdez, Riley Rynne, and Kirby Knightly.
- Alternate Universe Fic: The second rebellion failed and the Hunger Games live on. The Capitol's savior Commander Gale Hawthorne was involved.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Mint is a blight on Emerald's existence. Subverted with Mouse, whom Parker loves dearly.
- Anti-Hero: Inevitable given the circumstances.
- The Archer: Emily and Bri.
- Author Avatar: Amata the Gamemaker.
- Ax Crazy: Luka is beginning to show signs of this...
- Big Sister Worship: Mouse to Parker.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Jace, Bri, and Caprice's alliance.
- Blood Knight: The Careers all count, but Luka pretty much takes the cake.
- Brainy Brunette: Thalia.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Oh, Thalia.
- Chekhov's Gun: Noaa's "poem" and district token holds a great deal of significance to the avoxes.
- Children Forced to Kill: in the Games, although the Careers don't need as much forcing as others.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Alluded to for several tributes.
- Deadly Game: The Hunger Games.
- Deadpan Snarker: Everybody has their moments, but particularly Luka, Emerald, and Jace. Especially Jace.
- Death Seeker: Eventually, Kirby.
- Disability Immunity: Averted. Link (prosthetic leg) and Anderson (blind) are most definitely not spared from the horrors of the Games.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Parker notes that Yon has these at his reaping. Granted, they're pretty dull eyes no matter what mood he's in.
- Dull Surprise: Yon doesn't show much emotion in anything. That's probably because he doesn't have any of his own.
- Five-Man Band /FiveBadBand: Depending on how you view the Careers:
- The Hero/ The Big Bad: Carreen, leaning more towards hero.
- The Lancer/ The Dragon: Luka, more towards dragon. It looks like he's going The Starscream route.
- The Smart Guy/ The Evil Genius: Emerald.
- The Big Guy/ The Brute: Marius.
- The Chick/ The Dark Chick: Emily.
- The Sixth Ranger: Gabriel.
- Gallows Humor: Che uses it a lot. According to his friends, it's not that funny.
- Genius Cripple: Link, though YMMV on the "genius" part.
- Hair of Gold: Played straight with Neetamarie and possibly Emily, subverted hard with Luka, Emerald, and Carreen.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Noaa's generally a nice guy, until he gets angry.
- Heroic Sociopath: Luka, as described by his creator and his reaping chapter title. But the "heroic" part of it has yet to be seen...
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Taken to a new extreme with Eadem's mother. Averted by Eadem himself, who does not, under any circumstances, wish to be a normal kid, as a result of his mother's condition.
- I'll Kill You!: Luka's main threat when convincing Ivan to let him volunteer.
- The Ingenue: Emily.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Apparently why Link is trained in them.
- Knife Nut: Luka and Emerald.
- La Résistance: President Shadow and Gamemaker Amata want to destroy this during the Games.
- Lottery of Doom: the reapings.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: Chantelle and Anderson, whose families were caught up in the riots. Well, they haven't technically died yet...
- The Pollyanna: Parker desperately wants for there to be a bright side.
- President Evil: President Shadow seems to be going this way, but we can't know for sure.
- Overly Long Name: Fawn Serenity Emerald Honeycomb. Naturally, she shortens it.
- Shout-Out: A lot. Some are courtesy of the tributes' creators; some are just due to the author's love of Stephen Sondheim.
- Stepford Snarker: Jace, as both Noaa and she herself point out.
- Switching POV: As with most SYOT stories.
- The Hunter: Bri, for Emily.
- The Stoic/The Spock: Veras Valdez, who has decided that he will deliberately cut off his emotions and make all decisions through logic and rationalization.
- Caprice Alexander also tries to suppress her emotions most of the time, with minimal success.
- Tempting Fate: Several of the non-volunteers, but especially Emily.
"I'm not going into the Games. Not this year, not any year. I know of at least twenty girls dying to take that place, and it's a pretty large district, besides."
- Also, Sheldon Bates is taking things a little too far for comfort at the beginning of Parker's chapter:
"So, you see, Parker, it's even more statistically unlikely that you will get picked this year than the other years, given our escort's tendency to mix it up and then pick from the top. You have three slips—no tesserae—which, combined, take up approximately-"
- World of No Grandparents: Averted with Chantelle and her family.