< Superego


Sam Herbert

"Look, I don't want your 'help,' okay? I was just leaving!"

A sysadmin and the first character introduced. Hates to be around others and wants to get out as soon as possible. He has number 0 and Paranoid Personality Disorder.

"What kind of twisted freak would hit a girl?!"

Percy O'Neil

"Surely we could compare notes! Aren't you as confused as I?"

A nonfiction-novelist-slash-newspaper-columnist. Never seen without his notebook and is trying hard to figure out the hospital's mysteries. He has number 4 and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder.

Ava von Hall

"This place is spooky! I thought I was soooooo alone here!"

A college dropout and waitress. Appears to care more about flirting and socialization than her new situation. She has number 50 and Histrionic Personality Disorder.

Cherry Trau

"Uh... never... nevermind... "

A college biology student. Ridiculously shy and has a stuttering problem, but tries to be helpful. She has number 82 and Avoidant Personality Disorder.

Red Diamond/Louis Stone

"I don't take kindly to being shoved around."

A stockbroker who introduces himself with an alias. Skeptical and calm, until others get on his nerves. He has number 7 and Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Rick L. Worth

"You must not have run into many good people, but never fear. You've ran into the best possible option."

A football coach and PE teacher. Towers over the rest of the cast and readily talks about himself. He has number 81 and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Juliet Ross

"I've been expecting you!"

A telephone psychic who has been obsessively painting pictures across the hospital. She has number 22 and Schizotypal Personality Disorder.

Quin Orwell

"You're really great at first impressions!"

A photographer who was found on the roof. Gets irritated easily. She has number 83 and Borderline Personality Disorder.

Helen Bixby

"We have to stick together, okay?"

A well-to-do homemaker who is afraid of being alone. After her number was called by Juliet through the intercom, she woke up on a bed in the middle of a forest within Room 2310. She has number 6 and Dependent Personality Disorder.

Darrel Grey

A doctor who was woken up by Helen. He is currently "checking a few things", as per his words. He has number 20 and Schizoid Personality Disorder.

-the shadows

A group of monsters who patrol the hospital, seeming to be the embodied self-destructive impulses of the characters. They have the ability to take the form of a mass of black tentacles or a colored outline of the character they're pursuing at the time. They also seem to have some control over the hospital itself, being able to create doors to surreal Black Bug Rooms which may or may not be the Shadows themselves.

  • Big Bads: As of yet, or at least the real one's Co-Dragons.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Percy's Shadow gets into his notes, which are also a representation of the out of character Records. He proceeds to vandalize those with nightmarish graffiti until Percy got the notes back.
  • Break Them by Talking: Their modus operandi.
  • Combat Tentacles
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Sam's Shadow turns out to be fairly nice when dealing with people not Sam, even showing Quin and Ava to where he is. He also explains that each Shadow is a representation of a person's repressed personality traits, which means they can represent positive aspects as well.
  • Hearing Voices: They're the voices.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: They have a tendency to stalk the characters in "black squiggle" form. They don't notice it, but the audience does.
  • Secret Test of Character: Their goal is to make their normal versions accept the personality traits they represent. This is not a bad thing.
  • Voice of the Legion: They speak with their respective character's color, in all lower case, on a black highlight.
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