< Suikoden V

Suikoden V/Funny

  • The team's reaction to entering Haud Village, a town created by "artists", for the first time.

Lyon: Is... is the circus in town?
Georg: I think the town IS the circus.
Zegai: It is... an attack on my senses.

  • Rahal's disguise invokes Stupid Sexy Flanders towards the rest of the party.
  • Frey and Lyon throwing up in the sea when they were traveling towards the Island Nations.
  • Egbert. Nuff' said.
    • This troper's personal favorite is "I'll stab him in the FOREHEAD with my FINGERNAIL!"
  • Kyle explaining to the prince that he wanted to come along to Lunas with him and the Princess. Since he was exempt from Lordlake and Stormfist, he wanted to do something. Ferid's response? "They'd be safer in the jaws of a Creeper!" When you find out what the ceremony entails, you have to give Ferid credit for saving his daughter and sister-in-law from the eyes of a pervert.
    • Not to mention his reaction when you admit you DIDN'T see anything.
  • Sialeeds wanting to beat some sense into the hero's doppelganger. Lyon stutters at first as if to tell her "how could you?" but really says "How could you not invite ME to slap him senseless too?!"
  • Sialeeds is not to be disturbed while sleeping. Or else you'd get a a big black eye. Poor Lyon.
  • Bath scenes are chock full of humor.
  • Zwieg intruding on Viki and Lorelai's conversation...in the bath. They were understandably shocked...until Zwieg points out that Lorelai would do the same thing. She agrees. Cue Viki screaming in terror and running.
  • The furo scene, where Subala and Lun discuss their assets. Subala points out that Lun's grew so big because she's been drinking that... "suff". Lun's mother, Kisara, tells Subala she can have some too, if she likes. Cue shocked responses... until they find out she's talking about Raja's tea...
    • And that Kisara was talking about how big and round it made Lun's... eyes.
  • Pretty much the entire scene where Euram Barrows tries to discredit the Prince in Sable. The group has the bright idea to go with his plan at first, then turn around and reveal it to everyone. Which results in terrible acting all around. Sialeeds and Lyon are easily the worst, with Faylen and Faylon not being much better.
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