< Suikoden V
Suikoden V/Rune Masters
- The Archmage: She's one of, if not the best magic users in the game and wields the powerful Star Rune.
- Badass Long Robe
- Flechette Storm: She hurls needle-like darts in combat.
- Game Breaker: To quote a rather amusing comment from a walkthrough; "If you equip her with a Magic Absorb Rune on her right hand and a Flowing Rune on her left, the game will basically just give up and let you win"
- Good Is Not Nice
- In the Hood
- Jerkass: She get better around the last moments of the game, though only to the prince.
- Mysterious Past: She is aquainted with Jeane and Leknaat, which is intriguing and throws up even more questions about who or what she is...
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Possibly, given her connection to the above mentioned characters.
- Sour Supporter
- The Snark Knight
- Stealth Hi Bye: She has a bad habit of showing up, insulting everyone who so much as breathes in her general direction, and disappearing just as quickly.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Witch Species: Possibly.
- Woman in Black
- Child Mage: In appearance - but this could be deceptive if she is (as is implied) of the same group as Jeane.
- Death Is Cheap: If she's killed in a war battle, Jeane hints that she will eventually come back, although she never does during the game.
- Magic Wand: She wields the Ner-Gal staff.
- Miko: She wears the robes of the Nagarean clergy.
- Mysterious Past: Like Zerase, she is also aquainted with Jeane, who refers to Eresh as her "comrade".
- Mysterious Waif: Canon-wise, she is potentially even more powerful than the legendary Jeane, as only she can penetrate the very lower levels of the ancient Armes ruins in the Big Hole.
- No Mouth: The lower half of her face is obscured by her veil.
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- Strange Syntax Speaker: She has a peculiar manner of speech.
- Badass Long Robe: Albeit hers is EXTREMELY abbreviated in this game.
- Crystal Ball
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: To Holy Shit Quotient levels in this game.
- Heel Face Turn: She works with the Godwins at the beginning of the game, but quickly gets fed up with their tactics and agenda and quits. The Prince can hire her afterwords.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hot Witch: Magic is her speciality - she is always encountered as a rune mistresss.
- Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Turns up in every single Suikoden title, regardless of space or time differences.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl
- Ms. Fanservice: For the whole Suikoden series.
- Magical Lady Warrior
- Mysterious Past: No one knows where or when she came from.
- Opera Gloves
- Peek-a-Bangs: She's often drawn with her hair (sexily) over one eye.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Recurring Character
- Secret Identity: Apparently, she has a 'true form' which is not visible to humans, and she wishes to keep it that way.
- She's Got Legs
- Statuesque Stunner
- Stripperiffic: Her outfits have become more and more outrageously flimsy and 5's is perhaps the skimpiest yet, consisting of a few well-placed strips of gold cloth...and nothing else.
- Witch Species: Possibly.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair Instead of being a White-Haired Pretty Girl like her counterparts in the other games, she has pink hair. Word of God is that this is to distinguish her from Arshtat, thus making sure players new to the series wouldn't assume she's a member of the royal family.
- The Ditz
- Dojikko: Poor clumsy Viki!
- Magical Girl Warrior: From Suikoden 2 onwards, she can be added to the active party. She has excellent magic stats, combined with the Blinking Rune's unique magic attacks.
- Moe
- Mysterious Past: No one really knows where she came from. Or perhaps as importantly, when.
- Nurse Jenny: Like Jeane, she turns up in every single Suikoden game, regardless of space/time differences. Unlike Jeane, however, this is explained by her powers of teleportation.
- Purity Personified
- Recurring Character
- Running Gag: She never gets to finish the banquet meals after the games.
- Temporal Paradox: Especially evident in 5 - Her odd teleportation patterns cause confusion for those she comes across - for example, Lorelai, having first met Viki in the Twilight Forest in Falena, is surprised when Viki does not recognize her later when fighting together in the Sun Rune War, failing to understand that her first meeting with Viki was the result of Viki teleporting from several years in the future - as a result, at that time, she had never seen Lorelai before in her life.
- Warp Whistle: Her speciality - as bearer of the Blinking Rune, she can (most of the time, see below) transport the hero and his party to any destination previously visited.
- Teleporter Accident: Her abilities can be hit and miss, occasionally landing the characters in completely random locations. Some of which can only be reached by one of Viki's errors.
- Malfunction Malady: The above teleport mistakes are accompanied with a little sneeze!
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Despite her clutziness, she's very keen to help out.
- Woman in White
- The Archmage: He is not as powerful as some of the other mages (Zerase, for example) but he's still nothing to scoff at.
- The Professor: He's an expert on rune magic, but dislikes the term "wizard" and refers to himself as a "magic rune scholar".
- Badass Grandpa
- The Beast Master: He wields the Blue Gate Rune, a rune used to summon monsters from another world to attack enemies.
- Earthshattering Kaboom: He claims to have created the 'Big Hole' in order to have his apprentice Bergen mine there for materials that may be of use for his research.
- Grumpy Old Man
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He comes across as very gruff and irritable, but does (albeit to further his research) agree to help Norma find a cure for Ernst's lycanthropy.
- Kid Sidekick: Bergen, who he treats fairly shabbily, but keeps him interested with the promise furthering his training.
- Magic Wand: He wields the The Viper Staff
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Talking Weapon: The snake motif on his staff is actually a real snake....
- Speaks Fluent Animal: ....with whom he holds regular conversations (in snake!)
- Time to Unlock More True Potential: His speciality - has the Tutor skill that allows magic training anywhwere.
- Up to Eleven: His magicial abilities.
- Witch Species: Possibly.
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